Educational Technology Initiatives in New York State
Overview Provide an overview of the many initiatives around Educational Technology and help to connect some of the puzzle pieces to ensure funding is used wisely and for the right purposes.
Funding Streams and Various Initiatives E-Rate Federal Programs Broadband Instructional Technology Plans Smart Schools
E-Rate E-rate modernization orders released by the FCC in The major changes included: Broadband connectivity, both to and within schools and libraries. Phase-out or elimination of E-rate support for voice services, webhosting, and cellular data services. Annual E-rate funding was raised $1.5 billion (from roughly $2.4 B to $3.9 B) Availability of funding for internal networks
Innovative Technology Expands Children's Horizons (I-TECH) Formerly - Enhancing Education through Technology program (EETT) Part of the new Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) The new version will be administered by SEAs distributed competitively to the LEAs NYSED will keep the field posted on additional progress, as this develops
Instructional Technology Plans An application for the electronic collection of district instructional technology plans Designed to allow districts the opportunity to compile all data related to their technology planning and needs in one location The data collected in the survey may be used as the basis for funding opportunities and will satisfy the New York State Education Department's requirement that all school districts submit technology plans per Part of the Commissioner’s Regulations. The regulation states: “To be eligible for aid for instructional computer hardware and technology equipment expenses pursuant to Education Law, section 753, school district shall develop and maintain a plan, in a format prescribed by the commissioner, for the use of the instructional computer technology equipment.”
Instructional Technology Plans The Instructional Technology Plan survey questions and other supporting resources are available: The deadline for the survey is October 16, The survey covers the three-year period from July 1, 2015 to June 30, Annual updates to the survey are required.
Smart Schools Bond Act Authorizes the issuance of $2 billion of general obligation bonds to finance improved educational technology and infrastructure to improve learning and opportunity for students throughout the State: 1.Install high-speed broadband or wireless internet connectivity for schools and communities; 2.Acquire learning technology equipment or facilities, including but not limited to interactive whiteboards, computer servers, and desktop, laptop, and tablet computers; 3.Construct, enhance, and modernize educational facilities to accommodate pre- kindergarten programs and to provide instructional space to replace classroom trailers; and/or 4.Install high-tech security features in school buildings and on school campuses, including but not limited to video surveillance, emergency notification systems, and physical access controls.
NYS Broadband Program Office Serving as the state’s single point of contact for broadband issues, the NYS Broadband Program Office’s (BPO) mission is to increase economic and social opportunities through universal broadband deployment. By identifying broadband needs, and developing unique solutions, the BPO is helping to close the digital divide that exist in adoption and availability rates.
NYS Broadband Program Office New York State Broadband Strategy Development Toolkit, published by the state Broadband Office, can help guide school districts in developing their comprehensive broadband strategy for your district. The Toolkit is a step- by-step guide that will help districts to identify partners and existing assets like fiber, and develop goals for developing and using the school district network. L_ pdf L_ pdf Governor Cuomo launched #Broadband4All, a new NY Broadband Program proposal: The "Connect NY" Broadband Program provided grants through the Regional Councils and Empire State Development to expand promote and expand high- speed Internet access in rural upstate and underserved urban areas of the State.
Things to Consider Infrastructure Sustainability Professional Development
Online and Blending Learning in NYS Supervision of a NYS certified teacher employed by the district (BOCES, or through shared service agreement) Teacher to be reported as teacher of record for the issuance of credit All HS credits must have teacher of record associated Curriculum is a local decision No limitation placed on credits a student can earn online For science credits requiring labs, not only simulated labs – must have hands-on
Post Secondary School districts may arrange with institutions of higher education to provide advanced courses If such coursework is to be awarded credit toward a high school diploma, it must be provided at no cost to the student For college credit, the institution of higher education may charge the student for such college credit
Online and Blended Learning Regulatory Review Flexibility in issuing of credit for online and blended learning 100.5(d) 8 (making up of course credit) 100.5(d) 9 (independent study) 100.5(d) 10 – initial earning of course credit
Virtual Advanced Placement Race to the Top Initiative designed to provide online AP courses in districts with high levels of poverty 20 programs throughout the State – 180 school districts, 250 schools Courses range from entirely online to very traditional with additional use of technology The Binghamton University VAP Evaluation Team will, at the end of the evaluation process, will be able to recommend best practices for implementing complete online or blended virtual learning
VAP Course Repository NYSED has received over 40 VAP courses for the repository, to date NYSED is working on vetting these courses NYSED is transferring courses to their own MOODLE instance, for later access Statewide
Online Learning Advisory Council The Commissioner of Education is required to establish an Online Learning Advisory Council in accordance with Chapter 513 of the Laws of New York 2014 The Council is charged to make recommendations on establishing a statewide online and blended learning program and is required to issue a final report on or before October 1, 2015 The Act directs the Commissioner of Education to appoint five of the eleven members of the Advisory Council. The Governor, Senate and Assembly are responsible for appointing a total of 6 members. To meet the statutory requirements, the five members chosen by the Commissioner should include: A representative from a rural district A representative from a suburban district A representative from a Big 5 district A representative from a smaller urban district A second representative from one of the above categories. The five members should also represent different parts of the State, ensuring regional diversity.
Recap and What’s Coming Next… Progress regarding the use of Assistive Technologies Any updates regarding e-Books and instructional material aid Release of SSBA Guidance Online Advisory Council and Recommendations Communication regarding Funding Opportunities - I-Tech, NYS Broadband, Learning Technology Grants
Online and Blended Learning Kathleen Moorhead NYSED Executive Director Data Systems and Educational Technology Contact