A franchise coffee shop located at around melbourne 6years brand name in the coffee shop market Currently own 50 shops And own around 100 workers Contact Details: Name: Gurmeet Position: director of the francisee Business: King coffee shop pty ltd Address: 128 bourke street melbourne 3000 victoria Web site:King.coffeeshop.au Phone: Noel coffee
So, what is networking?? Isn’t networking important?? Networking is a socioeconomic activity by which groups of like- minded businesspeople recognize, create, or act upon business opportunities.socioeconomicbusinesspeople Networking is very important to make business opportunities. There is the networking of noel coffee shop pty ltd below:
To measure standard of food industry in australia Organisation that provide coffee beans. People who need to support or to serve customer People who support by invest money or lend money for business People who conduct the product Department of agriculture and food Coffee supplier WorkersBanker, investor customer
Department of agriculture and food Coffee supplier WorkersBanker, investor customer A good relation may make sure that ours coffee shop will always meet the standard of food industry should have as well can always get alert about the new rules and regulation in food industry A very firm relationship should have to ensure that ours shop should get enough quantity and good quality beans for every shops. To ensure that there was always someone there to provide good service to consumer. Money support always enough profits always depend on them.
Department of agriculture and food Coffee supplier WorkersBanker, investor customer As we always get the new and latest information then we can make a better plan for the business market then other competitor We can always get the enough and good quality of beans that make business firm then other competitor that they may sometimes lack of good quality coffee beans during some season. a good service of a worker may lead to the loyalty of the customer to come back again (gain business) May get more money support to invest at any of the new product,plan or promotion and make the financial liquidly. Increase of flow of customer by the way of ‘promotion’ between customer by mouth to mouth.
Goal of the company ~Growth in market share (30% in a year) ~Build long term brand value customer ~Creating new products ~Service innovation (improve service given to customer ) issue ~not enough money support ~lack of investor ~quality of coffee beans cannot be ensure to be same everytime ~brand name still not as famous as some existing brand
Policies and practices For company such as King coffee shop pty ltd, requirement in networking established as below stakeholder felt satisfied with the annual sale Customer satisfied and firmly believe on our’s product Have a good connection with all supplies Have good understanding connection with the Department of agriculture and food. Workers provided with suitable welfare.
Business such as our’s coffee shop, a lots of affords have to be put in to make sure the business keep going good and better. Certain of activity or promotion should be hold to upgrade the business’s sale. King coffee shop pty ltd this coming soon activity and promotion as below, testimony for new product to market Promotion price for new product Hold coffee bean carnival
Aim from all the activities and promotional is to improve the sales of the company as well build up a strong brand name and good image to customer. Testimony of new product to customer Aim : to find out the view of the customer taste towards our’s new product. Objective : from the view from customer, we may clearly know what exactly what customer want. Promotion price for new product aim : more chance that new product can release in market in lower price
Objective : to test the new product in market Hold coffee beans carnival Aim : to let customer know that what quality coffee beans used in all series of ours products Objective : to build brand name that we always use quality beans in our’product.
Project palnning Resources Arrange drinks Arrange cook Conduct party Arrange waiter Arrange parking Arrange security venue Project approval Timing Clear the area Closing speech Close party Conduct Cooking Final project submitted