Student Learning Objectives Curriculum, Instruction & Technology August 28, 2012 Library SLO Workshop Created by Jane Boyd, Program Coordinator, Nassau BOCES Student Support Services
SLO Concerns! Have you realized all Overwhelmed with APPR? of the issues surrounding SLO’s?
Components of a SLO: 5 District Decisions Assess and identify priorities and academic needs. Identify who will have State-provided growth measures and who must have SLOs as “comparable growth measures.” Determine District rules for how specific SLOs will get set. Establish expectations for scoring SLOs and for determining teacher ratings for the growth component. Determine District-wide processes for setting, reviewing, and assessing SLOs in schools. From NY DOE Introduction to SLO Deck
Why SLO’s – NYS Teaching Standards Knowledge of students and learning SLO’s address factors impacting student learning to bring all students to higher levels of learning Knowledge of content and instructional planning SLO’s include selection and justification of learning content reflects a teacher’s depth of content knowledge Instructional practice SLO’s provide a trajectory for student learning, formative assessments provide ongoing feedback to teachers to guide instruction There are strong instructional connections and good practices aligned to creating course Student Learning Objectives. The down-side is that it is also tied to teacher evaluation – that we acknowledge. But for a moment let’s just highlight some good instructional benefits of thinking holistically for courses and students you teach. Comment on key words that stand out to you.
Why SLO’s – NYS Teaching Standards Learning environment The level of intellectual challenge and stimulation needed in the classroom for a successful SLO is implied through the selection of learning content, evidence, and targets. Assessment for student learning The selection and justification of evidence for an SLO reveals how teachers use assessment tools. Professional responsibilities Teachers participation in and completion of the SLO process reflects the level of engagement in established practices and polices. Professional growth – Professional learning Community There are strong instructional connections and good practices aligned to creating course Student Learning Objectives. The down-side is that it is also tied to teacher evaluation – that we acknowledge. But for a moment let’s just highlight some good instructional benefits of thinking holistically for courses and students you teach. Comment on key words that stand out to you.
100-Point Evaluation System for Teachers 60 EBOP, etc. 20 Growth Local 100 EBOP is “Evidence based observation practice “ Student Learning Objectives (focus of this training)
Translating SLO’s to the HEDI Scale This table illustrates the relationship between the Growth or Comparable Measure component to the Overall Composite Score.
Components of a SLO: NYSED SLO Framework All SLOs MUST include the following eight basic components: Student Population Which students are being addressed? Learning Content What is being taught? CCSS/National/State standards? Will this goal apply to all standards applicable to a course or just to specific priority standards? Interval of Instructional Time What is the instructional period covered (if not a year, rationale for semester/quarter/etc)? Evidence What assessment(s) or student work product(s) will be used to measure this goal? Baseline What is the starting level of learning for students covered by this SLO? Target(s) What is the expected outcome (target) by the end of the instructional period? HEDI Criteria How will evaluators determine what range of student performance “meets” the goal (effective) versus “well-below” (ineffective) , “below” (developing), and “well-above” (highly effective)? Rationale Why choose this learning content, evidence and target? SLO is the State-determined District-wide growth goal-setting process for situations when there is no State-provided measure of growth. From NY DOE Introduction to SLO Deck
New York State Student Learning Objective Template All SLOs MUST include the following basic components: Population These are the students assigned to the course section(s) in this SLO - all students who are assigned to the course section(s) must be included in the SLO. (Full class rosters of all students must be provided for all included course sections.) Learning Content What is being taught over the instructional period covered? Common Core/National/State standards? Will this goal apply to all standards applicable to a course or just to specific priority standards? Interval of Instructional Time What is the instructional period covered (if not a year, rationale for semester/quarter/etc)? Evidence What specific assessment(s) will be used to measure this goal? The assessment must align to the learning content of the course. Baseline What is the starting level of students’ knowledge of the learning content at the beginning of the instructional period? Actual Template you will use to create your SLO.
Target(s) What is the expected outcome (target) of students’ level of knowledge of the learning content at the end of the instructional period. HEDI Scoring How will evaluators determine what range of student performance “meets” the goal (effective) versus “well-below” (ineffective), “below” (developing), and “well-above” (highly effective)? HIGHLY EFFECTIVE EFFECTIVE DEVELOPING INEFFECTIVE 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Rationale Describe the reasoning behind the choices regarding learning content, evidence, and target and how they will be used together to prepare students for future growth and development in subsequent grades/courses, as well as college and career readiness.
