Date: April 2015 Helping Your Child Get Ready for a Test There are many things that you as parents can do to help your child prepare for tests at school. Most importantly, you can communicate to your child that school is important and you believe their job in school is to learn. The Night Before a Test: Try to plan ahead and keep the normal household routine. Consider talking about the test to reassure and encourage your child. Let your child know that tests can be hard, but that they provide a chance to show how well he or she can do. Help your child understand the importance of testing. Make sure your child gets a good night's sleep. Be encouraging! The Morning of a Test: Have your child get up early and eat a well-balanced breakfast. Have your child dress comfortably. Be positive when you send your child to school and let him or her know you have confidence in his/her abilities. After a Test: Praise you child for trying hard on the test. Make sure your child is taking advantage of using iReady at home. I have been setting up extra lesson in order to help with concepts being covered in school. Make sure your child is taking advantage of using iReady at home. I have been setting up extra lesson in order to help with concepts being covered in school. Students will be working on their April book report this month. This should be a fiction novel of at least 100 pages. They should have this read by April 29th and should be filling out their provided graphic organizers. We will be writing a summary in class on April 30th. All students will also be doing an illustration to capture the traits of a character in the novel, which will be due on May 1 st. Book Report
In the plan book for April: 4/08 PTA Meeting 7pm 4/15 Report Cards Sent Home 4/15 Volunteer Brunch 4/16 FLE 4/23 Kennedy Center 4/27 Assembly 1 pm 4/28 FLE 4/29– Book read for report 4/29 FLE 5/7 Panoramic Picture 5/8 DARE Graduation Upcoming Events & Important Dates: Field Trip to the Kennedy Center We will be taking our trip to the Kennedy Center on April 23rd to hear the Washington National Symphony! For this field trip, students are to dress to impress. There should be no shorts or sweatpants. Please send a snack and a packed lunch. Language Arts: We will be working on figurative language and be- ginning our unit on poetry. I look forward to seeing each student’s creativity shine through their poems! Math: Students will continue working of geometry. We will be studying graphs finding the mean, median, and mode. Social Studies: We will completing our study on the Rocky Mountains and will begin the study of the Pacific region focusing on the history of the region. Science: We will be continuing our study of matter, focusing on conduction, convection, and radiation. We will then begin our study of light. Reading: Students will be working on strategies to help monitor for understanding what they read. I am looking for parent volunteer to help manager our garden plot. me if you’re interested. The Potowmack web page has several line on SOL prep resources. SOL Review Websites