Sl.No Name of Pulses crop Target of area Area sown Kharif 2010 Area sown as on Difference of area between target and achivements Reason of difference in area 1Redgram (Tur) Area coverage under pulses is low due to failure of rainfall in 2nd fortnight of June in Bidar, Gulbarga, Yadgiri, Bijapur and parts of Gadag and Dharwad distrcits. In some parts diversion of pulses area to Soyabean is observed. 2Horsegram Blackgram Greengram Cowpea Avare Mothbean Total Pulses Note: In view of late receipt of rains in some parts, kharif sowings are still under progress, it is likely that State may achieve lakh hectares under pulses by end of Kharif season. Greengram & Blackgram area shifted to Soyabean in some parts. In some districts Redgram area has been diverted to Cotton on account better market prices.
Sl. No Name of Pulses crop Target of production in 000 tonnes Expected Production Difference of production between target and achievements Reason of difference in production 1Redgram As area coverage under pulses was low due to failure of rainfall in 2nd fortnight of June in Pulse growing districts pf Bidar, Gulbarga, Yadgiri,Bijapur and parts of Gadag and Dharwad. These estimates are subject to favourable climatic conditions in the remaining period of the crop growth. 2Horsegram Blackgram Greengram Cowpea Avare Mothbean 121 Total Pulses
Sl.NO Name of pulses crop Target of area in 000 ha Target of production in 000 tonnes Proposed additional area during as compared to last year Proposed additional production during as compared to last year 1 Bengalgram Details will be furnished after State Level Rabi Workshop 2 Horsegram Blackgram Greengram Cowpea Avare 73 7 Mothbean 0.00 Total Pulses
4.Details of Contingent plannning during Rabi to meet the deficient production of Pulses during Kharif 2011 a) Through area expansion of Rabi Pulses It is proposed to enhance Bengal gram area to the extent of 20% during Rabi (Target lakh ha, Revised target lakh ha) b) Additional area under IPM in Pigeonpea It is proposed to cover ha under IPM component as an additional area under pigeonpea apart from A3P and pulse village programme( ha) c) Additional area under certified seeds distribution It is proposed to cover ha under certified seed distribution component as an additional area during Rabi under Bengalgram apart from A3P and pulse village programme d) Any other interventions It is proposed to take up Community spraying on ha pigeon pea area during Kharif
Sl. No Interventions Approved Rate of Assistance Unit Targets Approved by GOI for Progress up to the end of August 2011(Committed) PhyFinPhyFin 1 Seeds (i) Purchase of Breeder Seeds of Pulses from ICAR Full cost as per uniform rate fixed by DAC (Approx. Rs.5234/-per Qtl) Qtl (ii) Production of Foundation SeedsRs. 1000/-per QtlQtl (iii) Production of Certified SeedsRs. 1000/-per QtlQtl (iv) Distribution of Certified SeedsRs.1200/- per QtlQtl v) Strengthening of State Seed Certification Agency Rs.25.00lakhs per year Sub-total (i + v) Organizing Technology DemonstrationRs.2000/demo Nos To be taken up under A3P Frontline Demonstration of PulsesRs.5000/demo of 1 ha Ha Integrated Nutrient Management: (a) Lime/Gypsum Rs.750/- per HaHa (b) Micro-nutrientsRs.500/- per HaHa ( c) Assistance for Rhizobium Culture/PSB distribution. Rs.100/- per HaHa Sub-total INM (4-a to 4-c) Ha Integrated Pest Management (IPM)Rs.750/- per Ha.Ha Assistance for distribution of NPVRs.250/HaHa Assistance for Distribution of PP ChemicalsRs.500/- per HaHa Sub-total IPM (5-7)
Sl. No Interventions Approved Rate of Assistance Unit Targets Approved by GOI for Progress up to the end of August 2011 PhyFinPhyFin 8Assistance for WeedicidesRs.500/- per HaHa Incentive of Knap Sack SprayersRs.3000/- per machineNos Distribution of Zero Till Seed Drills Rs.15000/- per machine Nos Distribution of Multi crop planter Rs.15000/- per machine Nos Distribution of Seed drill Rs.15000/- per machine Nos Distribution of Rotovator Rs.30000/- per machine Nos Incentive on Laser Land Levelers Rs / machine for group of 10 farmers Nos Sub Total Machinery (Item 9 to 14) Incentive for Pump sets Rs.10000/- per machine Nos Distribution of Sprinkler SetsRs.7500/- per Ha.Ha Assistance for Pipe for carrying water from source to the field Rs.15000/- for carrying pipe upto 800 meters Mtrs
Sl. NoInterventions Approved Rate of Assistance Unit Targets Approved by GOI for Progress up to the end of August 2011 PhyFinPhyFin 18 (a) Extension, Training including Award to Best Performing District (i) Training on pattern of FFS Rs.17000/- per trg. Nos (ii) State Level Trainings for Trainers Rs.1.00 lakh per trg. Nos (iii) Award for Best Performing District Rs.5.00 lakh per district No. of Dist Local Initiatives (Activity- wise) Miscellaneous Expenses relating to PMT including contractual services Pol and other expenses (a) District Level (Existing NFSM Districts) Rs lakh per District No of Dist (b) State Level Rs.6.28 lakhper State No. of State (c ) Misc. expenses to State for other districts Rs lakh per district TOTAL FINANCIAL (1 - 19)