Student Learning Objective: SLO Something is wrong with some of these! Behavioral Goal Set at the end of the first grading period Represents the most important learning General and measurable Based on current student learning Aligned to my curriculum Aligned to school or district priorities Anticipation guide – True or False Because some of you have been to other workshops and others are just getting started – lets have some fun. For each of these statements, record true or false! Guidance on NYS Dist. Goal-Setting Process: SLO. March 2012
Student Learning Objective: SLO Definition: Academic Goal Set at the start of the course Represents the most important learning Specific and measurable Based on prior student learning data Aligned to standards Aligned to school or district priorities For the teacher’s students Set For the course – year, semester Must be Available data Common core – national – state Other – school or district goals Guidance on NYS Dist. Goal-Setting Process: SLO. March 2012
Student Learning Objective: SLO Today: Go through this process, as best we can without seeing some actual data.. Goal is for you to complete a draft of an SLO for the upcoming year. Answer as many questions as possible as they arise.
Student Learning Objective: SLO For the purpose of creating an SLO draft, think in terms of information from the 11-12 school year to help guide your thoughts Keep in mind things like: the number of students traditionally in each class, the content of your course, evidence of learning – baseline (possible and already in place) and summative assessments (final performance, task, final), how students have traditionally done (outcome) in your course
Student Learning Objective: SLO Who needs an SLO? Right now, it is anyone that is not receiving a state-provided growth measure which is 4-8 ELA and Math. See “Purple Memo” and “Assessment Options for SLO’s” More than one SLO? Maybe How do you know what you need? 50% or more of your students must be covered under your SLO’s. That might mean you need two or maybe even three. Begin with the courses taught that have the largest number of students, combining sections with common assessments.* Click on blue links for actual documents *p10 & 12 SLO Guidance March
Who Needs an SLO? D43. How are SLOs for Library/Media Specialists established if these teachers do not have regular classes scheduled and only schedule on-demand/teacher-requested basis for specific topics and projects? Districts/BOCES will need to determine their specific rules around which courses must have SLOs when contact time varies following the State’s rules and the general principle of including the courses with the most students first and making practical judgments about how to consider different course meeting schedules like those in this example.
Classroom Teaching Service Teacher of Record New Guidance - B12. When must school librarians be evaluated under Education Law § 3012-c? "Classroom teacher" is defined as a teacher in the classroom teaching service who is a teacher of record. Librarians who are certified as a library media specialist or school media specialist (library) are teachers in the classroom teaching service. For the 2012-2013 school year, teacher of record is defined as a teacher who is primarily and directly responsible for a student’s learning activities that are aligned to the performance measures of a course, consistent with guidance. Therefore, a certified librarian who is not a teacher of record is not a "classroom teacher“ and therefore would not need to be evaluated under Education Law § 3012-c. However, if a certified librarian is a teacher of record, he/she would be considered a "classroom teacher" and therefore must be evaluated under Education Law § 3012-c.
Is a Librarian a Classroom Teacher? Certified Library Media Specialist or School Media Specialist Teacher of Record APPR and SLO’s Teachers in Classroom Teaching Service Not a Teacher of Record Other evaluation processes A teacher who is primarily and directly responsible for a student’s learning activities that are aligned to the performance measures of a course consistent with guidance M2. What kinds of data will districts and BOCES need to collect in order to determine who is the teacher of record for evaluation purposes? Districts and BOCES will need to collect additional data elements to support teacher of record determinations. (Teacher-Student Data Linkage)
Student Learning Objective: SLO What is “your” greatest concern when it comes to writing an SLO? Why? Population? Learning Content? Interval of Instructional Time? Evidence? Baseline? Target? HEDI Criteria? Rationale? From here we are going to work backwards!
Student Learning Objective: SLO Target: Level of growth and skill that students are expected to achieve at the end point of the interval of instructional time. Numeric Roster – actual scores for each student Written in the form of a statement on the SLO Different formats consider the individual students growth, might connect baseline to summative, might be a “ n percent of students will ____________.” Aligned to school/district expectations Includes all populations: “including special populations” It has become evident that thinking about Target Setting and the related HEDI Scale frames decision making processes.
