Nuclear Science User Facilities (NSUF) DOE Headquarters Perspective Michael Worley Director, Office of Innovative Nuclear Research Office of Nuclear Energy.


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Presentation transcript:

Nuclear Science User Facilities (NSUF) DOE Headquarters Perspective Michael Worley Director, Office of Innovative Nuclear Research Office of Nuclear Energy U.S. Department of Energy June 22, 2015

2 Overview Office of Science and Technology Innovation Overview Consolidated Innovative Nuclear Research Solicitation Path Forward

3 Office of Nuclear Energy Structure

4 Science and Technology Innovation Competitive, crosscutting and transformative nuclear energy research and infrastructure support Coordination and integration with other NE R&D programs to achieve a balanced portfolio Science and Technology Innovation R&D NEUP NEET-CTD SBIR/STTR R&D Infrastructure RRI NSUF NEAMS Fuels Product Line Reactor Product Line

5 NSUF Budget History $18.5M total FY 2015 Base NSUF Budget $ 3.1M to new large awards in FY 2015  $2.6M for three access-only awards  $0.5M for one combined R&D and access award $3.4M to previously-awarded experiments in FY 2015  Fully funds mortgaged experiments FY10FY11FY12FY13FY14FY15 $22.195M$20.350M$14.563M $18.509M

6 Consolidated Innovative Nuclear Research Solicitation Objective: To promote efficiency and the effective use of resources 2013: CINR first released  Included NEET R&D  Universities could submit dual R&D and NSUF access proposals 2014: NSUF participates in infrastructure award selection  Jim Cole joined panel to give an expert opinion on priorities 2015: NSUF fully integrated in the CINR  Access-only awards  Combined R&D and access awards

7 Pathway to NSUF Success Improve program efficiency and utilization of funding  Funding all previously awarded mortgaged projects in FY 2015  Streamlining user’s week into a three day research exchange NSUF to become the focal point for NE infrastructure investments and R&D using key NSUF capabilities  Establish a capabilities and equipment database  Provide input on the NEUP infrastructure awards  Requests for NSUF access awards now open to industry and national labs Optimize partner utilization  Updating all partnership relationships  Working to promote effective use of partner capabilities


9 NEUP/IUP Structure Competitive process for awarding U.S. University-led R&D and infrastructure projects, and scholarships/fellowships to US or permanent resident students in NE fields of study. To date, NEUP/IUP have awarded $401M to 104 US universities/schools in 39 states and DC. US universities can be supported by US national labs, industry, and international partners NEUP/IUP Award Structure Program Directed Integrated Research Projects Program Supporting Infrastructure General Scientific Equipment Reactor Upgrades Research & Development (Program) Mission Supporting Research & Development (Transformative) Student Investment Fellowships and Scholarships

10 Nuclear Energy Enabling Technologies Crosscutting Technology Development Provide solutions that address critical gaps relevant to crosscutting nuclear energy technologies Objectives:  Conduct research to develop innovative and crosscutting technologies leading to significant advancements for multiple reactor and fuel cycle concepts.  Support strategic infrastructure investments to enhance the national nuclear research infrastructure.