Background to the experts Tim Fox- working with European Commission, national/ local Government and various UK agencies on economic development, skills and lifelong learning Simon James – independent consultant specialising in evaluation and policy support in vocational education and work-based learning.
UK Labour Market Characteristics staying on in full-time education or training to age 18 is now the dominant pattern. 75% of 17 year olds are in full time education. Mandatory to stay on at school until 16- although this is soon to change. Employers continue to value and reward employment experience and not just formal ‘academic’ credentials. 1 in 3 17 year olds and about 1 in 4 24 years olds in the UK are out of work
Overview Education will be compulsory in the UK to age 18 by phases: Nursery 4-5 Primary 5-11 Secondary Further 16+ Higher 18+
Overview (cont) Academic v Vocational Parity of Esteem Phase for Vocational Education
Infrastructure Institutions: Primary School 5-11 Secondary School Further Education College 16 + Sixth Form College Private Training Provider 16+ University 18 +
Key Principles for Reform Wolf Report 2011 ( blicationDetail/Page1/DFE ) Lifelong Learning Good Information Simplicity
Apprenticeships 500,000 apprenticeships took place in ,000 employers in England have an apprentice in training Total Government spending on the apprenticeship programme was about £1 billion Training to apprentices is delivered by 900 training providers - mainly private sector providers and Further Education colleges
Apprenticeship Framework a package of training involving several components (all of which must be passed by the apprentice) a competency element, leading to a National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) or similar qualification, which assesses how well the apprentice performs a particular occupation; a knowledge element, leading to a qualification such as a diploma, which covers the theoretical knowledge required by an individual in a particular sector; and training in 'key' or 'functional skills', leading to qualifications in maths and English
National Diplomas Vocational/Classroom based: Art and Design Business Construction Health and Care IT and Computing Land-based Media, Music and Performing Arts Science Public Services Travel and Tourism
Careers Guidance All schools have a statutory to secure access to independent, impartial careers guidance for pupils aged but not to provide a programme of careers education and work-related learning. Schools are expected to provide the service from their existing budgets Careers guidance must be presented in an impartial manner and must also include information on all options available in respect of education or training, including apprenticeships and other work-based education and training options. No minimum number of hours specified Through the National Careers Service (NCS) young people have access to careers information from the NCS website and advisers via the telephone, , text and other online support. Young people do not, however, have access to any face-to- face guidance provision by the NCS and its remit does not extend to working with schools.
Funding All approved courses of study up to age 18 are funded by the Government Individuals 16 to 19 Bursary Fund: Pays for essential education-related costs for 16 to 19 year olds in further education or training. Covers: Course equipment lunch transport to and from school or college Apprenticeship Employed apprentices get the current 'apprentice National Minimum Wage' ( currently £2.65/13 zloty per hour)
Funding ( cont ) Apprenticeship Grant for Employers of 16 to 24 year olds (AGE 16 to 24) AGE 16 to 24 is aimed at supporting businesses to grow by employing young people through the Apprenticeship programme through a grant. The National Apprenticeship Service provides Apprenticeship grants to employers with up to 1000 employees recruiting 16 to 24 year olds with a value of £1,500 (7200 zloty) The £1,500 is in addition to the training costs of the Apprenticeship framework which are met in full for young people aged 16 to 18 and 50% for those aged 19 to 24.
Employer Involvement UK Commission on Employment and Skills (UKCES) Specifies National Occupational Standards - UK standards of performance that people are expected to achieve in their work, and the knowledge and skills they need to perform effectively. Sector Skills Councils Sector Skills Councils (SSCs) are independent, employer-led, UK– wide organisations who help to define industry sector and occupational standards in Partnership with UKCES
Individual Employers Provide training and take on Apprentices in partnership with FE Colleges or Private Training Providers
Teacher Training Since September 2007 all new teachers entering the further education sector in England and Wales have to undergo the following initial teacher training (ITT) to become a licensed practitioner: Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) a short, introductory course to the teaching strategies in further education and is the equivalent of an introduction to teaching course. PTLLS consists of 30 hours’ delivery plus 30 hours of self- directed learning. A level 3 or 4 qualification and must be completed within 12 months of taking up a teaching post Certificate in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (CTLLS). This level 3 or 4 qualification is taken after the completion of the PTLLS, and must be completed within five years of taking up a teaching post. This will qualify you to become an associate teacher. As an associate teacher you would have fewer teaching responsibilities than a full teacher
Teacher Training ( cont) Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (DTLLS) This is the minimum qualification required to work as a ‘full’ teacher in Further Education and leads to Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills (QTLS) status. The Cert Ed or PGCE within the FE sector route Higher Education ( University) courses which combine the content of the above qualifications into one package and may be called Cert Ed or PGCE within the FE sector.
Teacher Training Key Issues ( Skills Commission 2010) Teachers in further education who have the experience and expertise to teach the vocational curriculum, but who do not have Qualified Teacher Status, can only be employed as an instructor on a lower salary in schools. Teachers of vocational pathways in schools are not required to have experience in, or expertise of, the vocational pathway. The raising of the statutory education leaving age to 18 years-old in 2015 will lead to an increased demand for high quality vocational education and training. There is a lack of understanding of vocational and applied pedagogies.