Welcome to our school in Tyszowce
Tyszowce is a town located in south-eastern Poland. Tyszowce’s population is about inhabitants, so it is relatively small. Tyszowce are the 'green city', full of trees and forests. You can relax from the big and noisy cities. It is nice and quiet here. There is a park. There operates a sports club 'Huczwa‘ in Tyszowce.
Gimnazjum in Tyszowce (Junior High School) was opened in 2000, so it is already 10 years old. Since its inception our school has sought to find the best possible conditions for the development of personality of students, creating conditions for the development of interests and talents in various fields of knowledge and skills. The headmaster of our school is Mrs. Dorota Badyła.
*Number of students (252) *Number of teachers (39) *Number of classes (10)
SCHOOL OFFERS - Playground - Sports hall - School Library - Computer lab - Foreign languages: English, French, Russian - Events, contests, sport - Organized transportation for school students - Very good results in science and sport - Afterschool activities and interests clubs - Highly qualified teaching staff
TYPICAL DAY IN OUR SCHOOL Lessons begin at 8.00 am FIRST LESSON Then we have a lunch break lasting 25 minutes. In the meantime, you can go to the shop, located at our school, or go out for fresh air on the playground Then the curricular classes are finished, and all students disperse to their homes or stay or come back for extra lessons of their interests.
SCHOOL CLUBS If students want to improve their education they may go to different extra-curricular lessons run on school premises: - Biological classes - Historical classes - Chemical classes - classes of Physics - Linguistic classes - Math classes - Geographic classes - Art classes Students who have the vocal abilities can join the school choir. These lessons prepare us to select our future schools, and prepare for academic competitions
SPORT IN OUR SCHOOL There is a large sports hall with a stand over it, where you can watch the matches, or spend time with friends during the breaks. We also have a gym with various equipment. There are following sports clubs: - Handball - Football - Volleyball
Our school takes part in different sport competitions and achieves high scores. This picture is to prove it.
Students from our school participate in the SUMO wrestling. There is a Sport Club which operates under the name of ‘Pogoń Czartowczyk'. It is one of the best club of this kind in Poland. Players are often champions or runners-up in Europe.
Students willing to engage in charity, for example: ‘Help Children Survive the Winter’ and ‘The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity’, collect money or food donations to help sick or less affluent children.
OUR SCHOOL IS NOT BORING Teachers organize trips to see different scientific displays in chemistry and physics. We have people who organise entertainment. There are often trips to the cinema, swimming pool or to icerink. Once a year every class has the opportunity to go to any city in Poland. We visit also Europe, last year there was a trip to France on the Cote d'Azur, Italy and Slovakia.
SCHOOL ATMOSPHERE Our school is a warm and peaceful environment. Teachers care about our development and culture. They are often models for us and try to be our friends. The school has its own unique character: vibrant, and never boring.