Copyright Ignorance of the law is no excuse
Respecting the law If you copy a work protected by copyright and give or sell it to others, you are breaking the law. Putting copyrighted work on your Web site is also illegal
Individuals Should Earn a Living Individuals have a right to earn a living for their works. That includes photographers artists, musicians, software programmers, and film makers. When the artists’ works are copied and sold or given away; the creators of the works lose money. The author or the artist is the only person who has the right to make copies.
Copyright Copyrighted works are protected: 70 years after the authors death; if there is a coauthor it last for 70 years after the surviving author dies. Work written under an unknown name is copyrighted for 95 years from the first publication or 120 years from creation. Copyright owners can sell their work to someone else – Michael Jackson bought many of the Beatles songs. Government documents are not copyrighted. These are for public use. When copyright expires on a work, the public can use them without asking for permission.
Fair Use You can use copyrighted works in reports and projects without getting permission. Always give credit to the author of the work you are copying. Use quotation marks around the copyrighted words.
Online Resources /kidz.htm /kidz.htm ight_fairuse.htm ight_fairuse.htm
Be the Judge
Questions Select the best answer. 1) Recording your favorite pop song on a CD and giving it to your friend for a birthday present. a) Violates copyright law b) No laws were violated 2) When you copy a song you want your youth group to sing at youth practice you _____ a) can be sued b) have not broken any law
Questions Cont’d Write True or False 1) Using someone else’s idea in my own words is okay.________ 2) Recording a movie from HBO and watching it at home is not violating any rules.______ 3) Government documents are all copyrighted materials 4) You copy and paste work for your pretending it’s your own creation is an example of “fair use.”______ Select the Best Answer 5) You burn a CD of your favorite pop song and sold it to a friend. a) Copyright violationb) no one will know 6) You were advised where on the Internet to download first-run movies and watch it with your friends. a) I am smartb) violation committed 7) You have DSL at home; your classmates ask you to download music and sell to them. They would supply you with the CDs. a) I can make some moneyb) you commit a crime
Overview Overview: The purpose of the copyright laws is to protect artists, musicians, the interest of writers, singers and other original works in all medium. The law protects the creators so that they can earn a profit from their work. The creators generally require that their works are not copied or distributed without permission. If the copyright owner gives permission, the user will get a license and pay a small fee. When one infringes on the copyrighted material they can be sued. In addition, copyright registration is a public record and notifies people to take notice.
Goals &Objectives Goals: a) To introduce students to copyright laws. b) To help students develop an understanding of these laws and the consequences of violating them. c)To help pupils understand that many forms of copying from the Internet are illegal. Objective: Students will be able to determine copyright infringements so that they can: a) begin to improve their Internet behavior. b) give examples of copying original works that involves the Internet and explain the meaning of copyright. c) Differentiate between fair use and copyright