CESA #4 October 19, 2011 Sherri K. Torkelson, LVEC
Wisconsin High School Teacher of the Year: A CTE teacher…. Agriculture and Natural Resources Teacher from CESA #4: BRAD MARKHARDT, Black River Falls
CTE Theme NASDCTEc “Making the Difference” Perkins Consortium CTE Leadership Service Complimentary Resources Contact List
-CESA #4 Calendar -DPI CTE Calendar
Overview of the grant Programs of Study (POS) and 5 components Allowable Expenses Required and Permissible Uses of Funds Supplement/Supplant
The purpose of the Carl D. Perkins Act is to develop more fully the academic and career and technical skills of secondary ed students and postsecondary students who elect to enroll in career and technical education programs “Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006”
Leading CTE into the 21 st Century by: Embracing a global perspective Program improvement and advancement Ensuring modern, durable and rigorous CTE programs Closing academic and technical achievement gaps Promoting postsecondary education for all
5.To receive CPA 4 Formula Allocation funding for any career and technical education, career development, career and technical student organization (CTSO), or other activity, the applicant must identify at least one Program of Study that has been “verified” by stakeholders. All costs must be related to the selected Program (s) of Study
The Program of Study (POS) Implementation Model is to be developed and funded through activities that develop all five elements needed for successful implementation over a 3-5 year period.
General Foundations School Counseling and Career Development Rigorous Curriculum and Quality Instruction Transition Planning and Policy Accountability and Continuous Improvement
integrate academics with CTE programs via a coherent sequence of courses link CTE at secondary and post secondary level by offering relevant elements of not less than 1 CTE Program of Study provide students with all aspects of an industry which may include work-based learning develop, improve, expand the use of technology in CTE provide professional development programs to teachers/faculty/counselors/administrators involved in integrated CTE programs
develop and implement evaluations of CTE programs including assessment of how the needs of special populations are being met initiate/improve/expand/modernize quality CTE programs including relevant technology provide services and activities that are of sufficient size, scope, and quality provide activities to prepare special populations enrolled in CTE program for high skill/high wage or high demand occupations.
Remember the five elements? Let’s talk about those, and the required and permissible uses of funds. Page 2 of the handout “How Can I Use Perkins Funds?” WI POS Implementation Component Guide DRAFT : POS Implementation Component Guide and Evidence (developed by CESA LVEC’s, still in draft form)
Professional Development Career activities Teacher materials, supplies, equipment Student materials, supplies equipment are all fundable if they support the CTE courses in a Published and approved POS, and/or are necessary to develop or continue articulated agreements with the WTCS.
Remember the “Supplement”, NOT “Supplant” provision in the grant!!!
Planning Worksheet (in district’s manila folder) Current POS Contacts and changes Status of Five Components Local and Perkins funds to be used? POS on WI Career Pathway? See Key for columns
District Profile in District Folder for Sherri’s LVEC Schools -Review Continuous Improvement progress -Review Compliance document from Complete Indicator and Measure Compliance plan for 12-13
To assist schools in creating sustained, systemic change through programs of study, connecting secondary schools with post- secondary instructional programs and 21 st century careers.
Models and Framework Planning Tools Discussion of each Component Resources
Example Career Cluster- Manufacturing Career Pathway- Maintenance Installation and Repair Program of Study- Electro-Mechanical Individual Learning Plan- A plan for coursework related artifacts, and experience from 8th grade through 14 and beyond
Laying the Groundwork and gathering the stakeholders… Partnerships Policies and Procedures Professional Development Accountability and Evaluation Systems
Design and Building components… College and Career Readiness Standards Skill Attainment certifications Articulation Agreements Course Sequencing Accountability and Evaluation Systems
Engage students through… Professional development for staff Teaching and Learning School Counseling and Academic Advising Continued professional development
Formative Assessment: Intended to improve efforts, understand strengths, redesign as needed Summative Evaluation: Assesses program outcomes or impacts
Section II in the POS Implementation Guide provides examples of what each of these components looks like in the development stage, the implementation stage and the refinement stage.
Section III in the Guide gives you a deeper look at each of the components and provides: Self-evaluation opportunities Resources relevant to the component Sample agendas for meetings and workshops Data examples AN EXCELLENT RESOURCE!!!!
Builders/Educators Students – Really Cool Stuff!!
CTE Student Achievement handout – national information DPI Website -District Profiles -CTEERS Basic Facts Comparison Examples -Racine CTE Performance Report -DPI Data Resources
What is it? – Career and Technical Education Enrollment Reporting System – Collects required Carl Perkins Act (CPA) secondary student enrollment data for the purpose of accountability from: All districts in receipt of CPA funding – To do this there are two reports: Composite Enrollment Report due on or before July 15th Concentrator Completer Graduate Follow-up Report due on or before May 1 st of the following year
DATA Flowchart District Profile -Federal Core Indicators -State Measures CTEERS Basic Facts Comparison Chart What does it tell you????
Family & Consumer Sciences: Business and Information Technology (B & IT): Agriculture & Natural Resources: Technology Education: Health Science: Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship:
Agriculture: 2007 (Food Science) Technology Education: 2008 (Science) Family and Consumer Sciences: 2010 (Food Sci) Business & Info Tech: 2011 (ELA)
Timeline for revision of DPI CTE Standards handout State CTE Directors CTE and Common Core Standards handout CTE Advocacy Tools handout tools.html tools.html
Wisconsin Comprehensive School Counseling Model
Four Components School Counseling Curriculum: classroom, curriculum development, group activities, parent workshops Responsive Services: individual & small groups, crisis, consultations, referrals Individual Student Planning: individual & small group appraisal or advisement System Support: professional development, consultation, collaboration, program management
Conferencing is a process that involves activities planned and directed by school counselors that assists students in planning, monitoring, and managing their own learning, as well as, their personal and career development. Through these activities, students are encouraged and given opportunities to set and evaluate their educational and career goals and develop their Individual Learning Plan that will help them achieve their educational, career and life goals.
Wisconsin Comprehensive School Counseling Model Deb and Annette – connections with Programs of Study
DPI Quality Program Standards Agriculture and Natural Resources withisbn_000.pdf withisbn_000.pdf Business and Information Tech Family and Consumer Sciences
Health Science Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship ework% pdf ework% pdf ask=blogcategory&id=205&Itemid=330 target=blank Technology and Engineering
DPI CTE Resource Document DPI Career Clusters Pathways Document DPI Disciplinary Literacy National Association of State Directors of Career and Technical Education Consortium ( Association of Career and Technical Education (