Fast TOF for Muon Cooling Experiments Robert Abrams Muons, inc.
Muons, Inc. Overview Founded by Rol Johnson to further the realization of a muon collider Funded mainly by DOE SBIR awards (partners include FNAL, Jlab, NIU, U of Chicago, IIT, ODU, …) Currently doing R&D on various aspects of muon collider technology – Cooling channel design – Associated magnet technology – Associated RF technology – Related testing and measurements, including using fast TOF technique to improve cooling measurements Currently Muons, Inc. has a Phase I SBIR with Henry Frisch to use LAPPD counters (prototypes?) in muon cooling experiments and to explore TOF spectrometer applications 12/01/20102Fast Timing Workshop-Crakow RJA
G4Beamline Developed by Muons, Inc. as a user-friendly interface to GEANT4 Provides root-output files, visual and graphic interfaces to Open Inventor, other enhancements Suitable for design of beams, detectors, etc. Can be downloaded (free) from with users manual, example scripts 12/01/2010Fast Timing Workshop-Crakow RJA3
Schematic of Muon Collider /Neutrino Factory at Fermilab Possible to fit a 4TeV Muon collider within FNAL site Illustration of cooling – reduction of emittance 12/01/20104Fast Timing Workshop-Crakow RJA
Potential TOF Applications Muon cooling – Replace existing TOF counters with faster counters in MICE experiment at RAL – Use fast TOF counters in MANX extension to MICE – Use fast TOF counters in muon cooling experiments at FNAL (MANX and other proposed cooling channels) – Explore possibilities for spectrometer applications Other – Large area, fast TOF detectors for neutrino experiments, collider experiments, nuclear physics, etc. 12/01/20105Fast Timing Workshop-Crakow RJA
Layout of MICE Experiment at RAL Solenoidal Spectrometer LH2 RF1 LH2 RF2 LH2 Cooling Channel Section Solenoidal Spectrometer TOF0 TOF1 TOF2 Muon Beam ~250 MeV/c Current TOF counters ~ 50-60ps resolution, with ~ few cm space resolution. Used mainly for synchronizing with RF. MICE is a 4-D emittance reduction measurement. MICE channel gives ~10-15% emittance reduction. Proposing to replace with 5-10 ps TOF counters with sub mm space resolution. Aerogel Cherenkov Ctr Aerogel Cherenkov Ctr 12/01/20106Fast Timing Workshop-Crakow RJA
Resolution Improvement Example Predicted P z Resolutions for the MICE experiment, based on the MICE solenoidal spectrometer, and for fast TOF measurements 5 ps and 10 ps resolutions, (a) as a function of P z and (b) as a function of P t. 12/01/20107Fast Timing Workshop-Crakow RJA Emittance reduction illustration
Possible MANX Channel Test at RAL (Extension of MICE) MANX is intended to measure the 6-D emittance reduction (without RF) HCC is “helical cooling channel”, a helical solenoid filled with high pressure gas or liquid MANX channel gives emittance reduction of ~factor of 2. New, fast TOF counters (TF0, TF1, TF4) as in MICE layout With TF2 and TF3 may replace solenoidal spectrometers and use TF1-TF2 and TF3-TF4 to measure momenta. 12/01/20108Fast Timing Workshop-Crakow RJA
Helical Cooling Channel (3.2m Long) 12/01/2010Fast Timing Workshop-Crakow RJA9 Coil Design Trajectories Path lengths along channelTraversal time vs Momentum ∆t ~ 50ps Per MeV/c
Evolution to Long Cooling Channel (Need RF to restore lost P Longit ) 12/01/2010Fast Timing Workshop-Crakow RJA10 Helical Solenoid with RF cavities Between coils Single cavity and coils detail Assembly model
Summary Fast TOF counters can improve muon cooling measurements Muon cooling experiments can be useful for testing several panels of LAPPD modules. Currently doing simulations of fast TOF for muon cooling experiments Overview of muon collider design and cooling section was presented 12/01/2010Fast Timing Workshop-Crakow RJA11