Last Week’s Review Any Questions?
CL Syntax Command-name (space) parameter
CL Syntax Do all commands have parameters? Why should you always press F4 following a command instead of enter?
Positional or Keyword? By Keyword, both these are allowed CRTLIB LIB(PAYROLL) TYPE(*TEST) TEXT(‘Payroll Development’) CRTLIB TYPE(*TEST) TEXT(‘Payroll Development’) LIB(PAYROLL)
Syntax Question How could you find the keyword syntax to Create a Physical File named EMPPF in Library IBC233LIB with a record length of 120 characters?
Menu Questions Which menu groups together all of the Work With commands? Which menu groups together all of the commands by subject?
Menu Menus GO MAIN main menu (F16) GO MAJOR major commands menu (F4) GO VERB action menu GO SUBJECT objects menu GO CMDxxxx verb, noun, function
4 Parts of a Library List (or the 4 library list types) System (SYS) Product (PRD) Current (CUR) User (USR)
Library List Commands ADDLIBLE –Adds an entry to a library list to the USER portion of the library list RMVLIBLE –Removes an entry from the USER portion of the library list EDTLIBL –Adds/Deletes/Changes entries on the USER portion of the library list
Library List Commands CHGCURLIB –Changes the Current Library CHGLIBL –Changes the Current Library and allows Add/Change/Delete to the USER portion of the library list. All Library List commands are listed on the CMDLIBL menu.
Data Storage Hierarchy MOHAMED - *LIBIBC233LIB - *LIB DA233x99 - *LIB Object1 *PGM Object2 *OUTQ Object3 *FILE Reviews *FILE Review1 Review2 Review3 Labanswers *FILE Answers Lab1 DA233x99 *OUTQ Reviews *FILE Review1 Review2
Objects Chapter 3
Today’s Lecture Use of ‘*’ on the AS/400 Use of ‘?’ on the AS/400 AS/400 Architecture Object Types Storing Objects Manipulating Library Lists Spooled Files Work with Jobs Commands
What does the ‘*’ denote?
‘*’ (Asterix) When used before an ‘AS/400’ word, indicates that the word is a special value. eg. CRTLIB LIB(MYLIB) TYPE(*TEST) TEXT(‘Test Library) When used at the end of a word, indicates a generic combination of alphanumerics (wildcards). eg. WRKLIB TST*
Use of the ‘?’ Entering a command to see all possible values for a parameter. F4 does the same
What is an Object?
Objects Takes up Space on the AS400 Has a Description Has an Object Type
Object Types
A Library Search
Object Types Certain types of commands only work with certain types of Object Types eg. DSPUSRPRF Object Type is assigned to the Object at time of creation eg. CRTLIB creates objects with a type of *LIB
How does the AS/400 find Objects?
AS/400 finds Objects Qualified Names Library/Object IBC233LIB/REVIEWS Using Library Lists! How are Library Lists sequenced?
AS/400 finds Objects Note: Library Descriptions, Device Descriptions and User Profiles are stored in QSYS. All other Object Types can be stored anywhere.
What is a Spooled File?
Spooled Files AS/400 objects that contain data for printing Are stored in Output Queues To print a Spooled File, the file must be moved to an Output Queue attached to a printer.
How Do Spooled Files get Created? Program/ Command Data Report Layout Job Output Queue *FILE Spooled File QINTER
DC234X99 SPLF#1 SPLF#2 PRT01 SPLF#3 SPLF#4 Change the Spooled File to OutQ PRT01
Work with Jobs Command To display information about your current Interactive job, simply type: WRKJOB To display information about any other job, use the Work With Job and enter the Job Name and User. Number is Optional. To display your Batch Jobs, use the Work with Submitted Jobs Commands (WRKSBMJOB)
WRKUSRJOB Shows you a list of all of the jobs that you own on the system irregardless of the subsystem Status –Active = Job is currently running –Outq = Job is finished –Jobq = Job is waiting to process. To delete a ‘run-away’ job, take option 4
Problems ? Enter GO SENECA on the command line. You will get a menu for information on fixing your user profile if you cannot sign on.
Test 1 Date IBC233 - Friday Sept. 26, 2003
Before Next Lab Reread Chapter 3. Maybe now it makes sense Print Lab 3.
Before Next Class Do the Review Questions for Chapter 3. Read Chapter 11.