MARKET BACKGROUND Sports Drinks rehydrate people while they exercise by replenishing electrolytes. Lots of people partake in physical Activities Lots of people spend money on these drinks People like the taste of sports drinks
TRENDS- GATORADE OWNS EVERYTHING Low Calorie High Caffeine, energy boosters High Carb/Protein for after sports
CUSTOMER ANALYSIS Athletes- Young people who love sports. People who want to play sports but don’t Older people who need energy All People can drink sports drinks
MAJOR COMPETITORS Gatorade- Came first and it sells the most. Made by Quaker PowerAde- Kind of copied Gatorade. From Coca Cola All Sport- No one has heard of this but it is made by Pepsi Other Drinks- Water, Smart water, Vitamin Water, etc.. Companies get athletes to advertise their product, Which makes people want to buy it. As Market leader Gatorade sets trends- 3 stages of drinking gatorade.
TARGET MARKET Athletes because they require the most electrolytes and energy in order to play sports. Even If you are not an athlete you can buy this which gives us a wide demographic. Geographically in places where people play sports- everywhere. Psychographics- People who want to be healthy and enjoy exercise.
MARKETING Name- Ballin’- A Slam Dunk every time!
CONTAINER AND FLAVOR Wrist Bottles- the Wrisottle® Comes in many flavors, Slam Dunk Salsa, Sports drink Orange, Rad Red, and Big Blue.
PLACE, PRICE Sold EVERYWHERE! Price- $1.50 per 500ml (16.9 Ounces) Wrisottle®
PROMOTION Slogan- A slam dunk every time! Publicity- we will get celebrity endorsements like Tiger Woods and Kobe Bean Bryant, professional Ballers. And Nickelback Endorsements on their concert tour. Special Promotions- Every Columbus Day we will give away 1492 Wrisottles®. Advertising- TV, Radio, Print, and Internet.
SPORTS! !!!!!!!!!