HIGHLIGHTS USB’s 20 th Anniversary New Directors Sworn In Executive Committee Elected USB ANNUAL MEETING
FY 2012 BUDGET CHANGES JUNEDECEMBER Price $12.00/bushel Usage 3.31 billion bushels3.1 billion bushels USB Collections $ million$88.35 million
Strategic Management Committee Staffing Assessment by CEO & ED Transition Task Force NEXT STEPS: ORGANIZATIONAL ASSESSMENT APPROVED RECOMMENDATIONS: Implementation Plan for Board Review
Marc Curtis (MS), Lead Dan Corcoran (OH) Jared Hagert (ND) Jim Schriver (IN) Don Latham, past USB Chairman Tom Malecha, CHS, Inc. Alan Kemper, Chairman, American Soybean Association VALUE TASK FORCE
Decision Support Tool Budget Allocations Advanced Biofuels Initiative $2 Million OTHER BUSINESS
NEW DIRECTOR APPOINTMENTS NEWRETURNING Angela M. DeeAlabamaJames L. StillmanIowa Robert L. StobaughArkansasDwain L. FordIllinois Larry K. MarekIowaMichael A. BeardIndiana Craig M. GigstadKansasEugene L. Lowe, IIIMaryland Keith N. TappKentuckyJames D. SneedMississippi J. Willard SpargoMissouriR. Alan MooreMichigan Loyd L. PointerNebraskaScott G. SinglestadMinnesota Ellie W. Green, Jr.South CarolinaDaniel J. CorcoranOhio Robert J. MetzSouth Dakota John R. ButlerTennessee Tom P. Rotello, Sr.Texas
RETIRING DIRECTORS Cecil Eaddy South Carolina Mike Korth Nebraska Jason Bean Missouri John Wray Kansas Roy Bardole Iowa Phil Bradshaw Illinois Todd Allen Arkansas David Wilson Alabama George Martin Kentucky
Vanessa Kummer (ND) – Chair 2012 USB EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Jimmy Sneed (MS) – Communications Chair Jim Schriver (IN) – Production Chair Lewis Bainbridge (SD) – Domestic Marketing Chair Russ Carpenter (NY) – New Uses Chair Bob Haselwood (KS) – Treasurer Jim Call (MN) – Secretary Jim Stillman (IA) – Vice Chair Sharon Covert (IL) – International Marketing Chair Rick Stern ( Eastern Region) – Audit & Evaluation Chair Marc Curtis (MS), Past Chairman
USB 2012 CALENDAR MEETINGS February 21-23Biloxi, Miss. July 18-19Williamsburg, Va.
For more information on the United Soybean Board, visit: KEEP UP WITH USB