Veterans Statistics Pat O’Rourke Director of Veteran University California State University, Long Beach April 13 th, 2009
Agenda State numbers Regional Campus
State Data California leads the nation in the number of veterans in one state: CA has 2.2 million (9.2%) out of the almost 24 million veterans nationally 11% of our active duty forces are Californians That’s 170,000 of 1.45 million active service members 12% of active duty forces are stationed in California 175,000 of 1.45 million 20,000 active Air Force and Army National Guard
Long Beach Area Data Los Angeles County = 361,618 (2008) Orange County = 153,395 (2008) Long Beach Congressional district 37 = 26,863 Congressional district 46 = 46,210 Over 8,000 registered with the Long Beach VA Healthcare System
On-Campus Data 426 self-identified veterans on campus New student veterans for the fall of 2008: 162 veterans >80 dependents 31 veterans were surveyed Average age is 26 94% live off campus; 39% live with parents; 48% served in Iraq; 26% in Afghanistan 55% reported using VA benefits 20% work fulltime, 40% work part-time
Veterans and Public Education 1 Projected gap in General Funds* at public university systems Reduce enrollment for freshman, transfers, and class availability Zero resources for specialized programs veterans need 1 Sources: US Department of Veteran Affairs, 2007; Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 2009.
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