OpenDOAR The Directory of Open Access Repositories Bill Hubbard SHERPA Manager University of Nottingham
We are here – but who is with us? Rapid growth of repository numbers Establishment of many types –Institutionally based, subject based, national archives etc Content types are expanding –Eprints, data-sets, multimedia, learning objects Various software solutions Who is out there? What is the size of the environment we are operating in? What do we need to know?
Users & the repository network Researchers - overview of archives and coverage Repository administrators - adopting best practice; ensuring maximum exposure and use of their holdings; community Funders - checking their research is housed and used Institutional managers - overviews of comparator institutes Service providers - contact & liaison with repository owners OA advocates - repository network overviews & statistics All stakeholders need clarity on the overall scale, scope and development of the repository network
OpenDOAR - goals A Directory –with entries sorted by content, location, type, etc A Registry –with registration, updates, user-controlled descriptions A Bridge –between repository administrators and service providers A Resource –of materials, tools & links of use to repository administrators A Focus –for discussion and contact between repository administrators
OpenDOAR Developments Survey Directory Policy tools API Contact and community
Survey - 1 Over 1100 repositories surveyed and assessed 800 accepted for listing Reject rate of about 30% Quality assured list –Minimises broken links, empty archives, non-OA sources, metadata-only sources etc
Survey - 2 Information can be contradictory or ambiguous –e.g. contact details, description of holdings, names, status –takes some time and effort to resolve 2/3 had no available metadata policy information 2/3 had no available full-text policy information Some prohibit harvesting by robots Most do not allow commercial re-use of metadata All issues for service providers Led to the development of policy tools...
Directory Search and Browse filters in combination –keyword –subject –content –country Different listing interfaces –by country and continent –summary –standard –full version –comparison tables –language –software –name
Policy tools Metadata Policy –access & re-use of metadata Data Policy –access & re-use of full items Content Policy –repository type; type of content; principle languages Submission Policy –eligible depositors, moderation, quality & copyright. Preservation Policy –item retention; withdrawal; functional preservation; closure
API To allow remote re-use of data http request XML output Using Boolean search, has more flexibility than on- screen graphic version Allows blends of repositories to be identified for subsequent search, harvesting or data-mining Talking to service providers about unique blends or sub-sets
API - ( in development) Example – France, Canada & Belgium in French Root URL – Parameters –?co=fr+ca+la (Countries: France, Canada or Belgium) –&la=fr (Language: French) –&show=rname (Display option - repository name, URL & description) –&sort=co+rname (Sort by country and repository name)
Community and contact Contacted all repository administrators to alert them to OpenDOAR Will be promoting the use of the Policy Tool Will be providing an ing service to third parties in advance of building a publicly available list of contacts Encouraging regional or subject-based groups of administrators to form for mutual support and information
OpenDOAR - supporting the network Survey –quality-controlled approach increases confidence –facilitates services development Directory –serves needs of different stakeholders Policy tools –facilitates services development and standardisation –raises issues to owners to consider API –facilitates data re-use for innovative purposes Contact and community –builds contact and support
OpenDOAR - futures Maintenance and growth of current directory Statistics for individual repositories and overviews Special listings - blends for different users Non-English language versions Standardisation of policy data API for others to re-use data Working with service providers Fostering contact between repository owners
With thanks to our funders...
Bill Hubbard SHERPA Manager University of Nottingham