Joan A Stelmack, O.D., MPH Abbreviated Biography
Academic Case ‑ Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio attended l966 ‑ l968. Connecticut College, New London, Conn., B.A May, l970. Illinois College of Optometry, Chicago, Illinois, O.D., May, l977. University of Illinois Public Administration Certificate Program, Certificate, Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Public Health, MPH
Faculty Appointments University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science Clinical Assistant Professor, 1999 to present. Clinical Instructor, 1996 to Illinois College of Optometry Associate Professor, 1990 to present. Adjunct Assistant Professor, l985 to Instructor, 1980 to 1985
Awards 2004 American Optometric Association Low Vision Rehabilitation Section Vision Care Award
Current Research Funding Measuring Outcomes of Low Vision Care with the NEI-VFQ-25. Funded VA Rehabilitation Research & Development Service ($700k) Tools and Methods to Evaluate Eccentric Viewing. Funded VA Rehabilitation Research & Development Service ($700k) Evaluation of a new low vision outpatient program for legally blind veterans. Funded by VA Rehabilitation Research & Development Service ($913K + $200 prosthetics)
Hospital Leadership Positions Co-Director, Optometry Residency Hospital Based/ Low Vision Rehabilitation a Cooperative Program Hines VAH, Westside VAMC and Illinois College of Optometry, 1986 to present. Preceptor for Optometry student rotation in low vision rehabilitation affiliated with Illinois College of Optometry, 1999 to present. Supervising Optometrist, Blind Rehabilitation Service, Hines Hospital Department of Veterans Affairs Hospital, Hines, IL., 1984 to present. Supervising Optometrist, Outpatient Low Vision Rehabilitation Clinic, Hines Hospital Department of Veterans Affairs Hospital, Hines, IL., to present
Professional & Community Leadership National Institute of Health, Visual Science B Study section Ad Hoc review committee SBIR grants, present. NEI National Eye Health Education Program: consultant to develop low vision public education program National Eye Institute: panel to develop 5-year research plan National Board of Examiners in Optometry: Clinical Examiner for the board, 7/91 to present for Clinical Skills Examination.
Professional & Community Leadership Council on Research, American Optometric Association appointed 1996 to present. Discovery 95, 97, 2000: A Low Vision Conference Co-Chair Program Planning Committee, 1999 to present. Prevent Blindness America Retina Advisory Committee, 1996 to present. Optometry Service VA Headquarters: Member, Prosthetics Clinical Management National Workgroup, 2001 to present.
Professional & Community Leadership Field Advisor, VA Optometry Service, 1991 to Illinois Chapter American Academy of Optometry, Chairperson, Board of Directors, 1988 to Illinois Optometric Association, Co-Chair, Low Vision Committee, 2000 to present.
Professional Appointments Research Appointments at Hines VAH: Member Rehabilitation Research and Development Merit Review Committee, 2002 to present. Member Reading (grant review) Committee, Hines VAH Research Service, Rehabilitation Research an Development Center 1985 to 1990 Member Clinical Coordinating Committee, Rehabilitation Research and Development Center, 1988 to 1990.
Professional Appointments Con’t. VAH Patient Services Appointments: Member, Visual Impairment Services Team, Hines VA Hospital, 1996 to present. Hospital Committee to review and develop additional services in Community Outpatient Clinics, Member TQI Steering Committee, Blind Rehabilitation Service, 1994 to Consultant to VICTORS Low Vision Program, Westside Division, Chicago Health Care System, 1985 to present
Professional Publications: Journal Articles 31 Invited lectures39 Scientific Presentations60