Organization of your kit:. Gracious Professionalism Politeness example: Politeness non-example: Fair sharing example: Fair sharing non-example:


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Presentation transcript:

Organization of your kit:

Gracious Professionalism Politeness example: Politeness non-example: Fair sharing example: Fair sharing non-example:

“I message” example: “I message” non-example: Constructive feedback example: Constructive feedback non-example: Gracious Professionalism

Last Week We built the smart spinner We learned how to use a motion sensor to give input – What types of sensors do robots use? – Try to think of as many as you can. Make a list in your notebook.

Neo Robot Watch the video clip about the Neo robot. How many sensors do you see in the clip? watch?v=2STTNYNF4lk &feature=player_embe dded

Why do robots need sensors?

Can Robots Think?


If _________________ then GO TO NEXT STEP.

How is the robot’s program like your brain? How is it different? SimilaritiesDifferences

Are robot soccer players better than humans? lego- bot+News

The Hungry Alligator Make an alligator that chews its food Let’s build it!

Alligator Program 1

Alligator Program 2

Can you make the program do this? Make it chew twice instead of once. Make the alligator say something when it is done eating.

Which program did you think was best? Why?

? How can we make our robot alligator more like a real alligator? What do you need to know?

? Why are sensors needed in robots? Why are programs needed? Can a robot think?

Something to think about… James McLurkin, a robot scientist (or roboticist) has said "It is difficult to articulate to people who aren't in the field how stupid robots are". Why do you think he said this? What does he mean?

Learning Log for: February 25 Gracious professionalism: ___ I showed politeness ___ I shared fairly ___ I gave my partner constructive feedback ___ I used “I messages” when talking to my partner What I did today: What I learned today: I think that the most important thing to remember is that: What I still want to know: