Internet2 Arts & Humanities Ann Doyle Manager, Arts & Humanities Initiatives June 2002 Staff Retreat See
Internet2 Performances and Distance Learning
Technophobe and the Madman A collaboration with: New York University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Zukerman Interactive A collaboration with: Manhattan School of Music Columbia University National Arts Centre of Canada National Research Council of Canada Photo by R. Andrew Lepley
Broadway Local Broadway Local -- Exploring The Nitty-Gritty of a Musical Theater Career and Auditions it Takes to Have One A collaboration with: Columbia University Manhattan School of Music University of Oklahoma Photo copyright 2000 David Pirmann
Michael Tilson Thomas Conducting Conservatory A collaboration with: New World Symphony Columbia University Manhattan School of Music Photo by R. Andrew Lepley
Dancing Beyond Boundaries A collaboration with: University of Florida University of Minnesota – Twin Cities University of Campinas Photo Courtesy of Rick Hauser for DancePartners©.
Internet2 Arts & Humanities Working Groups
Performance Archive and Retrieval A jointly sponsored working group with: Coalition for Networked Information Internet2 Proquest Information and Learning –designed to propose standards and best practices for documenting, archiving, and retrieving the recordings of performances such as live theatre, musical compositions, dance.
Internet2 Performance Events Advisory Committee The purpose of the committee is to assist in the planning of innovative events that highlight the gifts of performers and artists from our member institutions and the capabilities of Internet2 technology-enabled performances. Fall 2002 performance event planning Best practices guide to multi-site performance events
Fall 2002 Performance Event Planning Efforts
Participating Campuses California State University – Hayward Cleveland Institute of Music Manhattan School of Music University of California – Irvine, USC, NYU University of Illinois – Urbana-Champaign University of Oklahoma
Event Theme Cultivating Community: Dance in the Digital Age Technology enabled multi-site dance performances Technology integrated multi-site dance performances (including motion capture, motion->music synthesis, motion- generated character animation etc.)
Fall 2002 Digital Film Festival Prototype Planning Efforts
Participating Campuses California State University – Pomona Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University New York University Northwestern University Ohio State University University of Alabama at Birmingham University of California – Santa Barbara University of Puerto Rico University of Washington
Event Theme 5-6 minute local documentaries All entries streamed on demand at hotel prior to event Best 5 viewed at event, with panel of experts and remote students groups
Outreach Efforts
Museum Community Participated in Museum and the Web conference in April Met with Mellon ArtStor project lead Working with Cleveland Museum of Art Working with Hammer Museum - UCLA
Ethnomusicology Community A collaborative digital archive project with: Indiana University The Mellon Foundation The University of Michigan
New Members Cleveland Institute of Music Cleveland Museum of Art Manhattan School of Music Star Valley Solutions, Inc.
Presentations Bradley University Internet2 day CUDI Spring 2002 meeting Fund for Improvement of Postsecondary Education Getty Museum L.A. Museum Educators meeting Merit Annual Meeting Sundance Institute Tufts Arts and Humanities Outreach day Wayne State University Internet2 day
Public Relations The March/April 2002 issue of Symphony magazine featured an article by Rebecca Winzenried providing an excellent overview of how Internet2 is making collaborations possible within the performing arts community. The article features interviews with: Ann Doyle (Internet2) Christianne Orto (Manhattan School of Music) Brian Shepard (University of Oklahoma) Tom Snook (New World Symphony)