Hints Make sure you delete this red text boxes Use the basic layout of this Power Point Change colors/format to meet your needs and style You will need to add slides to parts Keep up with this DAILY Add pictures, video… STAY AWAY FROM CLIPART AND ANIMATIONS ! TAKES AWAY FROM PURPOSE OF PRESENTATION
Name of TEAM Name of Project Name of TEAM members Generic RDI (Robotic Data Information)
Table of Contents Change to your liking. Put a picture of the team, the robot or whatever fits your project. Put correct slide numbers when you are finished 00/00/00 **Try and stay away from animations and clipart! Extra: hyperlink the table of contents **Make sure you delete this text box
**This is your story, history, situation setup that leads to creating a robot to solve the problem. Like a descriptive paragraph. When you are through, make sure you delete this text box
**This is why you built the Robot. When you are through, make sure you delete this text box
**This is your challenge/problem you are solving. When you are through, make sure you delete this text box
**. Layout of robot path. When you are through, make sure you delete this text box
**Show environment. When you are through, make sure you delete this text box
**Place a copy of your NXT-G Program on this slide. Make sure to add comments inside of the program. This will be on of the last slides you finish. When you are through, make sure you delete this text box
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PROJECT LOG: 00/00/00
PROJECT LOG: 00/00/00
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PROJECT LOG: 00/00/00
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PROJECT LOG: 00/00/00
PROJECT LOG: 00/00/00