Male Reproductive System
Function The male reproductive system functions to produce sperm and transfer the sperm into the female reproductive organs for fertilization
Terms Testosterone- (-one=hormone): male hormone produced by the testes which causes the testes to begin producing sperm. It is an androgen. (andr/o=male); responsible for facial hair/deep voice Testosteron is produced by the interstitial cells of testes Testes- (test/o, orchi/o, orch/o, orchid/o=testes); testicles, male sex glands; two small glands that produce testosterone and sperm; contains the seminiferous tubules (parenchymal tissue) that manufacture sperm Orchitis- inflammation of testes Bi-lateral Orchiectomy- male castration Anorchism- congenital absence of a testicle Testicular torsion- twisting of the spermatic cord Varicocele- enlarged, dilated veins near testicle Varicocelectomy- removal of swollen twisted veins near the testes
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Terms Scrotum- sac outside the male body that contains testes and protects the testes by keeping them a constant temperature Hydrocele- sac of clear fluid in the scrotum Cryptorchism (crypt/o=hidden); undescended testicle Orchiplexy- fixing an undescended testicle(s) Sperm-(sperm/o, spermat/o=sperm) reproductive cell of the male; tadpole shaped; the head contains the nucleus and tail provides movement; 300 million released during 1 ejaculation; produced in the seminiferous tubules Spermalytic= substance that destroys sperm
Terms Epididymis- (epididym/o) coiled tub in the testes where sperm is stored and matured; Carries sperm from the testes to vas deferns Epididymitis Vas Deferens- (vas/o= vessel or duct); tube that connects epididymis to urethra; it is about 18” long Vasectomy- vas deferens are cut and cauterized for sterilization Vasovasostomy- reversal of sterilization Seminal Vesicle- secrete a fluid that mixes with sperm to produce nourishment and makes them more mobile; secretion rich in fructose, vitamin c, prostaglandins and other substances; 60% fluid volume of semen
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Terms Prostate Gland- (prostat/o); donut shaped gland that the urethra passes through; secretions are mixed with sperm and aids in activating the sperm BPH- Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia- overgrowth of the glandular tissue Cowper’s Glands- small glands that secrete fluid to mix with sperm Bulbourethral Glands- tiny, pea-sized glands that secretes clear mucus that drains into penis prior to ejaculation to cleanse the urethra Semen- seminal fluid; mixture of sperm and other fluids from the prostate, seminal vesicles and cowper’s glands; PH and helps neutralize the acid environment of the vagina Passage way for semen: Epididymis Vas Deferens Seminal Vesicles Prostate (urethra) Cowper’s glands (Penis)
Terms Urethra- extends through the penis out of the body Penis- external reproductive organ; increased blood flow causes and erection Foreskin- prepuce Glans Penis- (balan/o) covered by foreskin Balantitis -Circumcision- removal of foreskin from glans penis -Hypospadias- congenital abnormality in which the male urethral opening is on the undersurface of the penis -Phimosis- (phim/o=muzzle); Narrowing of the opening of the prepuce over the glans penis Ejaculation- semen leaves the body
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Copyright © 2001 by W. B. Saunders Company. All rights reserved. Internal structure of a testis and the epididymis. Fig Forward Back MENU
Copyright © 2001 by W. B. Saunders Company. All rights reserved. The passage of sperm. Fig Forward Back MENU
Problems Sterility- unable to reproduce; problems with sperm can be caused by temperature changes, smoking, illness, medications and complications from STD’s Enlarged Prostate- usually happens after the age of 50; compresses the urethra causing problems with urination Cancer of the Prostate- #1 cancer in males; early detection is important; regular physical exams, blood tests (PSA- prostate specific antigen) Testicular Carcinoma- “seminoma” Hydrocele- sac of clear fluid in the scrotum
Terms PSA BPH TURP DRE STD (venereal disease) Chlamydial infection- bacteria invade the urethra and reproductive tract of men and women Gonorrhea- inflammation of genital tract mucous membranes caused by infection with gonococci (berry-shaped bacteria) Herpes genitalis- infection of the skin and mucous of the genitals, caused by the herpes virus (HSV type 2) and marked by blisters Syphillis- chronic STD caused by a spirochete (spiral-shaped bacteria); chancre sores appear on the external genitalia a few weeks after the infection
Copyright © 2001 by W. B. Saunders Company. All rights reserved. The prostate gland with carcinoma and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) caused by overgrowth of tisue. Fig Forward Back MENU