DATE: ______/_______/_______NAME: ________________________________________________________________________________ Assignment: As part of our preparation for the upcoming SOL test, you will complete 10 online practice questions from the “Jefferson Lab” website EACH WEEK. These can be completed during resource, math class (if time allows), at the computer lab at school, at the library at school, or from home (anywhere where you have access to a computer). Will it be graded? Yes. Assignments will be recorded as a homework grade. See the chart to the right for grading criteria: What happens if I don’t complete my 10 questions for the week? You will receive a “Z” for zero in the Clarity gradebook. What is the weekly deadline? Questions must be completed and submitted by 8 am each Mon. morning in order to be considered on time! You may submit an assignment late for partial credit. FOLLOW BELOW DIRECTIONS COMPLETELY. IF YOU DO NOT FOLLOW DIRECTIONS, YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE CREDIT FOR COMPLETING THE ASSIGNMENT!! Step 1: Go to Step 2: Click on “MATH 7” Step 3: Click on “10 Questions” Step 4: Enter your FULL NAME AND BLOCK # (Example: Jane Doe, Block 1 ) Step 5: Click on “Select Additional Options” Step 6: On next page, DO NOT change the options that are already checked. Make sure that “Use Realigned Strands” is selected! Step 7: Click on “Next Options Screen” Step 8: Select the following years: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2014 – then click “Next Options Screen” Step 9: Choose 1 out of 4 strand options. Must choose correct strand – chart on back of this paper tells you which strand to choose for each week! Click “Next Options Screen” Step 10: Make sure “Random Order” is selected– click “Let’s Start” and begin! CRITERIA GRADE Completed all 10 questions, but got five or more wrong. 50% F 6 out of 10 correct.60% D 7 out of 10 correct.70% C 8 out of 10 correct.80% B 9 out of 10 correct.90% A 10 out of 10 correct.100% A You may not “guess” just to receive credit. The program will also tell me how much time you spent on each assessment!
SUBMITTING YOUR SCORE: When you are finished answering the questions, write down your given “Recovery Code” in below chart (it will be on the screen). This will save you time in case you enter the wrong address by accident. Enter my address: Click “Send it.” After you have sent to me, you may also enter your parents’ address (or yours) as a back-up in case you enter my incorrectly. Due Date (by 8 am each Mon.) Strand to SelectRecovery Code (just in case) Your Percentage Score April 13 th (1) “Number & Number Sense, Computation & Estimation” April 20 th (2) “Number & Number Sense, Computation & Estimation” April 27 th (3) “Probability, Statistics, Patterns, Functions, & Algebra” May 4 th (4) “Probability, Statistics, Patterns, Functions, & Algebra” May 11 th (5) “Measurement & Geometry” May 18 th (6) “All Strands,” 20 Questions! May 25 th (7) “All Strands,” 20 Questions! Good luck! I know you Will do a great job!!