EARLY LIFE AND EXPERIENCES Before parents were separated, father played guitar and drums in the basement Memories of yelling at my father to KEEP IT DOWN! I was 5 or 6 at the time Father always encouraged me to strum on the amplified guitar strings with him, even though I didn’t know what I was doing
GUITAR AND MY FIRST MUSIC LESSONS At the age of 8, I received my first guitar and began music lessons (against my will) at a local music shop, Sound Beach Music I’m so grateful that I was introduced to music at an early age, although I didn’t realize I loved it yet Memories of developing finger callouses :( I hated having to go to my lesson every week and filling out PRACTICE LOGS
SCHOOL MUSIC Mr. Knapp, my general music and chorus teacher from 3 rd to 5 th grade, had a unique love for music Made the general music class unique through many different musical options Ex. Music technology, recorder ensemble, Donkey Konga! Began violin in 5 th grade Had the same orchestra teacher Mr. Butcher (eventually) until I graduated high school All of my teachers throughout my school experience had so much passion for music Shortly after starting high school (9 th grade) I decided I should become more serious about music and violin playing Joined youth orchestras, summer programs, played in bands Finally ended guitar lessons and began violin lessons at my private teacher’s house
TEACHING EXPERIENCES Inspired by music teachers throughout my education and their love of music Drove me to pursue Music Education in college Was a counselor in training at a summer camp Taught and assisted children’s martial arts classes Tutored chemistry in high school
COLLEGE After a nerve wracking audition process I finally came here, to Potsdam and Crane My love for music was confirmed once classes began
WHAT I HOPE TO BE I hope to teach others to love music as much as my teachers did and as much as I do I hope to be the teacher that students look forward to seeing I hope to be a source of guidance and knowledge I hope to always be a student and always be humble