Student Learning Objective: SLO HEDI Criteria: Translates different levels of student growth to the four categories, Highly Effective, Effective, Developing, Ineffective. Allocates points clearly and objectively It must be mathematically possible for a given teacher to obtain any point value in the scale Description Highly effective – exceeds district/BOCES expectations Effective – meets district/BOCES expectations Developing – below district/BOCES expectations Ineffective – well-below district/BOCES expectations Always think about Targets and HEDI Ratings together. Guidance on NYS Dist. Goal-Setting Process: SLO. March 2012
Selecting a model: HEDI Scale Who is HEDI and why is she bothering me now???? HEDI Scoring How will evaluators determine what range of student performance “meets” the goal (effective) versus “well-below” (ineffective), “below” (developing), and “well-above” (highly effective)? HIGHLY EFFECTIVE EFFECTIVE DEVELOPING INEFFECTIVE 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 This chart was taken directly from the NYS S.L.O. template
The HEDI Scale and the Overall Composite Score This is where you can see how the S.L.O fits into the overall composite score for the teacher. We are going to explore this relationship further as we go on. Go Remember the relationship.
Example: Science Teacher (SED Guidance document) Here is the description of the course and the number of students.
Example: Science Teacher (SED Guidance document) Student Roster Every student must have a baseline score that will be on the Roster. Based upon this information and any other data the teacher will propose a target.
Example: Science Teacher (SED Guidance document) Where does the target come from? Look at your patterns. What has student achievement been in the past? What are the patterns for a number of years? The data warehouse may be your best source from some of this data – state assessment trends. Not sure why this target was selected – Does it make sense that you would go from 50% to 90%???? Selecting the target is a matter of “art.”
Example: Science Teacher (SED Guidance document) Read Go No decision is more crucial than defining the target. A teacher’s overall evaluation is based on how this task is accomplished.
Example: Science Teacher (SED Guidance document) ? Now we see the actual results. If the target was 90% and the actual results are 91%, what HEDI score would you give a 91%?
Example: Science Teacher (SED Guidance document) Where did this evaluator’s score come from? Who was consulted? On what logic, formula, or experience was it based?
Middle School Physical Education Example How do you correlate the 55-80 percent and the 9-17 points on the HEDI scale? Notice that the evaluator assigned 80% to 13 points. You might ask, “What is the logic?”
Middle School Physical Education Example How would this teacher score a 14, 15, 16 or 17 (since 80% = 13 points and 81% = 18 points)?
Example: 7th Grade Social Studies SLO Subject Baseline TARGET (As Approved by Evaluator Actual Results Evaluator SLO Score 7R Social Studies classes with 23 & 27 students A district created pre-test. 75% of students will score at least a 65% on the post-test 83% of the students including special populations (ISP) If this were the SLO, what HEDI score would you assign? What is your rationale? Be prepared to defend your answer to the head union rep in your district and to the State Education Commissioner as well. Record your decision to be used later in the presentation. Read through it Notice that the target is set for a “regular” class of 7th graders. Turn and talk! Record your decision. We will play with it later.
Example: 7 Honors Social Studies SLO Subject Baseline TARGET (As Approved by Evaluator Actual Results Evaluator SLO Score 7H Social Studies with 18 & 22 students A district created pre-test. 85% of students will score at least a 85% on the post 92% of the students including special populations (ISP) scored at least 85% Notice there is a different target for the honors class. What would this HEDI score look like? Record your decision to be used later in the presentation.
Important to Consider: The Number of Students Look at Co-taught Living Environment SLO example How many students are in this class? Describe what you see in the baseline component. What is the target statement? What HEDI rating is aligned to the target? Click on Blue Link to the document.
Important to Consider: The Number of Students 90% of all students = 90% of 19, which is aligned to 14 points on the HEDI scale Do the math. 18/19 would be 95% or 18 points 17/19 students would be 89% or 13 points 16/19 students would be 84% or 8 HEDI points What do you observe? 25 out of 26 is 96% and 18 points. Notice how one students achievement can make a significant difference in a teachers rating. That must be considered as you look at the whole evaluation system.
Translating SLO’s to the HEDI Scale 9 + 9 + 45 (45/60 is 75% of available points) = 63 A minimally effective score in all three categories will not equate to an effective overall rating.
