Sumo Introduction F10. theCOMPETITION Crash course in robotics for the inexperienced/curious.


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Presentation transcript:

Sumo Introduction F10

theCOMPETITION Crash course in robotics for the inexperienced/curious.

theTOOLS We’ve designed a custom PCB specifically for the competition. You solder it together. We give you sheet metal. You design and build a chassis. We give you a firmware API, and you design and implement software strategy.

designHINTS Most effective designs usually incorporate some sort wedge design Simple designs are more effective Keep in mind how the chassis is going to be manufactured to ensure ease of construction

minisumoBOARD Robots are controlled by a microcontroller MiniSumo robots use Atmel ATMega KB Program ROM 1 KB RAM 8 MHz Clock Speed Teams will be developing the software that runs on the microcontroller

developmentTOOLS C programming language Arduino IDE Serial Port

arduinoIDE Write code Compile Upload Debug

serialPORT Remember these? Very common in the embedded world You will use it for: Uploading software to board Debugging

exampleSOFTWARE Example software will be posted on the Robotics Team website on the weekend. Fully functional Interfaces with motors and sensors Basic control logic Excellent base for custom code

learnMORE Arduino Software Getting Started Foundations

sumoRULES The following slides outline the rules of the competition There are many, most are based off ridiculous suggestions from the past. They are available on our website

sumoRULES 12cm x 12cm is base limit Robot must weigh less than 500g Chassis can be built without the sheet metal provided if desired, but may not be kit built Robot may not fly The robot must have a name

sumoRULES Must be completely untethered and autonomous Must be battery powered No compressed gas or other dangerous material may be used in competition No active jamming devices may be used Magnets may not be used

sumoRULES Before moving, robot must have 5 second delay after switch is thrown No parts may be jettisoned from robot, including smaller robots Minor loss of parts during competition is acceptable, subject to judge’s discretion

sumoRULES Pushing is the only acceptable form of offense. No spinning, sprung or other forms of weaponry The robot must not employ any sort of device or material intended to hold down the robot down. Rubber tires are acceptable, super glued tires are not.

arenaRULES Arena is a non-reflective black surface surrounded by a white painted ring, 770mm internal diameter Sample rings will be made available for public testing during the the days approaching the competition.

matchRULES Robots will begin the match side by side, facing in opposite directions, no more than 200 mm away from the edge of the ring, and the center of the ring between them. On the judges’ signal, each team will press a start button on their robot. The robot must delay for at least five seconds before beginning movement.

matchRULES The match will last for three minutes or until the first robot has exited the ring, whichever occurs first. A robot that has exited the ring loses the match “Exiting the ring” means having the entirety of the robot cross the white painted line

matchRULES If a robot is disabled and hasn’t moved for 15 seconds, it is disqualified. Rules for ties will be finalized and announced when the competition format is set

judgingRULES Judges will be determined prior to the event of competition Robots will be judged on design, creativity, appearance, as well as performance The robot that wins the tournament does not necessarily win the competition Tournament format will be announced approaching the day of the event

judgingRULES The overall winner will receive a cash prize in the range of $ Smaller prizes may be awarded to 2 nd and 3 rd place teams subject to availability

thisWEEKEND Electronics tutorial starts Saturday at 1pm in RCH309. All teams Attend. At ~1:30, TWO members from each team will go with us to the Church lab in E3X to the first soldering tutorial/session. The rest will stay for a mechanical tutorial, followed by machine shop tours.

questions? This presentation is posted on our website You should check our website often.