In this research project I will talk about some of the causes of to much rubbish in the landfill ; People are putting recyclable stuff in the landfill, People are getting plastic bags because they are free, throw garden rubbish in bin I will also identify the effects of to much rubbish in the landfill ; leachate could get into the water system, soon well have no paper, plastic bags take 30 years to break down and then it gets chemicals get in it. I will also talk about the Solutions of our topic ; we can buy coth bag instead of plastic bags, We can get green fingers bins & garden bags. I will also talk about what we can do ;we can send around garden bags to people we know, we can tell people why we need to recycle.
New Zealand's use 800,000,000 plastic bags enough to stretch to the moon. And 1000 tonnes of garbage & waste is produced to the landfill.5000 tonnes are produced to our local landfill. The landfill has 40,000,000 hazard waste was produced year
Every tonne of recycled paper saves 17trees,1438 litres of oil,3 cubic meters of landfill space 4,000 kilowatts of enegy,26,500 litres of water. Plastic holder can get trapped in birds feet & neck. Every year 4 million New Zealanders use 1 billion plastic bags. 20 million Australians use 5.6 billion plastic bags. Plastic bags litter is deadly because it can kill 100,00 birds, whales seals and turtles.
The Auckland regain is at risk of natural hazards it cause volcanic eruptions, flooding, earthquakes & storms. Recycling collections service recyclable items like paper that is proved from fortnights & days from a households. Some people refuse about collection & landfill compost.
We should not buy plastic bags because they take 30 year’s to dissolve & then chemicals get into the ground.lechate could come of the bags and get into our water system.Trees\ forests could get cut down and all the animals & the birds will have no home and also we will have no paper. Animals are getting killed by plastic bags and it’s body is decompose and plastic get released into the environment where it can kill again.
Cloth bags are a major step forward the war against waste has taken with decision by some supermarket chain’s some can sell reusable cloth bags and giveaway plastic bags. Cloth are available at Pak’n save,Foodtown,New world and four square stores. Alternative to plastic bags are easy and do not have a cost to the earth. Re-usable cloth bags are simple practical and cost-effective for away to help protect our environment.
Garden bags are available at supermarkets they help the environment because you can put compost that you don’t need and you don’t have to put it in the bin because if you do it effect's the environment.
Book : Plastics (Kate Bedford) Internet : csu30002/landfillfacts.html# http;// /reduce%20reuse%20recycle%20facts%20sheet.pdf Encarta People: Person from landfill
Smoke is bad for the environment