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Some stepping stones toward unification: Creation of a brand (and promoting it!) Streamlining a discovery framework Unifying disparate web presences COLLABORATION! And projects resulting... And, How the heck we did it and what’s left to do [HINT: a lot!]?
Who are we? Ginny M. Boyer, MLIS Virginia Bacon, MLS
The East Carolina University Libraries Joyner (ALS)– Main Library (big) Music Library – a branch of Joyner (littlest) Laupus (HSL) Health Sciences Library (little) About the university 24k full time enrollment Located in Greenville, NC Doctoral/research University & Medical School
Ours is a complicated situation… Administratively separate Different cultures, both internal & external Physically separate & different division affiliations Solutions Buy-in for a shared Libraries brand Neutral persons to facilitate collaboration Shared discovery interfaces
Resources, tools, and positions funded out of the Virtual Library ILS (Symphony) An ILS Administrator ERMS (Serials Solutions 360RM, 360 MARC) Costly resource acquisitions Science Direct Web of Science, etc. And later… Summon (but that’s where things got tricky…)
Public access points and discovery tools OPACs (Symphony’s e-Library) Database List(s) ILLiad OCLC (WorldCat Local) Library websites And pretty much everything else…
What kind of problems did this division produce? Duplication of effort Wasted and fragmented staff resources Multiplicity of access points Poorly designed and outdated search tools Poor communication between complimentary departments (mostly) Fragmented resource discovery Isolated library websites I could go on, and on, and on, and on….
A resource discovery solution for the Libraries The tool was branded One Search Search widgets were deployed to both of the libraries homepages Decision: Include the Libraries local catalog MARC records… Problem: At the item level the resource links out to the native OPAC... So what was the issue?
Consolidation = dirty word… ‘collaboration’ and ‘unification’ are safer Why, yes! Everyone is special! Task forces– how the ECU Libraries get stuff done You need one heck of a project manager, and strategic leadership You have to be willing to give a little… You need tech folks to play nicely, or tech leaders to be directly involved in the projects Communication and interaction across departments is key!
First of all, why? Why is this necessary? Served to fortify us from within A public declaration of our combined efforts to benefit the University Approved by university marketing as an official logo Recruiting to support the ECU Libraries Creation of a cohesive user experience under a combined front
In the beginning… Summon, ILS, WorldCat Local In the now… Search tools and their overall usability User experience and its impact on discovery Integration of library websites as an essential piece of discovery Overall access and retrieval concerns as they affect discovery
Step 1: Consolidate Classic Catalog (and a re-brand Summon) Step 2: Consolidate WorldCat Local Step 3: Consolidate the Database Lists Step 4: Redesign Research Guides (LibGuides) [and LibAnswers too] Step 5: Implementation of VuFind/Bento Step 6: Redesign all Serials Solutions pages/tools (Citation Linker, link resolver, e-Journal/e-Book Portal) Step 7: Blackboard Bento – embedded subject specific resources Step 8: Who knows?!
Where we are… ECU Libraries Blackboard ECU ‘Libraries’ link Joyner’s Web Music is a sub-site Laupus’ Web Where we’re headed… Hopefully, an ECU Libraries Web How? ECU Libs is trending Centralized IT dept. serves all websites, so consolidation is more feasible… and in progress.
A web/discovery experience that: Fronts a strong, consolidated ECU Libraries Delivers seamless navigation Delivers optimal discovery and retrieval of resources Integrates *everything* the ECU Libs have to offer Demonstrates a combined effort to serve the University community Demonstrates fiscal & organizational responsibility Provides what our users want!
“If [the user] ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!” User Testing as our guide UX Working Group Collaboration with UX faculty Recruitment: UX/UI developer Assessing the need for more staff support for UX