The Republic of Paraguay By :Raymond Malo
Map of Paraguay
The Capital of Paraguay is Asuncion. Capital de Paraguay
The government is a Constitutional Republic.
The languages are Spanish and Guaraní
Land The highest elevation is 2762 ft (342 m) above sea level The lowest point is150 ft (40 m) above sea level The interior forest covers most of the east.
Climate Average temp is 70°f (28° c). Average precipitin 70 in (178 cm) east Paraguay. 20 in (51 cm) west Paraguay
Population National population is 6,000,000 The largest population is in the Capital Asunción with 539,000 (All from 2003)
Religion 95% of Parogayons are catholic the other 2% are protestant
Currency Guarari is the national currency 1 U.S dollar is = to 6,250 guarari
Heritage The 1 st people arrived I Paraguay in B.C. Some of the tribes from Paraguay were the Aché-Guayaki and the Toba-Maskoy The Native Indians left almost no evidence of them being there. All that remains are cave drawings of geometric shapes and animals including the armadillo.
Food The national drink is yerba maté (also known as Paraguay tea) The national dish is Sopa Paraguan (Paraguyan soup) Yerba maté mate-a-south-american-herbal-drink.html mate-a-south-american-herbal-drink.html
Landmarks Itaipú Dam Pantheon of Heroes
Education Kids must go to school for 6 years. The school year begins in March and ends in December. They go to school for four hours a day, from7:00 am to 11:00 am. If the school is crowed some kids must go from 1:00pm to 5:00pm.
Music ic-paraguay ic-paraguay uslyrics/nationalanthemslyrics/paraguaynatio nalanthemlyrics.html uslyrics/nationalanthemslyrics/paraguaynatio nalanthemlyrics.html Music has been important part of life to the people of paraguay.
Dance uayan-dance.html uayan-dance.html
Recreation They play baseball They like to take music lessons to play the piano or the guitar.
Sports Many Paraguay people love soccer,basketball, and vollyball
flag The colors of the flag are just like us red, white and blue The red stands for justice The white stands for peace And the blue stands for liberty
Famous people One person is augusto Roa Bastos. He was a famous writer. Another person is General Alfredo Stressner He was a dictator that ruled paragauy.
Natural resources The national bird is the bare throated bell bird The national flower is the mburucuya (passion fruit ) One big plant they grow is soy.
Bodies of water The Pilcomayo River The Paraguay River The Parane River Represa de Itaipu The Lindo River The Verde River The Ape River The Tebicuary River
The End