Proprietary & Confidential CHECK-OUT MUSIC 1 Andrew K. SokolSteve Luongo “CHECK-OUT MUSIC” Project
Proprietary & Confidential CHECK-OUT MUSIC 2 Agenda Introductions Mission Statement Why Music Education? Why Public Libraries? Methodology – A, B & C Program Flexibility Funding Next Steps Executive Members Advisory Board Members
Proprietary & Confidential CHECK-OUT MUSIC 3 Mission Statement An international effort by The John Entwistle Foundation to develop and manage a musical education, donation and training program at libraries whose patrons are most likely to be underprivileged children and adults.
Proprietary & Confidential CHECK-OUT MUSIC 4 Why Music Education? “Music lessons have been shown to improve a child’s performance in school. After eight months of keyboard lessons, preschoolers showed a 46% boost in their spatial IQ, which is crucial for higher brain functions such as complex mathematics.” - Frances Raucher, Ph.D., Gordon Shaw, Ph.D. University of California, Irvine Students with coursework/experience in music performance and music appreciation scored higher on the SAT: 53 points higher on the verbal and 39 points higher on the math for music performance, and 61 points higher on the verbal and 42 points higher on the math for music appreciation than students with no arts participation National Report Profile of SAT Program Test Takers
Proprietary & Confidential CHECK-OUT MUSIC 5 Why Music Education? A study of 237 second grade children used piano keyboard training and newly designed math software to demonstrate improvement in math skills. The group scored 27% higher on proportional math and fraction tests than children that used only the math software. - Graziano, Peterson, Shaw, "Enhanced learning of proportional math through music training and spatial- temporal training, "Neurological Research, Vol. 21, March 1999 “The onset of Alzheimer’s is delayed by education and by intellectually demanding activities like music making.” - Dr. Zaven Khachaturian, senior medical adviser to the Alzheimer’s Association
Proprietary & Confidential CHECK-OUT MUSIC 6 Why Music Education? "Musical training can be a big help in getting to the top of business and politics, according to most congressmen and Chief Executive Officers of Fortune 500 companies. 90% of more than 1,000 CEO's and congressmen interviewed by the McDonalds's fast food chain said playing a musical instrument as a child helped them develop "character and leadership skills." - USA Today A plethora of quotes, studies and research available!
Proprietary & Confidential CHECK-OUT MUSIC 7 Why Public Libraries? America’s Public Libraries are the great information equalizers - the only place people of all ages and backgrounds can find and freely use a diversity of resources, along with the expert guidance of librarians. There are >16,000 public library locations in the United States alone. Recent reports indicate that "almost 1 in 5 public library outlets serve a poverty area" (16.8% serve poverty areas, 2% serve extreme poverty areas). The American Library Association has found that libraries in at least 41 states (82 percent) report funding cuts of as much as 50 percent.
Proprietary & Confidential CHECK-OUT MUSIC 8 Why Public Libraries? America’s libraries are facing the deepest budget cuts in history. Across the country, libraries are reducing their hours, cutting staff or closing their doors – drastic measures that were not taken even during the Great Depression. We have interest from The American Library Association (ALA) - the oldest and largest library association in the world, with more than 64,000 members. Its mission is to promote the highest quality library and information services and public access to information. ALA offers professional services and publications to members and nonmembers, including online news stories.
Proprietary & Confidential CHECK-OUT MUSIC 9 Methodology A Donation of 6 instruments per Library –3 guitars –3 basses Including: –Equipment Amplifiers (headphone) Guitar straps, strings, cords and tuners –Teaching material DVD CD-ROM Books Periodic professional guidance
Proprietary & Confidential CHECK-OUT MUSIC 10 Methodology B “Introduction to Music” Programs –Traveling program throughout individual library systems Introduction to Multiple Instruments Demonstration/Hands-on Instruction Professional guidance –Education Educational materials Best practices Methods to quick learning
Proprietary & Confidential CHECK-OUT MUSIC 11 Methodology C Check-Out Music Lessons –6 week courses (one course per week per level) Beginning Intermediate Advanced –Year Round Availability 4x per year –Competitions and awards Local sponsorship Community involvement
Proprietary & Confidential CHECK-OUT MUSIC 12 Program Flexibility All of the programs described are available to any local community or national organization that meet the criteria set forth by The John Entwistle Foundation. Where applicable, these programs can include an expanded range of instruments and instruction. Additional programs may include; –Audio engineering and recording –Music production –Songwriting
Proprietary & Confidential CHECK-OUT MUSIC 13 Funding National or Local Sponsorships Available –Sponsorship of program available at any level Local –Corporation or other Non-profit donations –“Name” Project for benefactor –Minimum donation required National –Single benefactor –“Name” Project International –TBD
Proprietary & Confidential CHECK-OUT MUSIC 14 Next Steps Agreement to move forward Develop pilot: –JEF and sponsor to define project terms –Press Release/Participation –Full Partner(s) opportunity Implement project: 6 month pilot –Develop roll-out parameters –Press Release/Participation –Finalize partner(s) participation
Proprietary & Confidential CHECK-OUT MUSIC 15 Executive Members Founder and Executive Director –Steve Luongo Board of Directors –Dr. Bruce Bumstead, DVM –Stefani Kelly –Laurie Luongo - VP, Bitsa Talent, Inc. Consultants for the Estate –Queenie Johns and Chris Entwistle Advisory Board Committee Chairman –Andrew Sokol - Managing Partner, TASK Partners, LLC
Proprietary & Confidential CHECK-OUT MUSIC 16 Advisory Board Members –Peter Frampton –Peter Jacobsen – PGA tour player –Glenn Anderson – Six time Stanley Cup winner –Chris Stamp –John Shiely – CEO, Briggs & Stratton / Board Member, R&R Hall of Fame –Doug Flutie – San Diego Chargers / President, Doug Flutie Foundation –Roger Glover – Bassist, Deep Purple –Leslie West – Guitar/Vocals, Mountain –Melissa Marsala – Actress, West Wing / Six Feet Under –Tom Cleveland – Managing Partner, TASK Partners, LLC –Irwin Menken – President / Managing Partner, Communique, LLC –Glenn Aveni – President, Act 1 Entertainment –Stephen Zubrod – SVP, First National of Nebraska, Inc. –Danny Socolof – Pres/CEO, MEGA, Inc. –Jim Roberts – Producer / Engineer –Jennifer Blake – Best-selling novelist –Mark Gooday – Ashdown Engineering –Robin Zander – Vocalist, Cheap Trick