CSSL 2008 BENCHMARK MAP 7 th Grade BENCHMARK MAP 8 th Grade BENCHMARK MAP August – October
Today in Community Science Service Learning (CSSL) 8/01/07 Review Contract (Due 8/3) (10pts) Safety Class Rules Lab Expectations in Lab book (10pts) Supplies Needed For Lab 3 ring binder Composition book – College ruled
Community Science Service Learning (CSSL) 8/2-3/07 1. Place Lab Book and Contract on your desk 2. Fill out Assignment Page 1. 10pts for Contract 2. 10pts for Lab Expectations 3. On page one of your Lab Book List: 1. Lab Expectations #1 -#9 4. Bio Poem (10pts)
Community Science Service Learning (CSSL) 8/3-6/07 Complete Lab expectations in your lab book Place Signed (Green) Contract papers and Assignment sheet in your 3 ring binder Present Bio Poem
Presentation Format 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, SHOWTIME, then you start Today I am presenting my Bio Poem. My name is __________. I am … Are there any questions? (wait 7 seconds) Answer any questions. SAY, Thank you Audience will applause (clap, clap, clap)
Review Safety 8/6-7/07 1. Complete BioPoem Presentations 2. In your lab book Write a KWL on Safety in the Science Classroom and Outdoors. (10pts) 3. Turn to pg. xxx in Holt Text and read section on SAFETY 4. Complete the “L” section in lab book.
Community Science Service Learning (CSSL) 8/8/07 REVIEW Scientific Method Read pgs in Holt Text Complete Section 2 Review in lab book Answer all questions in complete sentences (40pts) Review Scientific Inquiry Read pgs in ScienceSaurus student handbook Answer the following Question on a sheet of folder paper and turn it in to me. What are the differences and similarities between the Scientific Method and Scientific Inquiry? (20pts) ALL of the Above is DUE (8/10/07)
CSSL 8/10-13/07 Turn in your Homework What are the differences and similarities between the Scientific Method and Scientific Inquiry? (20pts) Garden Observation Create a list of Garden Expectations They should include safety and responsibility Refer to GLO’s for helpGLO’s Turn in final list to me (10pts)
CSSL 8/14/07 Take first Monthly Assessment Pre-Test Safety Interrelatedness of Science, Technology, and Society Science Inquiry / Scientific Method Complete Chapter 1 Review pg in your lab book. (48pts) Answer all questions in complete sentences
CSSL 8/15/07 1. HYPERSPACE (electronic source, video) 1. Standard 2: The Scientific Process: NATURE OF SCIENCE—Understand that science, technology, and society are interrelated 1. The student: Explains how the evidence found in a wide variety of print and electronic sources (e.g., video, database programs, internet) can be used to develop conclusions. 2. In your lab book list and explain (6pts total) 1. Three things you learned from Hyperspace 2. Three Questions you still have from Hyperspace 3. Complete any unfinished work from Chapter 1 Section Reviews 1-4 (68pts)
CSSL 8/20/07 Post-Test TODAY for Assessment 1 Complete any unfinished work from Chapter 1 Section Reviews 1-4 (68pts) In your lab book complete today's 3&3 (6pts total) Three things you learned from Hyperspace Three Questions you still have from Hyperspace
CSSL 8/21/07 Place Honolulu Star-Bulletin article titled, Research keeps florists in bloom (online msnbc) Answer questions below (6pts) in lab book. Research keeps florists in bloom How is this article relevant to this class? What in this article will we be doing in this class? What life skills can you learn from this article? Write at least 10 additional questions about the organism featured in the article. (10pts) Complete any unfinished work from Chapter 1 Section Reviews 1-4 (68pts)
CSSL 8/22/07 Honolulu Star-Bulletin article, Research keeps florists in bloom (online msnbc)Research keeps florists in bloom Review and Answer questions posed yesterday (6pts) (in lab book) Review and complete at least 10 additional questions about the organism featured in the article. (10pts) (on back of article) List at least 2 legal plants you would like to cultivate, and prepare for research. Review and Compile final Garden Expectations list Start Self and Peer Evaluations for Chapter 1 Section Reviews 1-4 (68pts) +2 pts for each question answered correctly
CSSL 8/23/07 Start Self and Peer Evaluations for Chapter 1 Section Reviews 1-4 (68pts) +2 pts for each question answered correctly
CSSL Grade Check 1. Place your Assignment sheet on your desk and fill it out. When called bring grades up to Mr. Cogbill 2. You will be assessed on the following; 1. Contract10pts 2. Lab Expectations10pts 3. Bio Poem10pts 4. Garden Observation/Expec.20pts 5. KWL10pts 6. Sci. Method. Vs Sci. Inquir.20pts 7. Hyperspace12pts 8. Chapt. 1 Sect. 1-4 rev.68 pts 9. Lab Book Daily Entries12pts 10. Monthly Assessment 150pts Total:222pts
CSSLCSSL 8/28-29/07 Library Research Days Bring your lab book to the library Do research on the two plants you had chosen early last week Where is the plant originally from Where and When does it grow best What are the different uses of the plant What is the scientific name of the plant Take 2 nd post test for Monthly Assessment 1
CSSLCSSL 9/04-05/07 Complete Library Research Bring your lab book to the library Do research on the two plants you had chosen early last week Where is the plant originally from Where and When does it grow best What are the different uses of the plant What is the scientific name of the plant Write down 10 additional questions about your 2 plants. Chose 1 of your questions and prepare and experiment to test your question. Write out your Formal Write-up draft in your lab book.
