Instructions You must bring your own laptop, your presentation and a power supply Technical staff is present in all to assist with network, audio and video setup Speakers are responsible for presentation computer and demo equipment Please make sure your PC have correct video drivers installed. Be at your session no later than 30 min. Prior to your timeslot to setup your equipment Evaluation-slide will be send to you prior to Campus Days, which should replace the current Evaluation-slide Technical details All presentations should be 16:9 widescreen format Output connectors provided in all session rooms are: DVI, HDM, Micro HDMI, VGA For NON-Microsoft speakers: Own company logo is allowed on the Session Title slide only Sessions are non commercial – Please do NOT sell own products or services
From CRM On Premises to CRM Online using Synchronicity Echo managed service Introduction Session Objectives Challenges in Migrating from On Premise to OnLine Synchronicity Echo Managed Service (The solution) How Echo and The Managed Service Work Licensing Further Products and Services available from Synchronicity
Session Objectives Understanding the Managed Service and Self Service offerings from Synchronicity for the migration of Data from on Premise to CRM Online.
Challenges in Migrating from MS Dynamics CRM On Premise to Online
Challenges No Direct Database access Generic integration tools are available Requires configuration Requires deep understanding of underlying API End to end testing (and re-testing) (deleting test data) (and then re-testing) (and more deletes) (did I mention re-testing?)
Some of the Challenges with Migration Migration Order (Relationships) Created on / Created By Status Management Lists and List Membership Business Unit Hierarchy Price Lists and Price List Items Quote Management Bulk Operations (Quick Campaigns) Queue items Transaction Currencies Service Contract Dates Process Time Attachments (Notes and )
Challenges – Migration Order
Challenges – Bulk Operations (Quick Campaigns) Difficult to manage bulk operation grouping using API Need to retain (for example) activities created during the bulk operations
Challenges – Created On / Created By API allows for overriding both Must switch execution context for some operations All created on / by must be mapped at time of execution – ‘overridden’ attributes are only available on the create message
Challenges – Status Management Status updates can lock records Status transitions for standard dynamics CRM entities
Challenges – Process Time Users (or Synchronicity consultants) employ a delta process to the source database to enable a seamless switchover from on-premise to online. Data load times can be several days, as such a typical closedown for migration (such as a weekend) is more problematic Migrate a snapshot from a Friday, use the existing system the following week while Echo migrates most of the data. The following weekend, apply only the changes to the destination environment. Delta changes are usually applied in a few hours. Phased Managed Service is also available under same license
Synchronicity Echo Managed Service
Managed Service Synchronicity Consultants manage the migration for a Fixed Price Management Scripts, and all outputs available after the migration Ensures smooth operation and (where required) specialist management
How Echo and The Managed Service Work
Standard Managed Service Steps Set up MSCRM Solution within Destination Environment Ensure Optionset Values Ensure all attributes (correctly named) Deactivate Plugins and Workflows Provide Version 4 or 2011 database to Synchronicity Delta 1 Migration (up to stage 4) Provide Version 4 or 2011 database to Synchronicity Final Delta Migration Enable Workflows / Plugins
Phased Managed Service Steps Set up MSCRM Solution within Destination Environment Ensure Optionset Values Ensure all attributes (correctly named) Deactivate relevant Plugins and Workflows Provide Version 4 or 2011 database to Synchronicity Migrate Key Data into production (Go Live) Migrate activities and annotations by priority.
How Echo Works Holistic approach to Data Migration Uses the source schema to drive the migration (currently V4 or 2011) Data is automatically ordered for optimum migration – manual overrides and options available Takes 4 ‘Stages’ of migration Stage 1 - Users, Teams and BU Setup Stage 2 - All entities created with minimal attributes Stage 3 - All entities updated / N:N Relationships included Stage 3(a) – List Members, specific data fixes (e.g. contract dates). Stage 4 – Status Updates
Migrated Entities BusinessUnit SystemUser TransactionCurrency Queue CampaignItem RelationshipRole PriceLevel RelationshipRoleMap UoMSchedule UoM Team Campaign Lead Case Contact Account ContractTemplate Opportunity Product ProductPriceLevel Quote QuoteDetail SalesOrder SystemUserBusinessUnitEntityMap OpportunityProduct IncidentResolution CustomerRelationship CustomerOpportunityRole CustomerAddress Competitor Subject List BulkOperation (Quick Campaign) CampaignResponse QueueItem CampaignActivity ServiceAppointment Task Letter PhoneCall Fax Appointment RecurringAppointmentMaster DuplicateRecord ActivityMimeAttachment ListMember Annotation Any Custom Entity
Further Products and Services
Licensing and More Information
Further Products Reflect – Using the Echo codebase, but as a tool to enable migration from any data source to Dynamics CRM Through the API Beta customers already using the application Works as a scheduled task, or as part of an SSIS operation Developer tool ‘Just wanted to say how invaluable Reflect has been to me over the last couple of days. I’ve received a couple of big data files (18000 rows).. which I’ve needed to upload.. and setting up an SSIS package to load the data and then call Reflect has been a very straightforward process in both cases. It’s saved me an awful lot of manual fiddling around with files and we now have a process which is repeatable every year when the files are delivered, with robust logging and error handling.’ Ben Walker, University of Oxford IT Services
Further Products Licensing Framework Allowing ISVs to license, and charge for their solutions for specific end customers
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Demo Insert optional demo description
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