A Model for EAP Training Development Zhiyun Zhang IDE 632 — Instructional Design & Development II Instructor : Dr. Gerald S. Edmonds
Introduction Employee Assistance Program (EAP) An increasingly popular tool of organizational management Introduced as a part of benefits to the employees In order to benefit a large number of employees, one of the components of EAP in china is to improve mental health awareness and equip employees with knowledge and skills through training
Six Modules -EAP of Chinese Enterprises EAP InvestigationPlanningPromotionTrainingCounselingEvaluation
Purpose To assist in the instructional development process of EAP training To provide structure, guidance and rationale for design and development of training To visualizes the instructional design process for communication and negotiation between stakeholders
Context In a business setting Assumptions : External EAP model EAP has been supported and funded Training is an innovation and planed change has been conducted in the module of promotion
The Role of the Developer Instructional Designer: to conduct analysis, design, development and evaluation phases, consult with trainers in implementation phase. Instructional Developer: to conduct development phase, work with technical specialists, consult with trainers in implementation phase. Project Manager: to make project plan, recruit and develop team, coordinate between resources and efforts of the whole team, control project progress, and consult with client company. Technical specialists: to provide support services in development and implementation phases. Trainers (subject matter experts): to consult with team throughout the project, conduct the implementation phase. Coordinators: to consult with team throughout the project, and coordinate between project and client company.
Intended Audience Direct users Head of EAP Person in charge of other EAP modules The management of the client company Others
Explanation of the Model Orientation : both descriptive and prescriptive Knowledge Structure: declarative/both of procedural and declarative Expertise Level: Intermediate to expert Structure: Expert/Soft-System-Based/Expert/Intuitive- Based Context: business Level: unit-level/lesson-level/module-level
Kemp's Model
Rapid Prototyping Model
Model for EAP Training Development
Analysis Training needs analysis (TNA) Optimal performance, actual performance, feelings, causes and solutions Problem definition Techniques: extant data analysis, needs analysis Learner analysis Education level, learning style, prior knowledge or training, motivation, physical abilities, etc. Environment analysis learning environment and working environment Resources technologies, policies, other characteristics Content analysis Prerequisite knowledge or skills, desired learning outcomes, and the content to be learned Learning hierarchy analysis Instruments: records analysis, observation, survey, interviews and focus groups Learning objectives ABCD format
Content sequencing Instructional strategies Method of delivery, instructional architecture, learning architecture, method of grouping for learning Assessment approach Assignment, test, self or peer review, participation Prototyping Development Training materials Support services
Implementation Maintenance Ongoing technical and pedagogical support
Formative Evaluation Formative evaluation and revision continue throughout the process Design review One-to-one review Expert review Small group evaluation
Summative evaluation Reaction Level1 Evaluation sheets, interview ( content relevancy, media, clarity, comfort ) Learning Level2 On site activity, Mastery Test Performance Level3 Self, peer, or supervisor review, survey Results Level4 Cost/benefit analysis, pre and post-training comparison
Management Project management Team development Communication Coordination Control
References Gustafson, K., & Branch, R. (2002). Survey of Instructional Development Models.Syracuse, NY. ERIC Clearinghouse on Information & Technology. Rossett, A. (1987). Training Needs Assessment. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications.
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