Translating SLO’s to the HEDI Scale 63 is “ineffective” even though each score by itself is minimally effective. 9 + 9 + 45 (45/60 is 75% of available points) = 63
Translating SLO’s to the HEDI Scale Click on red circle to link to the APPR Guidance document to see the recommendation by the state for 57 points. 9 + 9 + 57 (57/60 is 95% of available points) = 75 P63 APPR Guidance June
Translating SLO’s to the HEDI Scale Here is another example – just playing with this a little more so you see the variety of possibilities related to choices made regarding the Target and HEDI correlation. In this one – 13 was actually earned, 45 or 75% of possible 60 points was earned and the result is a teacher rated as Developing! One more 13 + 13 + 45 (45/60 is 75% of available points) = 71
Translating SLO’s to the HEDI Scale By the way 15 is 75% of the 20. This is what must be in the back of your mind as you are thinking about setting your target and the equivalent HEDI Scale Score. 15 + 15 + 45 (45/60 is 75% of available points) = 75
Selecting a Model: The HEDI Scale and the Overall Composite Score Assessment scores of 9 do not equate to a composite score of 75. They actually represent only 45% of the available HEDI points and equate to an “Ineffective” rating when combined with 75% (45 points) of the “Other Measures of Effectiveness” points.
How should HEDI results inform your target setting? No decision is more crucial than defining the target. A teacher’s overall evaluation is based on how this task is accomplished.
Student Learning Objective: SLO Student Population: Students included in the SLO There is no minimum number of students The population is set on BEDS day Even if the class enrollment changes it is not abandoned. D27 Addresses the growth of “each student” (A ROSTER IS REQUIRED) but then it is the aggregate growth of all the students that determines whether or not the target is met. If 50% or more of the students are not covered by the original SLO’s another may need to be added. BEDS day is the second Wednesday in October. P37, Section D. APPR Guidance April 2012
Student Learning Objective: SLO Population* These are the students assigned to the course section(s) in this SLO - all students who are assigned to the course section(s) must be included in the SLO. (Full class rosters of all students must be provided for all included course sections.) Population examples Entire Third Grade – Rosters attached 7th Grade Social Studies – Mr. Smith’s classes and Ms. Jones. Rosters attached which include 2 inclusion classes 4 Fifth Grade classes includes 12 students with IEP’s. Roster attached. 3 US History and Government classes – Rosters attached Think about the course you are writing an SLO for today. Does it cover 50% or more of your students? Are their multiple sections?
Student Learning Objective: SLO On your template record the course and section information that will be covered by the SLO Include a statement about attaching the roster Add any information that might be relevant for a supervisor to understand about the make up of the class and that might be important in establishing rationale for choices. Turn and Talk!
Student Learning Objective: SLO Learning Content: Content to be taught in the SLO Identify the source for the standards: Common Core, State, National, AASL Standards, etc. Include any relevant Common Core Literacy/Math standards with NYS standards (Literacy in History/SS or Science & Technical subjects) – might include district decisions Name the exact standards and performance indicators As appropriate, choose the “most important learning” or a “subset of power standards.” What do you traditionally assess and does it give you a picture of the year? Align to district or school goals and vertically align Students should be thoroughly prepared for the next level when they leave a course of study Give out examples! Learning Content* What is being taught over the instructional period covered? Standards? Will this goal apply to all standards applicable to a course or just to specific priority standards? SLO Development Checklist OCMBOCES *SLO Template
Student Learning Objective: SLO Where can I find my standards? for Common Core Learning Standards American Association of School Librarians Standards for the 21st-Century Learner
Student Learning Objective: SLO Turn and Talk! Look at the examples provided. Make observations as to how they are written. Discuss and list what the “most important learning” might be for this course and what it is you assess. On your template record the course, the source of your standards or the curriculum, and cut and paste your decisions regarding standards.
