1 Massa Carrara Province Vocational workexperience and guidance (Massa Carrara experience) Shot: Sharing orientation & training - LLP
2 Rules and legislation Law 24 June 1997, n. 196 Art. 18, institution of “Vocational workexperience and guidance”; Ministry decreet 25 March 1998, n. 142, Activation code and Regulation of the Law 24 June 1997, n.196; Labour and social policy Ministry Circular 15 July 1998, n. 92 – entitled “Vocational training and guidance” D.M. 142 del 25/3/98; Law n. 296/2006 art.1 comma 1180 (Compulsory communication to Employment Offices); Labour Ministry Note 14/02/2007; Shot: Sharing orientation & training - LLP
3 Vocational workexperience It’s a period of alternation between studies and work, a phase of vocational training within a work place, directed to make guidance for professional choices (new-graduated people) and supporting working inclusion of unemployed people. It’s, most of all, a learning and training experience and It is not a work engagement. The host company can give vocational training and know better the trainee, with no obligation to hire him on in the future; The trainee knows the practical characteristics of the work place. Shot: Sharing orientation & training - LLP
4 The trainee The trainee must have aquitted the compulsory school as the Law 31 December 1962, n The workexperience could last for a maximum period of: a) Not more than 4 months for secondary school students; b) Not more than 6 months for unemployed and redundant people; c) Not more than 6 months for students of professional schools, of vocational training courses, of courses post diploma; d) Not more than 12 months for university students, included Para university courses, or specialization courses post secondary school; e) Not more than 12 months for disadvantaged categories as the Law 8 November 1991, n. 381 comma 1 dell'articolo 4; f) Not more than 24 months for handicap and disable people. Shot: Sharing orientation & training - LLP
5 The host company Public and Private Companies can be Host Companies; Employers can have trainees within their company with some conditions: a) Companies with maximum 5 employees, only one trainee; b) Companies with a number of employees between 9 and 19, not more than two trainee at a time; c) Companies with 20 employees and more can have trainees not more than the 10 % of the number of employees at a time. Shot: Sharing orientation & training - LLP
6 The promoter body The vocational workexperiences could be organized and developed by: Employment Offices of the Province – public administration Educational district administrations Public and private secondary schools, legally aknowledged; Public or with a public participation vocational training and guidance offices, collaborating with provinces or regions, and legally aknowledged; Therapeutic communities, auxiliary bodies and social cooperatives only if aknowledged by the regions; Work inclusion services for disabled people managed by public admin. Shot: Sharing orientation & training - LLP
7 Line of duty Realization of a Vocational workexperience and guidance Agreement between promoter body and host company; Realization of a Vocational training Plan made by the promoter body in collusion with the host company and the trainee: the plan must be signed by promoter body, host company and trainee Definition by the Plan of the Tutor’s role and tasks: there must be an Host Company Tutor and a Promoter Body Tutor as the official person who has in charge the trainees. Transmission of the Agreement to the Labour Ministry (local offices) and to the Trade Unions; Compulsory Industrial Insurance (in Italy It’s “Inail e Responsabilità civile”) to be indicated in the vocational training plan; Shot: Sharing orientation & training - LLP
8 Massa Carrara Experience Massa Carrara Province is funding Vocational workexperiences for unemployed people, listed in the employment local office: the financial resources are from ESF Our province has advertised a call for proposals in 2009 (spot), directed to host companies and vocational training organizations, while Trainees would fill the application forms directly in the employment office. The public admin office provide the mix-match between companies and trainees, through procedures of selection; The vocational training agency, chosen by the trainee, make a period of classes at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the workexperience. During all the period, the vocational training office provides also the monitoring of the activity, making weekly visits to the trainee in the workplace; Shot: Sharing orientation & training - LLP
9 Massa Carrara Experience Workexperiences could last from 3 months (minimum) to 6 months (maximum) Subsidies provided: To the trainee: € 375,00 monthly; To the companies: Compensation of the Industrial Insurance; To the vocational training offices: € 300,00 monthly for each trainee in charge, till € 1800,00 Max Shot: Sharing orientation & training - LLP
10 Summer workexperience from Tuscan Region Since 2005 Tuscan Region develop summer workexperiences for secondary senior school students and university students. These are periods of max 3 months, during the summer holidays in which students can have experiences in work places. The Regional Executive Council defines the conditions and manages the organization of these workexperiences. Provinces, secondary schools and universities have the task of developing summer workexp. locally. The Regional Executive Council provides not more than 600 € each. Shot: Sharing orientation & training - LLP