EPOCH - Roma 25th February 2008Rossella Caffo - MiBAC National and international initiatives of the Italian Ministry of Culture for the digitisation of cultural heritage Rossella Caffo Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali
EPOCH - Roma 25th February 2008Rossella Caffo - MiBAC Table of content The MINERVA network MICHAEL ATHENA The Italian Culture Portal - CulturaItalia
EPOCH - Roma 25th February 2008Rossella Caffo - MiBAC The Ministrys efforts Since 2002 coordination of European projects: MINERVA, MINERVAplus, MINERVAeC, MICHAEL, MICHAEL plus and Culturaitalia. Objectives promoting knowledge, valorisation and preservation of the cultural digital resources; fostering the on line accessibility; encouraging the adoption of shared standards and guidelines on digitisation; developing services for the users; contributing to the European Digital Library.
EPOCH - Roma 25th February 2008Rossella Caffo - MiBAC The MINERVA network
EPOCH - Roma 25th February 2008Rossella Caffo - MiBAC What MINERVA did… The MINERVA network ( ) elaborated guidelines and recommendations shared by the EU Member States for the digitisation of the cultural heritage and the on line accessibility. Added value: bottom up approach, all cultural fields involved. Products: Good practices handbook Digitisation guidelines Quality tools for cultural web sites (handbooks, Museo&Web) Cost reduction in digitisation handbook Multilingualism report IPR report Progress Report
EPOCH - Roma 25th February 2008Rossella Caffo - MiBAC …and what it is still doing MINERVA eC started on 1° October It gathers the culture ministries of 20 EU countries. MINERVA eC follows the same approach of the previous projects, MINERVA and MINERVAplus: tight coordination with the national digitisation policies; implementation of the achieved results into new initiatives (e.g., MICHAEL and MICHAEL Plus, MEDCULT, the Italian Culture Portal); involvement of experts of all the cultural fields; cooperation with other European thematic networks; supporting the development of the European Digital Library for accessing cultural resources; monitoring progresses through the publication of an annual report.
EPOCH - Roma 25th February 2008Rossella Caffo - MiBAC Activities Workshops and seminars on: MINERVA tools for digitisation of cultural heritage Quality of cultural websites Handbooks, guidelines and studies: IPR guidelines Digitisation Guidelines updating Study on user needs of cultural web sites Report on content interoperability European directory of the websites regulatory framework Annual digitisation report
EPOCH - Roma 25th February 2008Rossella Caffo - MiBAC MINERVAeC WP4 – the working group on Standard for the 3D Objects: Identification of standard and guidelines for designing, implementation, documentation, pubblication and communication of digital multimedial tridimensional materials Particular attention to the documentation of the process of digitisation and of the results. Census of the 3D implementations and identification of the good practices ( with different objects : didacting, researching, spreading etc.. and users target ) Supporting the synergies and avoid duplication of efforts
EPOCH - Roma 25th February 2008Rossella Caffo - MiBAC MINERVAeC WP4 – the working group on Standard for the 3D Why? -It is forseen an increase of the activities on 3D digitisation - Low cost scanner 3D - SW open source for the treatment of 3D data -To provide guidelines to the Institutions -To plan training for the employees
EPOCH - Roma 25th February 2008Rossella Caffo - MiBAC MINERVA for the digital libraries MINERVA eC is expected to contribute in stimulating decision makers and implementers in: using international standards; adopting the MINERVA guidleines, shared at European level; enhancing interoperability and accessibility of digital content; creating the conditions to improve the quality of content and services.
EPOCH - Roma 25th February 2008Rossella Caffo - MiBAC MICHAEL
EPOCH - Roma 25th February 2008Rossella Caffo - MiBAC What MICHAEL is MICHAEL is a multilingual service providing an integrated and unique access to European digital cultural collections on a cross domain basis. MICHAEL is an example of the implementation of the MINERVA results
EPOCH - Roma 25th February 2008Rossella Caffo - MiBAC Search and browse in: –all the cultural fields archives, libraries, museums, audiovisual, landscape… –all kind of cultural institutions national, regional, local, small and large,public and private… The MICHAEL data model was suitably conceived to describe digital collections and the related information: institutions, projects or programmes, services or products, physical collections. Cross domain approach
EPOCH - Roma 25th February 2008Rossella Caffo - MiBAC Agreeing on a common approach for a digital cultural heritage registry in Europe Creating a single point of access to the European digital collections Implementing a distributed platform based on open source software Supporting multilingualism Creating a European infrastructure to sustain the service Adoption by all the European countries Goals
EPOCH - Roma 25th February 2008Rossella Caffo - MiBAC MICHAEl and MICHAEL plus are deployment projects Funded by the eTen programme From June 2004 to 2008 Based on national initiatives on digitization and the creation of culture portals Funding National funding (90%) EC contribution (10%), only to fulfil the integration of the national initiatives into the European infrastructure MICHAEL and MICHAEL plus total budget: 90 M Basic facts
EPOCH - Roma 25th February 2008Rossella Caffo - MiBAC 1 country > 1 national portal Phase 1, MICHAEL (2004-7): Italy France United Kingdom Partners Phase 2, MICHAELplus (2006-8): Belgium Bulgaria Czech Republic Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Italy (coordinator) Malta the Netherlands Poland Portugal Slovak Republic Spain Sweden United Kingdom
EPOCH - Roma 25th February 2008Rossella Caffo - MiBAC open source software platform MINERVA recommendations and guidelines data model aligned to the Dublin Core metadata set and the emerging Dublin Core Collection Level Description XML data base metadata harvesting through OAI-PMH Standard
EPOCH - Roma 25th February 2008Rossella Caffo - MiBAC The European MICHAEL portal is on line at More than 5,000 digital collections from FR, IT, UK inside! The digital collections groups millions of records. The national systems are on line and constantly updated and enriched with new data. FR or IT UK The national portals of DE, GR, NL, PL, PT are under construction. The achievements so far
EPOCH - Roma 25th February 2008Rossella Caffo - MiBAC The registry of the European Digital Library
EPOCH - Roma 25th February 2008Rossella Caffo - MiBAC ATHENA
EPOCH - Roma 25th February 2008Rossella Caffo - MiBAC ATHENA ATHENA ( under negotiation ): will contribute to the creation of the European Digital Library on the basis of shared standards and with the function of service and content provider. will develop the work of MINERVA in the field of harmonization of digitisation standards and guidelines will be based on the experience achieved by MICHAEL and Culturaitalia within the implementation will continue in the direction of interoperability, semantic web and quality services for the final user.
