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Presentation transcript:


Objectives: Identify the potential VAF species or products for Nanggung Farmers Identify the potential VAF species or products for Nanggung Farmers Identify market channels & marketing problems Identify market channels & marketing problems Enhances farmers’ understanding of market mechanism Enhances farmers’ understanding of market mechanism Identify opportunities to improve the quantity & quality of VAF Identify opportunities to improve the quantity & quality of VAF

Methodology Triangulation Rapid Market Appraisal (FGD/PRA, market intelligent, secondary data collection) Triangulation Rapid Market Appraisal (FGD/PRA, market intelligent, secondary data collection) Focus groups discussion using open question to farmers group & market agent Focus groups discussion using open question to farmers group & market agent Qualitative analysis Qualitative analysis Location: Parakan Muncang, Hambaro & Sukaluyu Villages Location: Parakan Muncang, Hambaro & Sukaluyu Villages

HAMBARO The current species that were grown are Long bean & Cucumber. Plant in open area The current species that were grown are Long bean & Cucumber. Plant in open area The production is in small quantity, mix grade & seasonal The production is in small quantity, mix grade & seasonal Farmers sold their vegetables to neighbor and local market directly and/or by local collectors Farmers sold their vegetables to neighbor and local market directly and/or by local collectors Basically, there is no sustainable link between farmers & market Basically, there is no sustainable link between farmers & market Need TA re seed selection, methodology of fertilization & vegetables farming system Need TA re seed selection, methodology of fertilization & vegetables farming system

PARAKAN MUNCANG Vegetables: Ceisin, Long Bean, Tomato, Cucumber, Chili and Kidney Bean Vegetables: Ceisin, Long Bean, Tomato, Cucumber, Chili and Kidney Bean Plant in open area, water supply depend on rainfall, & limited fertilizer Plant in open area, water supply depend on rainfall, & limited fertilizer Average land ownership: m2 Average land ownership: m2 The vegetables market has already exist. Sold to neighbor and local market by local collectors. The vegetables market has already exist. Sold to neighbor and local market by local collectors. No information re volume of production, quality & continuity of supply No information re volume of production, quality & continuity of supply

SUKALUYU Because of long dry season, all vegetables such as kucai, tomato, chili, long bean etc. can’t be grown normally Because of long dry season, all vegetables such as kucai, tomato, chili, long bean etc. can’t be grown normally Kucai is good to plant under Pine tree as well as Honje Kucai is good to plant under Pine tree as well as Honje Farmer is able to harvest 1000 bunch of kucai from 90 m2 Farmer is able to harvest 1000 bunch of kucai from 90 m2 Most of Honje plant on Perhutani Pine plantation as AF. Most of Honje plant on Perhutani Pine plantation as AF. Most of farmers sell their vegetables to local collectors Most of farmers sell their vegetables to local collectors The price was relative low than other village because of high transportation cost. The price was relative low than other village because of high transportation cost.

MARKET CHANNELS Channel A (74.67%) Channel A (74.67%) Farmers  Neighbors/local household Farmers  Neighbors/local household Channel B (8%) Channel B (8%) Farmers  directly sell to local market (Cibeber and Nanggung) Farmers  directly sell to local market (Cibeber and Nanggung) Channel C (15%) Channel C (15%) Farmers  Local Collectors/traders  Local market (Cibeber/ Nanggung) Farmers  Local Collectors/traders  Local market (Cibeber/ Nanggung) Channel D (2%) Channel D (2%) Farmers  Local market  Regional Market (Leuwiliang, Bogor Market, Warung Jambu Market) Farmers  Local market  Regional Market (Leuwiliang, Bogor Market, Warung Jambu Market)

MARKETING PROBLEMS FARMERS LEVEL Small scale, low productivity, low quality Small scale, low productivity, low quality Irregular yields Irregular yields No market information (P, market demand) No market information (P, market demand) No credit access to extent their business No credit access to extent their business No collective marketing institution No collective marketing institution

