Back to School Night Home of the Golden Hawks
Mr. Silimperi Bio AAP & Accelerated Psychology HHead Wrestling Coach – CR SOUTH IInterim Social Studies Dept. Coordinator
CONTACT Information (social studies IPC)
AP PSYCH Textbooks AP psychology will help to prepare you for the Advanced Placement test to be administered in early MAY of 2010.This is a college course. Therefore, students are responsible for the materials covered in the textbook (s), even if the topics are not directly covered in class. For any and all questions concerning the AP TEST check out the following website: PLEASE be advised that the purpose of this course is to prepare students to take the AP TEST. Students may wish to opt out of taking the AP TEST, HOWEVER every student regardless of taking the test or not, will be responsible for ALL work completed in class. Explain AP Audit. “AP Psychology is a full-year elective course in the study of psychology. As an Advanced Placement (AP) level course, students are expected to be self-directed, motivated learners who can work at the "equivalent of an introductory college course in psychology." (from the AP Psychology course description, aka the Acorn Book). AP Psychology (APP) follows the guidelines of the College Board for the teaching of APP. For more information on those guidelines please check their website at” AP Psychology course descriptionAcorn Psychology 8th ed. David Myers: STUDY GUIDE/ HANDBOOK - $20 to keep now; $35 at years end Scientific American, Psychology Reader Classic Studies in Psychology
Final Exam Exemptions: Seniors will be exempt from the final exam if they meet the following criteria: Straight A’s during all 3 marking periods + a current grade of an A during the 4th marking period at the time of the final Total points scored for the year / total points possible > 89.5% Any senior who scores a C or less during any one marking period will be required to take the final exam “Learn Responsibility, Accept Responsibility, Take Responsibility.” In class requirements CLASS WEBSITE/ Teacher Page: Mr. Silimperi AP PSYCH - this is your number one tool to help you get through the course. Visit it daily, learn how to navigate the site and use it to your advantage. Click here to visit website.Click here to visit website. – CHECK your regularly. I send things home often. Communicate with my via . Use it to help you succeed in class. Don’t have an account we can create one for you. Library – Don’t have a computer, a printer, or paper? Use the resources here at school! Notebooks – Each marking period we will have a formal notebook check that will count as a grade. It is your responsibility to keep your notebook updated, accurate, and current (even when you are absent!) See notebook check example. Homework – see DHP’s… each night you will be required to read pages from your textbook, complete supplemental readings, and or complete book work. Text Reading Policy - You are responsible for reading the section(s) we are covering in class (see DHP’s). DHP’s will be posted on class website. Tests – Chapter tests will be approx. 75 multiple choice questions. Smaller quizzes will be given throughout some chapters. There will also be some essay tests as well in order to prepare you for the AP EXAM. Projects – Through out the course of the year within selected chapters, students will be required to create projects / presentations / and or experiments (i.e. Brain Day, CRAPPY DAY). Projects, like all other work, will be based on total points. Grades - all grades are based on total points. Total points scored / total points possible Extra Credit – There will be NO, I repeat, NO extra credit projects given. However, Sil Bills will be given/ rewarded for various activities. Examples… –Psych current events. Sil Bills are used just like points. They can be used at any time through out the year, but they are NON – Transferable b/w students.
About the National AP Psych Exam 1.I am required to take the AP Exam? NO! 2.Why take the AP Exam? Comp out of a course in college and save $$$$ Put it on my transcripts and impress colleges 3.There is a fee for the exam? Yes…$ My grade in class relates to my AP Exam Grade & vica versa? NO YES
THE EXAM 1.Date – MAY 11 2.Exam layout - # of questions/ time limits Multiple Choice = 66% of grade; 100 questions, 70 min. FR (Essay) = 33 % of grade; 2 questions, 50 min. 3.What do the scores mean to me? Graded on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the best Must check with prospective colleges/ universities!! 4.How have we done in the past? AP Scores by year – Our AVG ; Nat Avg Our AVG. 3.79
Course Description This course is designed for the student interested in the academic study of the basic principles of human behavior and mental processes. Students will examine issues such as personality, sensation, intelligence, memory, learning, intelligence and mental illness. Students will examine and conduct research as it applied to these topics. Students will also implement technology into units of study. Supplemental readings / literature and writing samples are required for completion of the course. The main focus of the course will be on students answering the following essential questions…
ACCELERATED Psychology General Information Acc. Psychology is a full-year elective course in the study of psychology. As an Acc. Psych (6 weight) course, student expectations are academically orientated to preparing students for similar college courses. Reading, analyzing, and writing is expected. Students will need to be self-directed, motivated learners in order to meet the course requirements. CR-South Acc. Psych will use the Wade and Tavris text: Invitation to Psychology, 3/e." This Companion Website makes learning dynamic, interactive, and efficient. Designed specifically with the active learner in mind,Invitation to Psychology, 3/e
Class requirements Class Website – teacher page = Mr. Silimperi: this is your number one tool to help you get through the course. Visit it daily, learn how to navigate the site and use it to your advantage. I will be posting notes and class work on our class website via my teacher page, check daily! If you are absent for any reason, this is a good place to check for missed notes and activities etc. If you would like me to post something there, simply ask ! Click here for WEBSITE – CHECK your regularly. I send things home often. Communicate with my via . Use it to help you succeed in class. Don’t have an account we can create one for you. Library – Don’t have a computer, a printer, or paper? Use the resources here at school! Notebooks – Each marking period we will have a formal notebook check that will count as a grade. It is your responsibility to keep your notebook updated, accurate, and current (even when you are absent!) See notebook check example. All notes can be found on our class website. Visit this daily! Assessments = tests, quizzes (both announced and pop), writing, projects, homework, group work, etc. Grades - all grades are based on total points. Total points scored / total points possible Extra Credit – There will be NO, I repeat, NO extra credit projects given. However, Sil Bills will be given/ rewarded for various activities. Examples… Psych current events. Sil Bills are used just like points. They can be used at any time through out the year, but they are NON – Transferable b/w students. Graduation Project: Psychology based themes etc. Have you completed your project? If not I’m here to help you. Accelerated Psych grad projects are completed during the first semester. Click here for
It’s good to be a senior! Final Exam Exemptions: Seniors will be exempt from the final exam if they meet the following criteria: Straight A’s during all 3 marking periods + a current grade of an A during the 4th marking period at the time of the final Total points scored for the year / total points possible > 89.5% Any senior who scores a C or less during any one marking period will be required to take the final exam ALL juniors must take the final regardless of grades
Enjoy Your Evening! Comments or Questions?