Industry technology facilitator
PowerPoint summary to accompany your proposal Slide Template
Layout Use the basic layout provided here. – ITF will use these slides presenting to members Complete and submit as a PowerPoint rather than PDF file so that we can edit if necessary Limit to maximum of 2 slides (see below) – Your technology in a nutshell Complete a PowerPoint Summary for each proposal that you submit to ITF
Project Title Insert Logo Here Researcher Name General summary –Describe your technology Funding Requested (£k) Total Project Cost (£k) Duration (Months) Headline key impact/ benefits of technology Please add here an illustration, graphic, or photo that could be used by ITF in presenting your technology to our members
Attention grabbing statement No.1 –Brief description to back up statement 1 Attention grabbing statement No.2 –Brief description to back up statement 2 Etc., etc… Identify your target audience –If possible, identify the job functions of those most likely to understand the advantages of your project Project Title Insert Logo Here