Learning Experience Focus Question 2 The focus question of this learning experience are: How does the water cycle impact our lives?
Baker Victory Academy 3 Located in South Buffalo Baker Victory Services Cooperating Teacher: Kelly Schmitt K-12 6:1:1 classrooms Behavior Problems
Grade Level/Ability of Students 4 The work was completed by students in a fifth grade classroom in an urban school district. 6 students total 1 girl 5 boys 6 students receive consultant teacher services 1 student receive speech 1 student receive ESL services
Time Frame 5 Eight 30 – 40 minute sessions This learning experience takes more time to prepare before teaching than during or after. The pre-planning includes gathering all student materials, and creating student work packets. Daily planning includes time to gather materials and grade student work. After the learning experience time will be needed to look at student results and grade Water Cycle Assessment Diagrams.
Objectives 6 Overview of what students need to know and be able to do to succeed: Prior to Learning Experience Demonstrate an understanding of graphic organizers Demonstrate an ability to work with peers Demonstrate an ability to follow directions During and After the Learning Experience Share personal ideas about water on earth with the whole group Label illustrations/diagrams Make and record observations of experiments
Essential Question 7 Essential Question: How does the water cycle impact our lives? Guiding Questions: Approximately what percent of Earth is not covered by the hydrosphere? What are the main parts of the water cycle? Where does evaporation take place? Where does condensation take place? What is a runoff? Diagnostic Questions: Is water a necessity? How do humans respond without water within their lives?
Enduring Understanding 8 The Water Cycle is a process which is constant within the world we live, without it we would not be able to function properly.
Student’s Tasks 9 Day 1 Participate in the Water Cycle Song anticipatory set Read The Water Cycle Comprehension Reading The Water Cycle Comprehension Reading Questions Illustration of Water Cycle Share out of illustrations and answers to questions
Developing Student Work 10 Developing 68 %
Proficient Student Work 11 Proficient 92 %
Distinguished Student Work 12 Distinguished scored 100 %
Additional Student Work 13 Thematic Unit Connection with all subjects
NYS Learning Standard: Math, Science and Technology 14 MST Standard 4: The Living Environment: Students will understand and apply scientific concepts, principles, and theories pertaining to the physical and living environment and recognize the historical development of ideas in science. Key Idea 2: Many of the phenomena that we observe on Earth involve interactions among components of air, water, and land. Performance Indicators: 2.1 Explain how the atmosphere (air), hydrosphere (water), and lithosphere (land) interact, evolve, and change. p. 28
Assessments 15 Diagnostic Assessments: Vocabulary Pre Test Pre-assessment Formative Assessments: Ticket out the Door Questions Summative Assessments: Scoring Rubric for post assessment The Water Cycle post assessment Pre-assessment
Modification Table ModificationRationaleBenefit Environmental and Management Preferential seating Students will be moved to different seats if disruptive. Students will be moved away from distractions. 16
Reflections 17 Thanks to my peer review group, Mr. Arnold, and my cooperating teacher for all of your assistance in developing my LE ! Thank You!