Coach Crews World History
Chapter 10: The Rise of Christianity 8. What did the Jewish people expect their Messiah to do? 9. What were two main points of Jesus’ teaching? 10. What did the Parable of the Prodigal Son teach?
Many Jews expected a messiah that would restore the kingdom of Israel He was the son of Mary and Joseph, a carpenter He was born of a virgin and lived without sin His teaching ministry lasted from A.D. 30 – A.D. 33 Huge crowds gathered to hear him teach and see him perform miracles Most of his teaching was invested into his 12 disciples
Born in Bethlehem Raised in Nazareth Taught in Judaea and Galilee Died in Jerusalem
God was coming to rule the world People should turn from their sins A relationship with God, his heavenly father, is more important than following religious laws People are to love and forgive because God loves and forgives Love God with your mind, heart, soul, and strength Love your neighbor as yourself
Parables – stories from everyday life to express spiritual ideas Why? 1. Common teaching method 2. Communicate a message with an illustration 3. Casual listeners would not understand Similar to fables (animals)