The Glory of the Son Revealed
Jesus in Mark’s Gospel Part I 1)Jesus was revealed as a Servant 2)Jesus the miracle worker 3)Jesus foretells his suffering, death and resurrection for the first time.
Mark 9 Significance of ‘six days’. Jesus takes only Peter, James and John.
Transfigured Defined Transfigured – Comes from Latin translation of Greek word metamorphoō. It means to change into another form.
The Transfiguration Jesus’ clothes became radiant and intensely white. Matthew tells us that Jesus’ face shone like the sun, his clothes became white as light. Luke tells us his face was altered, his clothes became dazzling white.
What Actually Happened They were seeing the pre-incarnate glory of the Son of God. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14)
Moses and Elijah Scripture does not say how they knew it was Moses and Elijah. Moses was the Lawgiver. Elijah was considered Israel’s greatest OT prophet. Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets!
Peter’s Mistakes He should have remained silent. He thought they could remain on the mountain. He still did not understand that Jesus must suffer, die and rise again.
Revelations from the Father 1)The Father was reminding them of the Shekinah glory. 2)The Father affirms that Jesus is his beloved Son. 3)The Father instructs them to listen and to hear what Jesus tell them.
The Transfiguration and Jesus 1)Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ, he is the fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets. 2)Jesus of Nazareth is the pre-incarnate eternal Son of God – made flesh. 3)Jesus of Nazareth must suffer, die and rise again in order to fulfill the divine plan of the Father through the power of the Spirit. 4)This Jesus of Nazareth is for all of us.