Student Learning Objective: SLO Interval of Instructional Time: Timeframe within which the learning content is being taught One academic year, a semester? a quarter? Every other day? - Describe Start and end date Fill that in on your template SLO Development Checklist OCMBOCES, SLO Guidance March 2012, APPR Guidance April 2012
Student Learning Objective: SLO Evidence: Assessments used to determine students’ level of learning List the specific baseline assessments (pre-assessment) and summative assessment(s) that will be used to provide baseline and summative data for the SLO. If the course ends in a NYS assessment or a Regents exam, it must be used as the summative assessment List of 3rd party assessments and Regents equivalents - FLACS District, Regional, or BOCES developed. Districts or BOCES must verify comparability and rigor. What could the other option have been? (School-or BOCES-wide, group, or team results based on State assessments) Rigor – aligned to standards. Comparability – used across the course, school, district Authentic – real world – higher order – constructed response and performance measures. 3rd party assessments – linked to Race to the Top site with actual assessments listed New York SLO Development Guide SLO Development Checklist OCMBOCES
Student Learning Objective: SLO What if the third option was chosen? District, Regional, or BOCES developed. Align tightly to learning content Include components of good assessment practices Scoring procedures – “vested interest”
Baselines Vested Interest G4: Does vested interest rule apply to pre-tests given to establish a baseline for a SLO? Answer: To the extent practicable, districts or BOCES should ensure that any assessments or measures, including those used for performance-based or performance task assessments that are used to establish a baseline for student growth are not disseminated to students before administration and that teachers and principals do not have a vested interest in the outcome of the assessments they score. What are the implications and problems your foresee with this requirement? How could you minimize the influence of vested interest? CIT, Lupinskie Center, One Merrick Ave. Westbury, NY 11590
Baselines Vested Interest G4: Does vested interest rule apply to pre-tests given to establish a baseline for a SLO? Answer continued: If it is impracticable to comply with this requirement for pre-tests, such as in certain cases when using a performance-based or performance task assessment, the district or BOCES must have adequate procedures in place to ensure that the security of such assessments is not compromised (i.e., as with all SLOs the principal and/or supervisor must ensure the rigor and fairness of the targets and set the goals based on the assessment that is used as the baseline and ensure that such goals are adequately met based on summative data). Note that tied to vested interest is the rigor of the target based upon the baseline. CIT, Lupinskie Center, One Merrick Ave. Westbury, NY 11590
Performance Tasks?
Performance Tasks How do SLO’s meet the requirement for comparability? “Specify priority learning standards in a grade or subject around which assessments or performance tasks for students will be constructed by District Teams” (SLO Guidance March, Page 14) Includes a “standards-based” rubric (SLO Guidance March, Page 30)
Student Learning Objective: SLO OR – other baseline options! Student performance on a grade-level NYS ELA
CIT, Lupinskie Center, One Merrick Ave. Westbury, NY 11590 BASELINES D47: Question Response The target for students in any SLO may be differentiated because of the baseline (starting point of learning) and historical academic data. It is important to keep in mind that targets for all students, regardless of any special education classification, should be differentiated because of baseline data and not because of any special education classification. Can SLOs for students with disabilities have a different target for growth? APPR Guidance June 2012, p43 CIT, Lupinskie Center, One Merrick Ave. Westbury, NY 11590
Summative – Vested Interest This can be an issue. Teachers may not score the summative assessment. Talk of scoring guidelines for Regents exams to become more rigorous Performance task issues Questions regarding teachers’ involvement in the creation of summative assessments CIT, Lupinskie Center, One Merrick Ave. Westbury, NY 11590
Student Learning Objective: SLO Turn and Talk! Discuss your content and the best way to establish evidence – baseline (initial – formative) and summative. Think about the “most important learning” and what it is you assess. Look at the examples to see how evidence has been stated On your template record a description of the baseline and summative assessment If the course ends in a regents exam, that exam must be your summative. Does a performance task make sense? DBQ with a rubric. Is there more than one source for baseline data
Student Learning Objective: SLO Baseline: Level of students’ knowledge and skill in the targeted learning content at the beginning of the interval of instructional time. Describes how students performed on the pre-assessment or other previous summative assessment Include any other data sources being considered – that may impact your “target” Roster Actual baseline scores for each student are required This will take some pretending. You did collect some data this year on your students. There were things you uncovered very quickly about your students skill sets and prior knowledge Pretend with me. What might you have said about your students? Look at the Global and the Visual Arts example.
Student Learning Objective: SLO Turn and Talk! What do you anticipate? What other district data might you look at to include in the baseline data? Look at a variety of examples. Summarize the results. Put it in parentheses to indicate it is not actual. The actual baseline results will be recorded on the roster. If the course ends in a regents exam, that exam must be your summative. Does a performance task make sense? DBQ with a rubric. Is there more than one source for baseline data
Student Learning Objective: SLO Target: Level of growth and skill that students are expected to achieve at the end point of the interval of instructional time. Numeric Roster – actual scores for each student Written in the form of a statement on the SLO Different formats consider the individual students growth, might connect baseline to summative, might be a “ n percent of students will ____________.” Aligned to school/district expectations Includes all populations: “including special populations” Back to actual Target Writing!
