ENG 171 Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts
What is Graphic Design? The term graphic design can refer to a number of artistic and professional disciplines which focus on visual communication and presentation. Various methods are used to create and combine symbols, images and/or words to create a visual representation of ideas and messages.
Cont’d Graphic design is a part of your daily life. From humble things like gum wrappers to huge things like billboards to the T- shirt you’re wearing, graphic design informs, persuades, organizes, stimulates, locates, identifies, attracts attention and provides pleasure.
So what do graphic designers actually do? Most graphic designers work in specialized design services; advertising and related services; printing and related support activities; or newspaper, periodical, book, and directory publishers.
Cont’d Other designers produce computer graphics for computer systems design firms or motion picture production firms. A small number of designers also work in engineering services or for management, scientific, and technical consulting firms.
Graphic Designers Occupations: There are about 10 different jobs…..
1. Creative/Art Director: Art directors come up with the visual concepts for everything from billboard advertisements to magazine layouts to videos and websites. Not all work in advertising; some create the look of editorial publications, such as newspapers.
2. Layout Artist: A layout artist deals with the structure and layout out of images and text in a pleasing format for printed media. This can include magazine work, brochures,cd booklets, posters, and that kind of thing. Is the typeface chosen good for long term reading, or will the eyes get tired? Does that title typeface fit the feel of the rest of the article? Are the photos arranged in such a way that is pleasing to the eye, and directs the reader in the right flow or direction?
3. Brand Identity Design: A brand identity design is the visual element that represents how a company wants to be seen; it is the company’s visual identity, and is how a company illustrates its ‘image.’ A company’s brand identity can be represented in terms of design through a unique logo, or signage, and is then often integrated throughout all the elements of a company’s materials such as business cards, stationery, packaging, media advertising, promotions, and more.
4. Logo Designer: The job of a logo designer is to provide a new and innovative way to express the key message of a company through an image.
5. Technical Illustrator: Technical Illustrators conceptualize and create three-dimensional images, storyboard sketches, and moving illustrations for animated productions, television commercials, movies, computer games, or set and exhibit designs.
7. Photoshop Artist: Photoshop artists edit photos editing using Photoshop software thus helping professional photographers and designers to bring their visions to life through advertisements, magazine layouts, billboards, logos, and just about every other multi-media medium.
8. Multimedia Developer: Multimedia developers may come from a graphic design or illustration background and apply those talents to motion, sound, or interactivity
9. Photographer: Photography is more than just capturing an image. Professional photographers need to learn how to use the camera and other photography equipment such as lights, film, lenses, filters, digital technology, as well as their own creative vision, to produce images that communicate the desired message or feeling.
10.Web Designer Web designers create the pages, layout, and graphics for web pages, and play a key role in the development of a website. As a web designer, you will make decisions regarding what content is included on a web page, where things are placed, and how the aesthetic and continuity is maintained from one screen to the next..
In conclusion… Graphic design is a very exciting career to enter into. It is a field that has emerged from a mere concept to concrete reality. What started as simple drawings and illustrations has now turned into state of the art graphical designs, which are being incorporated for an assortment of business and individual activities. The field of graphic design has developed to a great extent. It has achieved a status where it posses the capability to represent any human concept in illustrations.
Good Luck!