Mike Jones, Corinne Alexander, and Jess Lowenberg-DeBoer
A. obtectus, Z. subfasciatus Cowpea bruchids Without grain protection, six month dry weight losses of 10-40% are common Kiula and Karel (1985) How does this affect marketing producers wishing to store? Source: (top) ethz.ch, (bottom) infonet-biovision.org,
What economic benefit of PICS technology could exist for marketing common bean producers? How would the profitability of common bean storage with PICS compare to other current methods?
Songa and Rono (1998) *Chemicals: Ex. Actellic Super *Solar Disinfestation: “Sunning and Sieving” (weekly) Paul et al. (2009) *Botanicals A. indica C. Ambrosioides Dichotomous Earth: Keep Dry® Ash: S. and R. (1998) found much less effective *Hermetic? Compare to cowpea losses until PICS data available, cite cowpea losses used in Moussa (2005)
(Weakly) link DWL to % Damaged through Mulungu (2006) Common bean price discounts from Mishili et al. (2011) in Tanzania A 2.3% price discount was found for every bruchid hole in 100 grain sample Revenue Loss derived MOSTLY from quality loss and price discounts DWL (%) % Beans Damaged* % Revenue Loss *Conservative assumption of one hole per bean
Percent Price Increase for High/Low Price Months for Common Beans in Select East African Countries TanzaniaKenyaUganda Arusha17.4%Kitui16.8% Lira31.2% Dar es Salaam 21.1%Nairobi20.1% Dodoma33.3% El Doret27.5%Gulu68.4% Mbeya39.1% Songea46.1% Kisimu33.5%Kampala100% Kigoma58.7% Source: FEWSNET (five-year average [nominal] monthly prices)
Opportunity Cost of Capital (OCC)
Largest common bean producing country in East Africa Focus on (green) production areas Kigoma Mbeya Songea Arusha
Following losses from Songa and Rono (1998), PICS should be competitive with chemical and solar methods. Use of bag for second year is important
Need to incorporate incoming PICS data from current trials- Help link science and economics! Dry weight loss Holes in 100 grains/ % Beans Damaged Quality is import and probably varies by region Room for economic research in price discounts Understand greater impact of Opportunity Cost and credit constraints Will surely affect adoption for high-value beans Price seasonality must compensate!