EPOCH - Roma 25th February 2008Rossella Caffo - MiBAC ATHENA Coordinated by MiBAC 22 european countries more than 100 cultural Institutions financed within eContentplus The institutions involved will provide their contents in order to realize the prototype to the integrated access to hundreds of data base of different sectors of cultural heritage and belonging to different countries. The main national projects and the MICHAEL system will be taken into consideration
EPOCH - Roma 25th February 2008Rossella Caffo - MiBAC ATHENA Main activities : Mapping of description metadata schema Mapping of controlled terminologies and thesaurus Ontologies in the field of the description of the cultural heritage Technical standards and protocols for the exchange of data Integration of data in the structure of the BDE Coordination of contents : a competence center in each country partner Analysis of the problems related to copyright and possible solutions Development of a prototype
EPOCH - Roma 25th February 2008Rossella Caffo - MiBAC The Italian Culture Portal (coming soon!)
EPOCH - Roma 25th February 2008Rossella Caffo - MiBAC
EPOCH - Roma 25th February 2008Rossella Caffo - MiBAC CulturaItalia is an integrated point of access that valorises the Italian cultural heritage and facilitates the access to the resources. It is an interdisciplinary tool that foreseen the involvement of all the CH sectors. CulturaItalia is the Italian contribution to the European Digital Library.
EPOCH - Roma 25th February 2008Rossella Caffo - MiBAC Mission To communicate the various aspects of the Italian culture (heritage, landscape, cinema, music, literature etc.) To create a unique and integrated point of access for the Italian cultural heritage To bring out the digital cultural content and make it visible to a wide public To increase the production of digitised content To foster the development of services for tourism To contribute to the building process of the European Digital Library
EPOCH - Roma 25th February 2008Rossella Caffo - MiBAC Strategy 1. Tight cooperation among: the public and private sectors museum, libraries, archives, preservation and administrative offices national, regional and local institutions universities and other ministries 2. Integration with other initiatives and projects: MICHAEL MINERVA National and local portals CulturaItalia is based on the MINERVA and MICHAEL recommendations, guidelines, results.
EPOCH - Roma 25th February 2008Rossella Caffo - MiBAC According the most used international standards, CulturaItalia is based on: protocol for Metadata Harvesting - Open Archive Initiative (OAI-PMH) Dublin Core (DCMI) for the metadata description HTTP protocol for data transfer XML for data representation Standards
EPOCH - Roma 25th February 2008Rossella Caffo - MiBAC Content Catalogue of metadata Editorial content Cultural web sites, selected and organised by the editorial staff
EPOCH - Roma 25th February 2008Rossella Caffo - MiBAC The metadata CulturaItalia doesnt duplicate the data. CulturaItalia gathers metadata coming from different providers: ministrys institutions private institutions local institutions universities Each provider holds the rights of the digital objects shown through the portal and is responsible for their maintenance and updating.
EPOCH - Roma 25th February 2008Rossella Caffo - MiBAC Application profile CulturaItalia organizes in a unique index (meta)data harvested from many metadata repositories. A specific AP based on Dublin Core has been adopted as metadata standard, as the most used internationally. It describes the resources of all the CH. The aim is to describe with metadata not only digital resources, but also tangible cultural heritage, people (artists, authors), institutions (museums, libraries, etc.). Metadata describes the resources at item level.
EPOCH - Roma 25th February 2008Rossella Caffo - MiBAC CulturaItalia will increase its providers in progress. The current work is: 1.Define agreements with public or private partners, invited to join the project 2.Identify data-bases to be harvested 3.Define the level of publication of data through the portal Work flow
EPOCH - Roma 25th February 2008Rossella Caffo - MiBAC 4.If data are provided with DC metadata they can be harvested directly; 5.otherwise a mapping between PICO AP and the data model of the databases must be defined 6.The provider must install on its servers a OAI-PMH repository (MiBAC can provide ready-to-use technical solutions) 7.The provider must create a script to generate XML metadata record, exporting values from the data bases. Work flow
EPOCH - Roma 25th February 2008Rossella Caffo - MiBAC Thank you for your attention ! Rossella Caffo Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali Contacts