New Directions: Online Learning & the University of California’s A-G Subject Area Requirements Monica H. Lin, Ph.D. Associate Director of Undergraduate Admissions University of California | Office of the President e-Learning Strategies Symposium December 7, 2012
2 Overview Policy background The “a-g” course lists & course update process New “a-g” review process for online courses Policy implementation: challenges & successes
Policy Background
4 UC and Online Learning University of California priority: accessibility of a broad range of high-quality, rigorous college-preparatory courses UC keeping pace with the changing landscape of online learning –Facilitate students’ access to “a-g” online courses –Encourage online educators to uphold promising practices of online learning for student success Revised policy to offer improved guidance and more efficient process of satisfying UC admission requirements
5 Highlights of Policy Revisions UC “program status” requirement for online entities has been eliminated New policy focuses on quality assessment of online courses for “a-g” purposes –Flexible to accommodate differing types of online courses –Addresses UC faculty online learning guidelines Policy revisions incorporate national quality standards for online courses and programs Partnership between UC and the California Learning Resource Network (CLRN)
A-G Course Lists & Course Update Process
7 A-G Course Lists UC and CSU admissions requirements include satisfying a 15-course pattern of college-preparatory “a-g” courses –High school courses must undergo “a-g” review and approval to appear on the “a-g” course list The “a-g” course list is an important component of the applicant review process –All “a-g” course lists must be updated each year to maintain accuracy for applyUC and for UC’s comprehensive review Updates to the “a-g” course list are submitted using the UC Online Update website: –
8 A-G Course List Update Timeline New update cycle opens on February 1 Submit new courses and other course list updates New courses submitted on or before June 1: up to 2 resubmissions allowed New courses submitted on or before August 1: only 1 resubmission allowed New courses submitted on or before September 15: no resubmissions allowed Update cycle closes on September 15
New A-G Review Process for Online Courses (effective )
10 Online Course Publisher vs. Online School UC now differentiates between an online course publisher and an online school –Online course publishers develop their own curriculum and sell or license their online courses for delivery by a teacher within a high school or district –Online school is a credit- or diploma-granting institution that offers courses strictly through Internet-based methods, with time and/or distance separating the teacher and learner Institutions that act as both an online course publisher and online school will follow the procedures for online schools
11 Review of Online Courses (effective ) Submit online course to CLRN for review* Assess the online course against the iNACOL Standards for Quality Online Courses and CA content standards CLRN-certified OR Self-assessed Submit online course to UC for “a-g” review Conduct subject- specific review against UC faculty’s content criteria Approve course for “a-g”? Add course to online publisher’s or online school’s “a-g” course list; approval expires in 3 years STEP 1 STEP 2 *If not eligible for CLRN review, the online course must be self-assessed by the online publisher or school. YES
12 Step #1A: CLRN Certification Effective for: –Online course publishers serving public institutions –Public online schools A CLRN-certified online course must: –Meet at least 80% of CA Content or Common Core Standards –Fulfill all 15 “power standards” from the iNACOL Standards for Quality Online Courses –Satisfy at least 27 (or 80%) of the remaining iNACOL Standards Courses not aligned with a set of standards must be self- assessed (Step #1B) To submit a course to CLRN: –
13 Step #1B: Self-Assessment Effective for: –Online course publishers serving only private institutions –Private online schools –Any online courses not aligned with state standards – school year: Non-online high schools, districts, and programs Institution conducts self-assessment against iNACOL Standards for Quality Online Courses Self-assessment will be incorporated into the course submission process for UC “a-g” review
14 Step #2: UC A-G Course Review Only CLRN-certified or self-assessed online courses can be submitted to UC during the course list update cycle –Open annually, February 1 through September 15 Basis for “a-g” course review and approval: –“a-g” course evaluation guidelines –Subject area course requirements All courses are reviewed by a subject area analyst –“Blind” reviews –Goal: new CLRN-certified online courses reviewed within 2-4 weeks To submit a course to UC: –
15 Adding A-G Online Courses Access UC’s “a-g” Online Update website Indicate intent to add previously approved online course(s) Certify that program/school/district will satisfy UC’s online learning guidelines and policy for online courses to receive “a-g” approval (once per annual update cycle) Add online course to “a-g” course list Select online course to add to “a-g” course list
Policy Implementation: Challenges & Successes 16
17 Challenges Shifting the focus from UC “approving providers” to UC approving courses Identifying expert reviewers of quality online delivery Sheer volume of “homegrown” teacher-created online courses Definitions of online entities are not always clear-cut
18 Successes The appropriate experts are reviewing online courses: –CLRN ensuring quality online delivery –UC ensuring quality “a-g” content Improved efficiencies in seeking “a-g” approval for online courses Anticipated increase in “a-g” online course offerings –Broader access to “a-g” courses –Greater preparation for UC admissions Enhanced quality of online learning for students
19 New Directions Elimination of principal certification for non-UC-approved online courses –Not acceptable for online courses completed in academic year and beyond Re-evaluation of policy regarding online courses in laboratory science and in visual & performing arts –Under current policy: Online science courses OK but require supervised, on-site wet lab Online VPA courses not allowable UC encourages educators to incorporate promising practices for excellence in online teaching and learning
21 Resources Helpful links: –California Learning Resource Network (CLRN) –International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL) –UC Doorways websites: “a-g” Course List website – Online Update website – Contact High School Articulation in UC systemwide Admissions: – –Phone: (510)
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