Read each sentence and determine the part of speech of the underlined word. (Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction, interjection, etc.) Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown. “Ouch!” he cried. Jill continued up the hill. She filled the bucket and headed back to where Jack lay. Jill balanced her bucket on her head as she walked. “I thought we were a team,” she said to Jack, “but I guess not.” “It seems that every time we come here, you fall and I have to do all the work.” “enough is enough!” she said angrily. And she dumped the entire pail of ice-cold water on Jack’s head.
“Smart Start” Answers Water= Noun Fell= Verb Ouch= Interjection Up= Preposition Jack= Noun Her= Pronoun But= Conjunction Have= Verb Angrily= Adverb Ice-cold= Adjective
“Smart Start”- Pre AP ONLY Take the first 3 minutes of class to SILENTLY study for your Week 8 Vocab Quiz. Take out a clean piece of notebook paper. DO NOT WRITE ON THE NOTEBOOK PAPER YET.
Quiz Preparation (Pre-AP ONLY) Write your first/last name, class period, and the date (Oct 28). Title the paper, “Week 8 Vocabulary Quiz”. Number from 1 to 5. Fill in the blank with the vocabulary word that best completes the sentence.
Word Bank: astute, diffident, wan, burnished, didactic The________ student was shy and avoided eye contact with all of his classmates. The _______research paper informed students about the importance of maintaining a reasonable diet and exercise plan. The_________ homeless woman was dressed in dirty and tattered clothing. Tom, an ________student, was clever and successful on the debate team. Laura __________the old wooden table with polish until it gleamed.
Week 8 Vocab Answers (Pre-AP) The diffident student was shy and avoided eye contact with all of his classmates. The didactic research paper informed students about the importance of maintaining a reasonable diet and exercise plan. The wan homeless woman was dressed in dirty and tattered clothing. Tom, an astute student, was clever and successful on the debate team. Laura burnished the old wooden table with polish until it gleamed.
Announcements Unit Test on 10/28. Week 9 Vocab quiz (11/4).
Homework Week 9 Vocab Sentences; Due 10/29 Writing Coach Workbook pages 7-10; Due Friday 10/31.
Week 9 Example Vocab. Sentences The copy room contains copious amounts of paper and other office supplies. Geckos deft ability to run, makes them difficult to catch. Laura had a dubious feeling that something bad was going to happen at school today. The ferocity of lions causes them to be considered dangerous animals. Tina was galvanized with joy when her boyfriend surprised her and proposed.
Week 9 Example Vocab Sentences (Pre-AP) Sometimes, it is easy for us to overthink trifling or insignificant matters that really do not matter. George’s zeal for education caused him to be successful in school. The austere look and posture of the substitute, made students believe that she was cruel. It is a tradition to bestow gifts to the bride and groom at their wedding. Many con artists beguile others in an attempt to steal money.
Objectives SWBAT use colons and semi-colons correctly in writing. SWBAT complete a RAFT assignment centered around punctuation.
Colon Colon = : We use a colon after a complete thought, and before a list or an explanation. It’s like a gate, inviting the reader to move on. Ex: There is only one thing left to do: confess while you still have time. Ex: I have an idea for you: tell her how you really feel.
Colon Practice Directions: Insert colons in appropriate locations; then state the rule for colon usage that applies. 1. Please bring the following items to class on Monday pencil, pen, textbook, and ruler. 2. Lydia frequently practices one of her favorite activities she ice skates every weekend. 3. Abel did not win the downhill competition he was disqualified for improper equipment. 4. Please select one graphic illustration for your report bar, line, pie chart. 5. The bus will leave at exactly 11 35 a.m.
Colon Practice Answers 1. Please bring the following items to class on Monday: pencil, pen, textbook, and ruler. 2. Lydia frequently practices one of her favorite activities: She ice skates every weekend. 3. Abel did not win the downhill competition: He was disqualified for improper equipment. 4. Please select one graphic illustration for your report: bar, line, pie chart. 5. The bus will leave at exactly 11:35 a.m.
Semi-Colon Semi-Colon = ; We use a semi-colon to separate sentences that are very closely related. Each sentence has to be able to stand by itself. Ex: Grandma stays up too late; she’s afraid she’ll miss something. Ex: I hate driving in Los Angeles; the traffic is always terrible.
Semi-Colon Practice Directions: Read each pair of sentences. If they can be combined using a semi-colon, rewrite the sentence with the semi-colon. If not, write “You cannot use a semi-colon.” 1) Come here. Pick up the trash. 2) I am going to the Giants-Mets baseball game. I hope the Mets win. 3) After school I went home. Then I read my Social Studies book for an hour. 4) Sometimes my sister is annoying. She also likes cats. 5) Albert and Dumpster are my classroom friends. They are much quieter than you.
Semi-Colon Practice Answers 1) Come here; Pick up the trash. 2) I am going to the Giants-Mets baseball game; I hope the Mets win. 3) After school I went home; Then, I read my Social Studies book for an hour. 4) Sometimes my sister is annoying. She also likes cats. (You cannot use a semi-colon). 5) Albert and Dumpster are my classroom friends. They are much quieter than you. (You cannot use a semi-colon)
Mixed Review Directions: Put semicolons, colons, and/or commas correctly into the sentences below. Be careful for trick sentences that actually need commas rather than semicolons or colons! Be sure you are able to explain which rules you used to correct these sentences. 1. Carl is tall his brother is short. 2. He knocked several times no one came to the door. 3. I went to bed but I couldn’t get to sleep. 4. She had three personality flaws pride, selfishness, and meanness. 5. I am concerned about my best friend she is not eating enough. 6. I waited several hours for you but you did not return I became concerned. 7. Next semester I will be taking four courses Algebra II, English Literature, American History, and Biology III. 8. I have not heard the latest comments therefore, I cannot give my opinion. 9. In Los Angeles I saw some crazy things on the other hand, I have never lived in Detroit. 10. He stated his plans he would borrow money, secure a plane, and fly around the world. 11. For the campout we will need the following things a tent, three sleeping bags, and a gas lantern.
Mixed Review Answers 1. Carl is tall; His brother is short. 2. He knocked several times; No one came to the door. 3. I went to bed, but I couldn’t get to sleep. 4. She had three personality flaws: pride, selfishness, and meanness. 5. I am concerned about my best friend; she is not eating enough. 6. I waited several hours for you, but you did not return; I became concerned. 7. Next semester, I will be taking four courses: Algebra II, English Literature, American History, and Biology III. 8. I have not heard the latest comments; Therefore, I cannot give my opinion. 9. In Los Angeles I saw some crazy things; on the other hand, I have never lived in Detroit. 10. He stated his plans: He would borrow money, secure a plane, and fly around the world. 11. For the campout we will need the following things: a tent, three sleeping bags, and a gas lantern.
Do You Remember?? What is a colon? When should it be used? What is a semi-colon? When should it be used? List the four comma rules we learned yesterday? When is it appropriate to use apostrophes?
RAFT Assignment Role: You are a famous author and public speaker. Audience: Ms. Casey Format: Persuasive Speech Topic: You are writing a persuasive speech trying to convince Ms. Casey that colons and semi-colons are important. Explain the use of colons and semi-colons and why they are important in writing.