CSSLCSSL 9/10-12/07 Attach and complete your Formal Write-up draft in your lab book. Garden Observation #2 Look around the garden and see if your plant is already there. Draw a map in you lab book of where your plant is already located, if your plant is not present draw on your map where you believe it would grow best.
CSSLCSSL 9/14/07 Take Monthly Assessment#2 Post Test Print out corrected test and give it to me. JUNGLE: Write 3 things you learned about on your green handouts next to the tree the video discussed Write 3 and 3 in your lab book Draw a Jungle (Community Ecology) Food Web that represents what you saw in the video
CSSLCSSL 9/17/07 Complete Jungle (Community Ecology) Food Web that represents what you saw in the video Complete Garden Map Share and compare seeds and plants you will plant in the garden
CSSLCSSL 9/19-21/07 Composting: A Great, Rotten Idea Read Project Complete Procedure’s on Folder Paper Turn in Completed work Friday 9/21 at the end of Period 2 to Ms. Yerxa. Continue Set-up of compost bins for worm reception
CSSL 9/24-25/07 (Grade Check) 1. Place your Assignment sheet on your desk and fill it out. When called bring grades to Mr. Cogbill 2. You will be assessed on the following; 1. Monthly Assessment #250pts 2. Answers to Research Ques.16pts 3. Lab Book Daily Entries25pts 4. Jungle 3&3 6pts 5. Jungle Food Web10pts 6. Composting (Green Sheets)100pts 7. Peer Evaluation12pts Total:229pts
CSSL 9/28/07 Garden Observation Fill in your data table in your observation section with quantitative and qualitative data. Make comparison from seeds germinating in pots to seeds germinating in the ground. Based on data collected so far which method of germination is more effective? If you find that one method is better explain what variables would have contributed to ones success over the other.
CSSL 10/09/07 Review Toxics Lesson Plan Due 10/12/07 (26pts) Garden Observation Fill in your data table in your observation section with quantitative and qualitative data. Make comparison from seeds germinating in pots to seeds germinating in the ground..
CSSL 10/10/07 Complete Toxics Lesson Answer all questions on worksheet. Write a 5 paragraph essay about the lesson which includes responses to all questions posed in the worksheet.
CSSL 10/12/07 Review Toxics Lesson Guest Speaker from US Marine Corps
CSSL 10/15-17/07 Garden Observation Fill in your data table in your observation section with quantitative and qualitative data. Make comparison from seeds germinating in pots to seeds germinating in the ground.. Complete Formal Scientific Write-up for your research project.
CSSL 10/17/07 Complete Formal Scientific Write-up for your research project Sustainability 3&3 in your lab book Set up worm bin in garden
CSSL 10/22-24/07 Place your research project write-up on your desk. In your plant group complete a self and peer evaluation (100pts) Share ideas and compile a single write-up to place on the display board. Prepare your groups presentation Who is going to say what Everyone MUST Speak. (due 10/30)
CSSL 10/25/07 Garden Maintenance and Observations Measure Corn Feed Worms Water individual plants
CSSL 10/29-31/07 Create Tri-fold Science Fair Project Board Draw out a sketch of how your board should look. Create proper headings for each section
CSSL Grade Check 1. You will be assessed on the following; 1. Toxics Lesson Worksheet50pts 2. Toxics Essay.50pts 3. Lab Book Daily Entries25pts 4. Sustainability 3&3 6pts 5. Garden Observation Lab book25pts 6. Research Project Write up100pts 7. Peer Evaluation12pts Total:268pts