MARKETING PROBLEMS LOCAL COLLECTORS Irregular supply of vegetables Irregular supply of vegetables No grading and sorting No grading and sorting Limited knowledge on storage Limited knowledge on storage Limited capital Limited capital No long term contract with next market agents No long term contract with next market agents

SPECIESUSAGECURRENT CONDITION*POTENCY TO IMPROVE Honje (Etlingera spp.)/ Ginger bud (English) Spice, fruit, vegetable, medicinal, textile, tanning, perfume * Planted under the tree and open area * Based on market agent info, demand of honje at Jakarta & Tangerang were good * Irregular yields & small quantity* The demand was higher than the supply * Can be consumed until 7-14 days after harvest * production & the quality as well as the marketing issue. * Most of farmers know, grow and use the species * There is chance to increase the price. * Kp Cijeruk's (Sukaluyu) farmers grow it under Pine tree on Perhutani land * Suitable packaging/storage method & material * The market is already exist. There are 3 local collectors * The price was cheaper than honje price at Parakan Muncang Katuk (Sauropus androgynus) Vegetable, medicine, dyeing, ornamental * Planted in small & open area as hedge at Kebun * High demand on local market * Mostly for household need (subsistence) * Cultivation is relative easy * There was no information re the village production * It can be grow under AF * Perishable (1 day after harvest)* Low capital

SPECIESUSAGECURRENT CONDITION*POTENCY TO IMPROVE Kucai (Allium odorum) Vegetable, spice, medicine * Planted under AF* Sustainability of production * The price was good & the market was already exist * Potential VAF and main source of income * It could be as atractive short term income * Long term market linkages * Irregular yields* Suitable packaging/storage method & material * Need to assistance on production technology Tebu Telor (Saccharum officinarum) Vegetable, fodder, hedge, ornamenta l * Planted by a few farmers* Based on qualitative data, Tebu telor has high market demand for regional market * Can be grown under AF* There is success farmer at Cengal village that can be used as a training field & motivator * Can be consumed until 7-14 days after harvest * Enhance the production (quantity) & the quality (grading, packaging etc) * Low price and small quantity* Develop market linkages * Mostly not for commercial use* The leaf can be used as feed cow (side product)

CONCLUSION Farmers plant the vegetables did not base on market demand Farmers plant the vegetables did not base on market demand Potential VAF are Kucai, Honje, Tebu Telor and Katuk Potential VAF are Kucai, Honje, Tebu Telor and Katuk Farmers have limited knowledge on irrigation system, soil fertility management, pest and disease control, integrated crop management Farmers have limited knowledge on irrigation system, soil fertility management, pest and disease control, integrated crop management Source of market information are came from local traders and personal visit Source of market information are came from local traders and personal visit Farmers could improve their income as long as they can improve productivity of the land and the quality of VAF Farmers could improve their income as long as they can improve productivity of the land and the quality of VAF Vegetable is perishable products, which need to sell immediately after harvest. Storage will be important activity in post harvest. Vegetable is perishable products, which need to sell immediately after harvest. Storage will be important activity in post harvest. Bogor, Jakarta will be prospective market for Nanggung AF products Bogor, Jakarta will be prospective market for Nanggung AF products

RECOMENDATIONS Promote & develop indigenous vegetables (Honje, Kucai, Tebu Telor, Katuk) as VAF Promote & develop indigenous vegetables (Honje, Kucai, Tebu Telor, Katuk) as VAF Conduct research on how to improve the vegetables production & quality under AF Conduct research on how to improve the vegetables production & quality under AF Follow up marketing research to identify the high value vegetables and market demand, find & solve the marketing problems, and develop market linkages Follow up marketing research to identify the high value vegetables and market demand, find & solve the marketing problems, and develop market linkages


WORK PLAN No.Activity Oct-06Nov-06Dec SANREM-NANGGUNG 1. Conduct marketing VAF baseline study 2.Conduct RMA & market monitoring 3. Up date the current marketing problems 4.Develop marketing strategy 5.Training on managing supply chain 6. Build marketing institution at village/sub-district level 7.Writing in-progress report