Back To School Night Welcome, Parents!
Meet Mrs. Rebone My family Illinois State University Elementary Education 2 nd year at PV Taught from Hawaii to New York!
Wild About Learning “ A jungle has many plants. They grow close together…In a jungle, tall trees reach for the sun.” -Jungles by Podendorf
Reading Making Meaning Comprehension strategies Vocabulary enrichment Guided Reading Small groups, instruction at your child’s reading level Daily 5 Homework Reading Log Sight Words- red light, green light
Phonics and Decoding Heggerty daily Secret Stories LTR- Students switch classrooms Nightly homework- 5 min. or less
Writing Helping your 1 st grade writer Handwriting Handwriting Without Tears program Being a Writer personal narrative writing revision nonfiction writing poetry
Math Common Core Standards EnVision Math Stations Xtra Math Rocket Math
Operations and Algebraic Thinking Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction. Add and subtract within 20. Number and Operations in Base Ten Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract. Math (Cont.)
Measurement and Data Measure lengths indirectly and by iterating length units. Tell and write time. Represent and interpret data Geometry Reason with shapes and their attributes.
Science pond life desert life Earth, sun, moon magnets landforms
Social Studies Community/economics Holidays Map skills Patriotic symbols
Homework Students should bring their folder home each day and return it the next morning. Please check your child’s folder every day, remove completed papers(home pocket), complete homework and return to school (school pocket). Please read the assignment sheet every night, I communicate many important items this way! Graded math papers will generally not be returned. Poetry every weekend
Discipline “Banana Behavior” Consequences Positive and negative Rewards Parent-teacher communication - Green Note
Specials Schedule 2:00-3:00 Monday PE Music Tuesday PE Library Wednesday Computer s Music Thursday PE Social Skills Friday Art Lunch 11:05-11:45
Additional Information Gym shoes Volunteers-sign up!!! Scholastic-Online Hot lunch/milk Birthday invitations School Belongings-LABEL EVERYTHING!
Thank You! I am looking forward to a terrific year!