SZUAN Innovative Promotion for BC’s QuitNow Services
The BC Context Pop 4.1 Million 600,000 tobacco users 14.4% use rate Comprehensive tobacco control since 1998 QuitNow Services 3% smokers think of QNS as top-of-mind resources
QuitNow & WIN Contest 50 days to plan Go ahead on September 23 rd Launched November 24 th Announced winners February 20 th 500,000 eligible tobacco users in the province 7100 registered 14,200 directly involved
QuitNow & WIN Contest 19 or older BC residents Daily tobacco users Support buddy address Primary goal to raise awareness of quitline and website (QNS) Secondary goal to help tobacco users quit
Promoting the Contest Contest promoters Facebook Community detailing Adwords Paid TV PSA Send to a Friend Share a Story
Contest Promoters Network of promoters Electronic contact Distribution of contest material in communities Continued contact after contest
Facebook Organic Paid for ads One of the top referral sources prior to paid TV PSA Goal conversion of 10% $3.81 cost/registration
Community Detailing Organized at short notice Hired over 20 university students 2 weeks before Christmas Face-to-face distribution of contest material Medical offices, businesses & random smokers on street Targeted communities
Ad Words Monitored closely through Google Analytics Refined throughout contest Change ads to make use of performers versus non- performers Goal conversion of 21.32% $5.29 per registration
Paid TV PSA 15 second PSA registrations
Send to a Friend Social networking Viral promotion 440 visits through “send to a friend” Conversion Rate: 45.84%
Share a Story Support Personalized Interactive Growing sense of community
Key to Success Building Relationships with: Contestants Contestants and Support Buddy’s Contest Promoters
The Faces of Winners
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