Student Population, Baseline, and Target(s) Training SLO Target Approach 1: Set a common growth target. 90% of students, including special populations, will grow by 60 percentage points or more on their summative assessment compared to their pre-test for the standards. (e.g., Student E’s target is 60 more than 30, or 90.) Student Pre-Test Score Summative Target Student A 10 70 Student B 20 80 Student C 5 65 Student D 60 Student E 30 90 Student F Common growth – all students grow by a common amount. E.g. 60 points
Student Population, Baseline, and Target(s) Training SLO Target Approach 2: Set a growth to mastery target. 85% of students, including special populations, will grow to score 75% or higher on the summative assessment for the selected standards. Student Pre-Test Score Summative Target Student A 10 75 Student B 20 Student C 5 Student D Student E 30 Student F Growth to mastery – proficiency or even passing Mastery does not mean the same thing as it does in relation to Mastery level for Regents exams.
Student Population, Baseline, and Target(s) Training SLO Target Approach 3: Set differentiated growth targets by student. 85% of students, including special populations, will meet or exceed their individualized target. Student Pre-Test Score Summative Target Student A 10 80 Student B 20 Student C 5 75 Student D 70 Student E 30 85 Student F Differentiated growth approach – might be appropriate for self-contained or resource room teachers. Look at your examples. What do you notice about targets?
Selecting a model: with Percent Mastery - “Target” 80% of students will increase by 50 points from pre- to post-test. 75% of students will score at least 65% on the post-test 85% of students will progress half way from the pre-test to 100% There are other models - rating the number of students that increase levels on assessments when using a Level 1, 2, 3, & 4 scale.
Student Learning Objective: SLO HEDI Criteria: Translates different levels of student growth to the four categories, Highly Effective, Effective, Developing, Ineffective. Allocates points clearly and objectively It must be mathematically possible for a given teacher to obtain any point value in the scale Description Highly effective – exceeds district/BOCES expectations Effective – meets district/BOCES expectations Developing – below district/BOCES expectations Ineffective – well-below district/BOCES expectations Always set Targets with the HEDI alignment in mind. Guidance on NYS Dist. Goal-Setting Process: SLO. March 2012
Translating SLO’s to the HEDI Scale There is a clear need for a tool that can create a HEDI scale for any target, a Rosetta Stone that translates any “target” language into a HEDI scale. This proposed BOCES Translation Scale (template) is effective when an SLO uses percent of students as the descriptor for the target (as shown earlier). It is just one of any number of possible templates and allows supervisors and teachers to focus efforts on appropriate target setting. Appropriate target setting should, in accordance with SED guidelines, align “effective” teachers with the “effective” band on the HEDI scale (but with which score—9, 13, 17?). Fred Cohen, Data Warehouse Consultant
Translating Targets to the HEDI Scale Link to the actual HEDI Translation Template – Refer back to earlier examples where workshop participants were asked to give HEDI scores for two social studies classes. Put in the 7R-SS target and actual and watch the calculations. Do the same for the 7Honors and eliminate the third row and watch the calculator. (Discuss briefly how multiple S.L.O.’s will be handled.) Make all changes on the ac Go back to what they thought the HEDI score should be and find them on the table. Fred Cohen, Data Warehouse Consultant
Translating Targets to the HEDI Scale Make all changes in the Variable SLO Calculator in the green boxes. Enter the target selected and observe the change in the table. Now change the HEDI Anchor point and make observations. The HEDI Anchor Point is a district decision.
Translating Targets to the HEDI Scale To calculate a final HEDI rating when more than one SLO is created:
Translating Targets to the HEDI Scale Delete the contents under “Number of Students” through the HEDI Score. There is a formula in the last column. Enter the new informa- tion. Use the Social Studies example. Observe the effect on the last column and the final score.
How should HEDI results inform your target setting? No decision is more crucial than defining the target. A teacher’s overall evaluation is based on how this task is accomplished.
Student Learning Objective: SLO Turn and Talk! How do the sample SLO’s address targets and align to a HEDI rating? What format will you use to address setting the target? On your template, propose a target given current information about how students traditionally done. District decisions include how the target will be aligned to the HEDI criteria. At this point, you can propose an alignment and what you see as a fair distribution based upon past information.
Student Learning Objective: SLO Rationale – Include reasoning behind decisions. Particularly targets and HEDI alignment. That rationale could include Reference to the population and content Baseline data recorded on the roster Other data considered – historical, cohort National Any information that will help the reader grasp the rigor of the SLO Rate your SLO! – using the Annotated SLO Rubric Form
Resources From NY DOE Introduction to SLO APPR Guidance Document, June, 2012 SLO Guidance Document, March, 2012 From NY DOE Introduction to SLO Assessment Options for SLO’s on Nys-eval-plans-guidance-Purple memo.pdf SLO Connections to NYS Teaching Standards.pdf