E. Napp The Romans had conquered the Jewish homeland.
E. Napp The Jewish people believed that their God would send them a great King or Messiah to lead them to political freedom.
E. Napp Some Jews believed that Jesus of Nazareth was this Messiah.
E. Napp Jesus preached. He encouraged people to love their neighbors and to turn the other cheek. He encouraged people to meet violence with love.
E. Napp His followers believed that Jesus performed miracles like raising the dead and healing the sick.
E. Napp But the Romans arrested Jesus. They accused him of wanting to incite a rebellion against Rome.
E. Napp One of Jesus’ own followers, Judas, betrayed him to the Romans.
E. Napp Roman soldiers beat Jesus and crucified him.
E. Napp But according to his followers, Jesus rose from the dead. He was resurrected.
E. Napp According to Jesus’ followers, Jesus is the son of God. Jesus is divine.
E. Napp Christians spread the new religion throughout the empire. Paul brought Christianity to the Gentiles.
E. Napp But even after the death of Jesus, Christians were persecuted in the Roman Empire.
E. Napp Yes, Christians were persecuted for failing to worship Roman gods.
E. Napp But despite persecution, Christianity rose in popularity. Many people in the Roman Empire converted to Christianity.
E. Napp Even a Roman Emperor eventually converted to Christianity.
E. Napp The Roman Emperor, Constantine, converted to Christianity in the 300s A.D. Eventually, Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire.
E. Napp The Romans killed Jesus yet made Christianity a world religion when Christianity became the official religion of the Empire.