Your Social Transformation A step by step plan to generate prosperity in your life from Social Media and Your Real Estate Business.
Here Is What You Are Going To Experience Today...
You are going to be given the knowledge you need to get results from social marketing in your business. Our Agenda Together, we are going to work to plan the marketing strategies that you can launch to get immediate results. Give you my proven processes to follow to make sure that you implement and finally eliminate any feelings of overwhelm!
WARNING My results and the results from our Done For You clients are not typical. I do not know your specific business or your work ethic and there is absolutely NO Guarantee that this will work for you. I am showing you what works for us but it is up to you to Implement and Stay Consistent!
3 Direct referrals from past clients. Our Goals For What We Are Building Today 6 New viral testimonials to leverage into your social selling system. 12 Deals per year from our Social Advertising.
A Frank Discussion This mini workshop has been built on the assumption that you already understand how critical social media has become in todays business world. If you still need convincing that the majority of your customers (and competitors) are on social media this event is not for you. This event cuts out 100% of the FLUFF and HEY LOOK AT ME and gets right to YOUR RESULTS If you are ready to join the ranks of real estate professionals getting consistent results from social media...
Lets Get Started!
1. Direct referrals from past clients Through a One Time Launch and Consistently over time Here Are My 3 Favourite Ways To Generate Mortgage Customers From Social Marketing 2.Using social testimonials to create a social selling system From both past clients and referral partners 3.Running Facebook Ad Campaigns Converting local customers that want a loan right now. Building your social database and converting over time.
How To Generate Referrals From Past Clients. Don’t let the simplicity of this strategy take away from the effectiveness.
Direct Referrals From Past Clients Connect with past clients on Facebook and put your referral strategy in place. NOTE: Yes, you can do this using your business page but I highly recommend using your personal Facebook profile. Here is what you need to do:
Direct Referrals From Past Clients Your database of past clients addresses The Facebook friend request mass invite tool What We Need To Do This. Our custom facebook private message Time set aside to follow up
Your Database Format
The Mass Connect Tool
Congratulations! You have taken the first step to getting social and getting referrals from past clients.
Now That Your Friend Requests Are Sent What Do We Say When We Connect With You?
Direct Referrals From Past Clients
Your Swipe And Deploy Template Hey Firstname, It’s great to connect! I’m newer to Facebook but looking forward to staying in touch. The market is hot right now, If you know of anyone that needs help Buying, Selling or Just some Real Estate advice let me know! Chat soon!
Direct Referrals From Past Clients The Key To Success With This Strategy Is Consistancy! Every new client is an opportunity for viral referrals
Direct Referrals From Past Clients (Bonus) How To Set This Referral Strategy On Auto Pilot
Direct Referrals From Past Clients (Bonus) How To Set This Referral Strategy On Auto Pilot
Direct Referrals From Past Clients (Part 2) Set Your Referral Strategy On Auto Pilot!
Congratulations! You have taken 2 steps to getting social and getting referrals from Past Clients.
Yes, This Works. You Just Need To Implement!
Your Online Social Selling Tool Viral Reviews!
Your Online Social Selling Tool
Send The !
Facebook Ad Campaigns That Work.
Here Is How A Paid Marketing Funnel Works. TargetPromoteCapture
Follow Up
Step 1 - Setting up your Targeting
Navigate To Your Ads Manager In Facebook
Take Notes On Our Targeting! Your City - 0 Mi Buyer Demographic Bonus Targeting! Rent = Why rent when you can own... This is the most important part!
Now That We Have The Perfect Audience We build an ad that they can’t refuse!
Your Ads (Advanced)
We Have Targeted Customers And Great Ads Now Lets Convert Them Into Leads!
How Do You Setup These Pages? Lead Pages Infusionsoft
Here Is How A Paid Marketing Funnel Works. TargetPromoteCapture
How Do We Keep Track Of Our ROI?
My Internal Tracking Spreadsheet
Here Is What You Got...
3 Direct referrals from past clients. With Consistancy... 3 New referral partners in your business. 6 New viral testimonials to leverage into your social selling system. 12 Deals per year from our Social Advertising.
1. Direct referrals from past clients Through a One Time Launch and Consistently over time Here Are The 4 Ways You Are Going To Get Mortgage Customers From Social Marketing 2.More clients from referral partners Getting more referrals from existing partners Using an easy process to easily convert high volume new partners
3. Using social testimonials to create a social selling system From both past clients and referral partners 4.Building Facebook Ad Campaigns Converting local customers that want a loan right now. Building your social database and converting over time. Here Are The 4 Ways You Are Going To Get Mortgage Customers From Social Marketing
Let Me Ask You A Critical Question?
Are You Going To Do It?
What Is Your Life Going To Look Like 1 Year From Today?
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