DEF diagnoses Four main features: Presence of gaps completely encircling aggregates Wider gaps around large aggregate than around small aggregate Absence of external sulphate source High temperature heat curing history Gaps around aggregate in field concrete. Railroad sleeper. Fluorescent light.
External Sulphate Attack The microscopic appearance is variable. Features near the attacked surface: Surface parallel cracks Presence of gypsum and ettringite Depletion of calcium hydroxide Decalcification of C-S-H Causes the paste to expand and gaps around aggregates are formed. The features present depend on many factors such as the quality of the concrete, exposure time, temperature, concentration, and chemistry of the water. develops mineralogical and chemical zoning which can be studied in the optical fluorescence microscope and the scanning electron microscope Cement paste turned into gypsum mush
External Sulphate Attack The microscopic appearance is variable. Features near the attacked surface: Surface parallel cracks Presence of gypsum and ettringite Depletion of calcium hydroxide Decalcification of C-S-H Causes the paste to expand and gaps around aggregates are formed. The features present depend on many factors such as the quality of the concrete, exposure time, temperature, concentration, and chemistry of the water. develops mineralogical and chemical zoning which can be studied in the optical fluorescence microscope and the scanning electron microscope Cement paste turned into gypsum mush
Acid Attack Diagnosis Two main features Absence of calcium hydroxide in the cement paste Surface dissolution of cement paste exposing aggregates Calcium hydroxide depletion of cement paste. Crossed polarized light. Exposed aggregate at concrete surface. Ordinary polarized light.
ASR Diagnosis four main features Presence of alkali silica reactive aggregates Crack pattern Presence of alkali silica gel in cracks and/or voids Ca(OH) 2 depleted paste Gel in air void and cracks. Ordinary polarized light. Fluorescent light.
Porosity differences at surface of concrete viewed in fluorescent light mode.
Chemical Attack Chemicals in many plants attack the concrete pastes and can lead to expansive forces or softening of the concrete The degree of attack depends on Type of chemical Concentration of the chemical Frequency of exposure Concrete porosity Type of cement used
Concrete Consultancy Services Concrete Testing Concrete, Aggregates, Cement, SCM’s, Concrete Products Permeability Tests Pipe Testing
Conclusion Proper planning essential Training & standards required for all tests; even VI Accurate recording of data vital Different professions require different Equipment Engineering Consultants Crack magnifier, Cover meter (with scancar), Digi Schmidt Professional Deteriologist Above + Ph indicator, Potentials, Resistivity, Pull off Tester, Porosimeter, Corrosion Monitoring, Impact Echo Contractors Crack magnifier, intelli-Rock Maturity Kit Premix Engineer Digi Schmidt, intelli-Rock Maturity Kit Precaster intelli-Rock Maturity Kit, Digi-Schmidt, Tico Ultrasonic,