5.2. District-wise / Crop-wise A3P units and Financial allocation for Kharif 2011 Sl. No.Districts Crop wise A3P units (1 unit=1000 ha.) Tur Green gram Black gram Total Financial allocation (including e- pest surveillance grants) Rs. in lakhs 1Bidar Gulbarga Yadgiri Raichur Bijapur Gadag Dharwad Total
Seed minikits distributed under A3P Programme during Kharif Sl. No.Districts TurGreen gramBlack gramTotal No.of Kits Amount No.of Kits Amount No.of Kits Amount No.of Kits Amount 1Bidar Gulbarga Raichur Bijapur Gadag Dharwad Yadgiri Total Note:- Distribution of seed minikits of greengram could not undertaken in Gadag (3000 kit), Dharwad(2000 kits) and Yadgir (1000kits)district during Kharif. Distribution of seed kits of Blackgram (1000 kits ) and Tur (1000 kits) could not be undertaken during Kharif in Yadgir district the same will be taken up during Rabi with Bengalgram Kits
Sl.noDistrictRedgramGreen gramBlack gramTotal No of kits AmountNo of kits AmountNo of kits AmountNo of kits Amount Rs perKit Rs perKit 1Bidar Gulbarga Raichur Bijapur Gadag Dharwad Yadgiri Total In order to cover more number of small and marginal farmers under A3P for large number of small and marginal farmers INM/IPM input kits for acre demonstration size were distributed in the selected districts. The cost of input kit for tur crop worked out to Rs and for greengram and blackgram it worked out to Rs Hence, the State could enable to takeup demonstrations in ha ( acres) instead of targeted ha (55000 acres). Crop-wise/District-wise distribution of Input kits (containing INM/IPM) under A3P Programme during Kharif
Sl. NoInterventions Approved Rate of Assistance Unit Targets Approved by GOI for Progress up to the end of August 2011 PhyFinPhyFin 1 Accelerated Pulse Production Programme(A3P) - I) Kharif Seed and IPM/INM kits for 22units of 1000 ha each for Kharif Tur-Rs lakh per unit Greengram- Rs lakh per unit Blackgram Rs lakh per unit Ha.22000ha INM and IPM kits Rabi Seed and IPM/INM kits for 10 units of 1000 ha each for Kharif Bengal gram - Rs.56.00lak hs per unit Ha10000 ha Total (Kharif and Rabi)32000 ha ii) e- Pest surveillance Kharif Rabi26.70 Total 20 (i) to (ii) Physical and Financial Progress of A3P during Kharif 2011
5.3.Physical and Financial Progress of 60,000 village Programme 2011 The main components proposed by GOI are: i) Insitu moisture conservation ii) A3P Programme iii) Support for formation of Market Linked Supply Chain Management utilizing SFAC I. Insitu moisture conservation Action has already been initiated to enroll farmers for opening of Farm Ponds including lining by advertising in local newspapers at District level Guidelines have been finalized and communicated to selected four districts: Gulbarga, Yadgir, Bidar and Bijapur Progress achieved
II. INM/IPM Kits allotted under A3P programme (Targets) DistrictCrop wise A3P units KharifRabiTotal Total Budget provision (In lakh Rs.) including e- pest surveillance Pigeon peaBlack gram gram 1Bidar Gulbarga Bijapur Dharwad Gadag-- 11 Total
IIa.Seed minikits distributed under 60,000 village Programme(A3P) during Kharif Sl. No.Districts Tur No.of Kits Amount Rs. In lakhs 1Bidar Gulbarga Bijapur Yadgiri Total
IIb.Crop-wise/District-wise distribution of Input kits (containing INM/IPM) Sl.noDistrictRedgram No of kitsAmount Rs. In lakhs Rs perKit 1Bidar Gulbarga Yadgir Bijapur Total
iii) Support for formation of Market Linked Supply Chain Management utilizing SFAC 3 Agencies identified by Government of India a. Vrutti Livelihood Resource Centre b. Indian Society Agri-business Professionals c. Access Livelihood Consulting India Interaction meeting between the Agencies, distrct level Implementing Officers will be organized by middle of September 2011 Formation of groups and providing Marketing linkages will be completed by the end of September
5.4. E-pest Surveillance Training of 6 Master Trainers completed Selection of 70 Scouts completed Identification of farmers and training to the groups is under progress Regular interaction with Scientists of NCIPM is undertaken Grants have been released to the districts.
5.5. Scheme-wise reasons for less achievements in Pulse Programme Due to delayed monsoon the area under Blackgram and Greengram is reduced and the same will be covered by enhancing the area under Bengalgram Blackgram and Greengram A3P kits allotted during Kharif could not be taken up due to the above reason and the same will be carried forward for Rabi 2011 with Bengalgram
5.7. Additional Funds requirement for additional programme of Pulses Sl. No CropInputs requiredAmount required in lakhs 1.BengalgramSeeds (10,000 ha x 0.62 Qtls x Rs.0.05 lakhs) BengalgramINM/IPM Kits (10,000 ha. X Rs lakhs) PigeonpeaCommunity spraying (10,000 ha. X Rs lakh) Total860.00