Sarangani Learning Experience Sarangani Learning Experience CBMS Tool for Responsive Local governance
Province of Sarangani MAP of MINDANAO 4th class province, nd class today 7 municipalities 140 barangays Endangered Species (seacow, whale, whale shark & Turtles: Green, Olive Ridley & Hawkbill ) M ARINE R ESOURCES 400 species of fishes Mangrove, Seagrass & Coral (42 genera) C H ARACTERISTICS : 15% of Land area A&D. 65 % gently rolling & 20% hilly and Mountainous. O ceanic Bay Total land area: 444,000 ha. Population: less than 450,000 Household density: 1 HH/4Km Total land area: 444,000 ha. Population: less than 450,000 Household density: 1 HH/4Km Coastline: 230 km Bay area: 75,000 ha. Coastline: 230 km Bay area: 75,000 ha. Indigenous Ethnic Groups more than 40% of the Population 2
Trends & Statistics Governance & Performance Confusion & Analysis Confusion & Analysis Responses Project Agreements & Implementation Sustainability Mechanism
Sarangani Performance Rising Poverty Incidence AnnualAnnual Performance rated high (semi-annual review & operation audit mechanism installed) StrongStrong Community Participation in development and decision making processes. inter-LGU, Agencies and Civil Society collaboration and alliances SufficientSufficient public & NGO lead development investment 2003 NSCB official report 9 th poorest province in Mindanao NSCB Small Area Estimate – 63% poverty incidence; 4 th in the country Hunger survey, 2007 incidence among the highest in the country SR-MICS, UNICEF, 60-70% finish elementary education
Good performance amidst increasing poverty incidence is unacceptable to the provincial leadership and development partners. Confusing... Complex... seemed unrealistic... Confusing... Complex... seemed unrealistic...
Data Source Planners & Researchers Researchers PolicyMakers Community Analysis & Interpretation Generation Mgt. & Processing Authenticity of source Veracity of responses Tools & Methods Scope & Coverage Complexity Sustainability Acceptability Usefulness Acceptability Usefulness Analysis Accuracy
Poverty incidence generated from National Survey reflects reliable trends and statistics but does not provide sufficient information or indicator as to the location, concentration, severity, magnitude and other relevant characterization that can somehow approximate local situation. Guiding Thoughts from Situation Analysis:
Development investments and interventions in response to the national aggregate data and trends does not guarantee direct trickle- down effect to the location of poverty or would be beneficiaries. Guiding Thoughts from Situation Analysis:
Public services and development investments are urban-bias and organization-centered (cooperatives) but high poverty incidence is household- based and sparsely spread in far flung Barangays. Realities implies gaps & disparity may worsen further if plight of indigenous communities are considered, Guiding Thoughts from Situation Analysis:
Data generation activity overload and results overlap especially in Project level intervention (model) Data management capacity and interpretation of LGU’s needs intensive assistance. Guiding Thoughts from Situation Analysis:
Establish local databank that captures comprehensive characterization of poverty incidence which fully suits the needs of the province. Optimal reduction of poverty at the source and root cause Sarangani response
Sarangani Databank Operations Framework Sarangani Databank Operations Framework Physical, Demography others Social Economic Infra PSCC NSO PPDO MPDO BDP Dev adm Maps Areas, etc Population, etc Health & Sanitation Social Capacities Hazard & vulnerability Education & training Agri-fishery &livestock Market info& linkages Commerce & Trade Resources & Envi Tourism & Services National Local Private Institutional Dev Management Capability dev MDG CBMIS RHIS-CPC HOSP. & HC NETWORK DPWH PGS MUN. PADO HRMO BAS-BAPS DENR DTI NSO
September 27, 2007 search for data management system model had ended. NAPC AND Sarangani Province come into agreement to jointly implement Community- Based Monitoring System (CBMS) NAPC AND Sarangani Province come into agreement to jointly implement Community- Based Monitoring System (CBMS)
Agreement Capsule NAPC System, software & Technical Assistance Municipality (7) 30% of Project cost Project implementation Municipality (7) 30% of Project cost Project implementation Province 70% of Project cost Project Management Province 70% of Project cost Project Management Barangay Mobility support Project completion April-May 2008 Data generation completed by 15 th February 2008
Strengthen Provincial and Municipal Statistics Coordinating Council as repository and authority on local statistics Integrate CBMS in the Planning & Development processes of the Province & Municipalities Integrate CBMS in the Planning & Development processes of the Province & Municipalities Expand indicators to suit the development needs & requirement of the Province & Municipalities Use CBMS outcome for strategic resource allocation and for institutional partnership to optimally reduce poverty incidences at the source. Initial priorities to sustain CBMS
Mabuhay! Sarangans Join us, deter the vicious cycle of poverty and misunderstanding... Join us, deter the vicious cycle of poverty and misunderstanding... Grow and be Productive in Peace for your Children. Grow and be Productive in Peace for your Children.