Citizens, stakeholders and designers: Modeling for user diversity Florence Pontico Marco Winckler {pontico,
2 e-Government administrative e-Procedures Definition Web application that provides support to the remote achievement of an administrative procedure Advantages For the citizen: Free access, any time, any place For the administration: Better and more modern image of the administration / Facilitates procedure modifications (e.g. due to new regulations) For both: Less paper to handle and archive / Facilitates procedure monitoring / More speed and efficiency (e.g. no postal delay) Examples Local level: child enrolment at the holiday centre National level: income-tax return International level: visa application eGovernment design / model-based approach / modeling requirements / tool requirements / perspectives
3 e-Government particularities & constraints Ethical (and legal) constraints Security: authentication of users, data protection at every step (use, transport, storage, archive) Accessibility: anyone must be able to use the application whatever his handicap may be (blind, elderly people etc.) Help and guidance to the user whose profile is poorly known (only his purpose towards the application is clear: achieve a procedure) Special needs for a support tool Usability: support to the communication between stakeholders Rules checking: validity, coherence, ergonomics, simulation Method for a guidance in administrative eProcedures design Flexibility eGovernment design / model-based approach / modeling requirements / tool requirements / perspectives
4 e-Government user diversity (1/2) Development team (designers) Involved in the design: project managers / developers / graphic designers / domain experts Set up e-services according to technical and legal constraints Manage usability Citizens Individuals, firms, associations Universal access to information Find availability of e-services and use that safely Administrative clerks In charge of the treatment of the procedure Primary contact for answering citizens’ claims Involvement might require re-organization of their work eGovernment design / model-based approach / modeling requirements / tool requirements / perspectives
5 e-Government user diversity (2/2) ≠ viewpoints, backgrounds & interests Appropriate modeling support is necessary to: Collect and organize user requirements (and constraints) Improve communications inter- user categories (e.g. wizards) Communicate new ideas Abstract views of the applications (to think about Interaction not about UI design)
6 Examples of modeling techniques End-user Author 1. submit paper 2. inform problems 3. Find solution Web Designe r 4. Correct problems HTML programm er Advanced programmer UML use cases Call for papers In topRecord submission [nb_papers] Review submission [nb_papers] Record final submission [nb_accepted_papers] Out top In Review Submission Out Review Submission Perform the review [nb_reviewers] Collect review results Determine acceptance Notify author YAWL: workflow model SWC: navigation model CTT: task models
7 which models? multi model-based specification Application (interactive system) navigation between web pages & scripts Task / Activity activities achieved by users to reach a goal Procedure global vision of the procedure as a sequence of automated and manual operations achieved by several agents using a set of resources Resource representation of the resources (data, documents, tools) of the application environment Organizational roles definition, way to allocate them to agents, responsibilities and skills eGovernment design / model-based approach / modeling requirements / tool requirements / perspectives
8 which models? RESOURCES Author’s details / Reviews / Submissions TOOLS Chat application for meta-review Resource model AGENT Paul ROLE Reviewer ALLOCATION MODE Paul applied to be reviewer and he was selected by the conference organizer. SKILLS He is allocated a set of submissions he has to review Organizational model PERFORMED BY The decision of acceptance is taken by the meta-reviewer Task model TASK Evaluate a submission SUB TASK Read the submission є Evaluate a submission ACTIVITY Evaluate a submission EVENT New submission to evaluate TRIGGERS Validate a review notify the meta reviewer SUB ACTIVITY Validate a review є Evaluate a submission Process model ACCESS RIGHTS A reviewer can read modify delete any submission he was allocated to. SUPPORT ‘Evaluate a submission’ activity uses submission and review USES To evaluate a submission, the reviewer reads the paper that was sent by the authors. Information for conference management specification is spread among models and on the relations between them eGovernment design / model-based approach / modeling requirements / tool requirements / perspectives
9 Administration viewpoint: procedural, functional, global, objective description… NB: definition of the coordination between roles and resources, the common goal being decomposed into validation steps. Different modeling trends Controlled activity flow (e.g. YAWL [Van der Aalst 02]) Service sharing between agents (e.g. OSSAD [Dumas 90]) Information circulation among work stations (e.g. ECF [Karbe 90]) process modeling why? what? how? eGovernment design / model-based approach / modeling requirements / tool requirements / perspectives
10 User viewpoint: specification of steps of the procedure in terms of users’ activities, subjective description… NB: When the activity of an user is spread among procedure stages, his task model permits the anticipation of his whole participation into the procedure (including e.g. data to collect). Different modeling trends User’s knowledge (e.g. TKS [Johnson 92]) Environment resources (e.g. MAD [Pierret-Golbreich 89]) Elements of the interface (e.g. CTT [Paternò 98]) task modeling why? what? how? eGovernment design / model-based approach / modeling requirements / tool requirements / perspectives
11 User-centered description of the activity how an activity is actually led in this environment Intervention of several users in an activity how different agents interact, coordinate and take benefit of other agents’ skills and responsibilities Role definition what the skills and responsibilities of this role are, how it is allocated to a particular agent Use of a resource structure of the data involved, use of secondary tools during the procedure (e.g. calculator) modeling requirements what should be specified eGovernment design / model-based approach / modeling requirements / tool requirements / perspectives
12 modeling requirements eGovernment criteria evaluation Existing modeling methods coverage of eGovernment specification criteria Task Process Both eGovernment design / model-based approach / modeling requirements / tool requirements / perspectives
13 conclusions & perspectives… Review Administrative e-Procedures are complex applications with strong design and specification requirements Appropriate models can help designers to communicate with people involved in the process (see MERISE experience) Formal methods precise but rather to understand Informal description techniques lack support for completely describing users Multi model based specification is required No existing modeling method/tool is adapted eGovernment design / model-based approach / modeling requirements / tool requirements / perspectives
14 Current and Future work Use MDE approach to wave different models Provide consistency among models Case studies for identifying which graphical representations of information is the more appropriated to each category of participants Our goal: Provide methodological support Provide wizards based on models that can guide users through the applications
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